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ISSN: 0254-9212
e-ISSN: 2224-6428

Anthropologica del Departamento de Ciencias Sociales es una publicación de la Especialidad de Antropología de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú que se edita desde 1983.

Anthropologica publica trabajos originales inéditos resultado de las investigaciones empíricas y etnográficas más recientes dentro de la antropología y disciplinas afines en el ámbito nacional e internacional, con énfasis en la región andina y amazónica. Se dirige a estudiosos de antropología, profesores universitarios, investigadores y académicos de las ciencias sociales y humanas.

La revista está compuesta por cuatro secciones: Artículos, Reseñas, Traducciones, y Testimonios para la historia de la antropología. Las temáticas dentro de estas secciones pueden ser muy variadas como se puede observar al revisar los números anteriormente publicados. Las mismas deben ser, sin embargo, relevantes a la antropología y disciplinas afines.


Resultados de búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 4 de 4
  • Ítem
    Ganaderos, colonos y la deforestación de bosques primarios en Morona, Ecuador
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-21) Bedoya Garland, Eduardo; Gómez de la Torre, Sara; Anda Basabe, Susana
    The objective of this article is to describe and analyze the productive characteristics and the corresponding environmental impact of the small and medium extensive cattle ranching practiced by colonists-mestizos and settlers belonging to the Shuar ethnic group in the Morona canton, located in the Ecuadorian Amazon. It is undisputable that there are forms of extensive livestock farming that are more sustainable than others, but we believe that the volume of land cleared is a problem that must be addressed. This production system is based on the movement of cattle between pastures on a farm due, among other things, to the low nutritional potential of the gramalote grass. This activity generates deforestation in large extensions of land. Among the factors that accentuate such levels of deforestation are, on the one hand, the larger size of the agricultural units and the need to compensate for the loss in the nutritional potential of the pastures and, onthe other hand, the chrematistic perception of the forests. Extensive livestockfarming, especially among the colonists, has shown a great capacity for resilience over the last forty years. This is despite fluctuations in urbandemand for meat and its environmental impact on the forest. Cattle ranchers in the region have maintained cattle ranching as an important source of income, a capitalization mechanism, a viable activity in a context of relative labor scarcity, and as a means of obtaining social status in a frontier context. In short, as a way of reproducing their family economy.
  • Ítem
    Territorialidad y autonomía, proyectos minero-energéticos y consulta previa: el caso de los pueblos indígenas de la Amazonia ecuatoriana
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2014-07-17) García Serrano, Fernando
    From the review of two areas of relative state / indigenous peoples, territoriality, mining and energy projects and consultation, is to analyze the progress, setbacks and dissections lived in this relationshipduring the period 1990-2013, to contribute to the discussion of this problem in other countries experiencing similar circumstancesin Latin America. Of particular importance is the case of Ecuador to the constitutions of 1998 and 2008, in which the multiethnic and multicultural nature of the Ecuadorian State acknowledged at the first, and the plurinational and intercultural character in the second. Likewise, the indigenous movement since its emergence as an actor in national politics since 1990, has not only been a pioneer and leader in the region, but has been challenger extractivismo process carried outby the state.
  • Ítem
    Comuneros y revolución ciudadana: los casos de Otavalo y Cotacachi en Ecuador
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2013-12-06) Ortiz Crespo, Santiago
    Since 2006 the indigenous political vote has split between Pachakutik and Alianza País (AP). The latter is a political movement led by Rafael Correa, currently president of Ecuador. The article seeks an explanation for this distribution of the vote, examining the political behavior of the indigenous people of the Otavalo and Cotacachico unties of the northern Ecuadorean highlands. It argues that the support for Correa can be explained by several factors: (1) the historical relationship between indigenous people and the State; (2) an electoral behaviour that combines trust in ethnic leaders and pragmatism; and (3) an expectation of «more state presence». The study is based on two surveys of leaders and local population, participant observation and interviews, as well as a document review.
  • Ítem
    Construcciones discursivas en la nueva legislación de aguas en el Ecuador
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2017-08-01) Zapata, Alexander
    Este artículo hace una revisión a los contenidos más sobresalientes y polémicos del nuevo marco normativo de las aguas en el Ecuador, particularmente de la Ley Orgánica de Recursos Hídricos, Usos y Aprovechamiento del Agua —vigente desde la segunda mitad de 2014—, apoyándose en la categoría de «discurso del derecho» desarrollado por el jurista Óscar Correas e identificando tensiones entre las construcciones discursivas que le han dado forma. Se concluye que esta ley, que refleja la concepción política en torno a la gestión de las aguas por la «Revolución Ciudadana», da cuenta de la perspectiva de un sector que, desde el control vertical del aparataje estatal, alienta una modernización capitalista de la economía buscando sostener y ampliar el aprovechamiento rentista del agua.