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ISSN: 0254-9212
e-ISSN: 2224-6428
Anthropologica del Departamento de Ciencias Sociales es una publicación de la Especialidad de Antropología de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú que se edita desde 1983.
Anthropologica publica trabajos originales inéditos resultado de las investigaciones empíricas y etnográficas más recientes dentro de la antropología y disciplinas afines en el ámbito nacional e internacional, con énfasis en la región andina y amazónica. Se dirige a estudiosos de antropología, profesores universitarios, investigadores y académicos de las ciencias sociales y humanas.
La revista está compuesta por cuatro secciones: Artículos, Reseñas, Traducciones, y Testimonios para la historia de la antropología. Las temáticas dentro de estas secciones pueden ser muy variadas como se puede observar al revisar los números anteriormente publicados. Las mismas deben ser, sin embargo, relevantes a la antropología y disciplinas afines.
Resultados de búsqueda
Ítem Texto completo enlazado Narrativas sobre construcciones identitarias en una región norandina peruana*(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-07-27) Torres Villafane, Jessica MiriamThis paper aims to discuss the formation of identities in the Ancash region based on a Narrative Inquiry of two families living in the city of Huaraz, the parents are Hirka and Quyllur. Both have faced the same externalinfluences but have opted for different identity constructions. Narrative inquiry employs three dimensions: interaction, continuity, and situation. The data analysis was based on the composition of meanings and theinterpretative perspective of the experiences that consist of organizing meanings based on the data and a reflective process by the researcher, and the presentation of the advances to a support group to discuss, review and adjustment of the obtained data. From the analysis of the experiences, we can conclude that Hirka represents cultural resistance and Quyllur cultural assimilation. The first considers that their cultural practices have been inherited from their ancestors; on the other hand, Quyllur does not have this intergenerational awareness.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Kummels, Ingrid y Gisela Cánepa. Fotografía en América Latina: imágenes e identidades a través del tiempo y el espacio. Lima: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 2018.(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2018-12-21) Biffi, ValeriaThis volume brings together research on contemporary uses of historical photographs from Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, conducted between 1880 and 1980. Case studies discuss how photos of the past, in the light of contemporary times and the challenges of the digital age, are answered, recontextualized and resignified. The volume poses new challenges for visual anthropology, highlighting the contrast between fluency, sense of belonging and affection, to explore the contemporary significance of historical photography in processes of constitution of memory, ethnographic imagination and identity in Latin America.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Q’eros, Perú. La regeneración de relaciones cosmológicas e identidades específicas a través de la música(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2010-03-24) Wissler, HollyOne of the principal purposes of Q’eros music is to actively regenerate and re-create good relationships with the cosmos and the spirit world they believe in. In this paper, I explore how both the Q’eros’ indigenous songs as well as their newly-adopted music and dance for Peru’s largest pilgrimage, Qoyllurit’i, achieve efficacy of purpose through similar techniques of sound production and aesthetics. Even though the specific musical traits (structure, scale, and instrumentation) of both musical styles are significantly different, I address how Q’eros’ musical production of both types share the same focus and serve the same end-goals, whether the ritual is an intimate one within the community or shared with thousands of other people from the greater region. In addition, the performance of both styles of music serve as specific identity markers for the Q’eros depending on their contextual use and the identity desired at the time. In other words, the Q’eros’ musical choices allow them to shift identities between traditional Q’eros in their home community and misti (mestizo) in Qoyllurit’i.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Romero, Raúl. Todas las Músicas. Diversidad sonora y cultural en el Perú. Serie Estudios Etnográficos. Tomo 8 Lima, Instituto de Etnomusicología PUCP 2017. 296 pp(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2018-07-17) Nugent, GuillermoThe book All musics. Sound and cultural diversity in Peru, can be described as a foundational work. It is made up of ten essays that develop multiple musical scenes; the Andean predominates, but Creole, Afro-Peruvian, classical music and a field of musical fusion are also included. This work by Romero lays the foundation for the creation of a new field of study: ethnomusicology in Peru.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Identidades de diáspora a través de la danza folclórica. Un estudio ciberantropológico(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2011-03-23) Sigl, EvelineParting from the reality of diasporic communities of Bolivian migrants the present article explores what people communicate within the Web 2.0 and using Web 2.0 technologies. It is a cyber-anthropological study researching the implications Bolivian folk dance has for the Bolivian migrants and their descendants, especially focussing on issues of identity and ethnicity.Ítem Texto completo enlazado El yo épico y el yo trágico en la Grecia antigua(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 1996-04-09) Alderink, Larry J.The article does not present a summary.Ítem Texto completo enlazado En torno al individuo andino: imágenes e identificaciones(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 1996-04-10) Ortiz Rescaniere, AlejandroThe article does not present a summary.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Experiencias de Jóvenes Indígenas en la Licenciatura en Educación Indígena, México. Identidad y profesionalización(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2017-12-15) Santana Colin, YasmaniThis paper aims to contribute, on the one hand, to the discussion of the homogeneous image that is constructed regarding who we are, indigenous students; and on the other, to the knowledge of the challenges that we, indigenous youth, face in academic programs. I present the formative experiences of young men and women from different indigenous groups who attended the Indigenous Education Program at the National Pedagogical University - Ajusco Unit in Mexico city. I use interviews with graduates from the 2007-2011 cohort -of which I was part- to discuss what it means to be an indigenous student at the university, what their main problems and expectations are through their training, how they are seen in their communities of origin after becoming professionals, and if their access to the university caused loss of cultural identity. Methodologically, this research was carried out in the frame of collaborative work or dialogical research. Being part of this generation helped me to have the dialogues addressing the issues mentioned above.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Los dilemas del Estado peruano en la implementación y aplicación de la Ley de Consulta Previa en los Andes peruanos(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2013-12-09) Barrio de Mendoza, Rafael; Damonte, GerardoThe Peruvian government enacted a new law granting consultation rights to indigenous peoples as a mechanism to enhance social inclusion in the country. The law generated debates about the criteria to identify indigenous population in the Andean region. Why does this law have problems granting consultation rights to Andean people? This paper aims to answer the question by reviewing historically the different Andean identities and analyzing the current international debate on indigenity. Our main argument is that the government intrying to apply the law is structuring a restrictive model that is hardlyable to grasp the complexity and dynamism of Andean identities.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Prejuicios, incomodidades y rechazos: música, territorialidades y conflictos en el Brasil contemporáneo(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2018-07-17) Trotta, FelipeLa música es un importante instrumento para la construcción de identidades y vínculos territoriales y establece simbologías e imaginarios compartidos que estructuran barrios, ciudades y naciones. Simultáneamente, articula segregaciones sobre la base de actitudes y sentimientos de negación, rechazo, impertinencias y prejuicios con relación a cuestiones territoriales o de género. En este artículo se analizan casos de los géneros musicales brasileños samba, forró y la música sertaneja, todos ellos marcadores de espacios específicos en las jerarquías simbólicas de la nación y, por eso mismo, agentes de conflictos musicales, simbólicos y geográficos.