Derecho y Sociedad

URI permanente para esta comunidadhttp://

ISSN: 2079-3634
e-ISSN: 2521-599X

"Derecho & Sociedad" es una asociación civil sin fines de lucro que tiene como objetivo la promoción y difusión de la cultura jurídica en el país, especialmente en el campo público y con el compromiso de ser agentes de cambio de la realidad nacional. Nuestra asociación está conformada por estudiantes de la Facultad de Derecho de la PUCP, que difunde, promueve y consolida el Derecho en el Perú con una mirada multidisciplinaria, democrática e inclusiva con el fin de fortalecer la institucionalidad y gobernabilidad del país.

La revista Derecho & Sociedad es una publicación semestral en formato digital, cuya elaboración se encuentra íntegramente a cargo de la asociación civil Derecho & Sociedad, conformada por estudiantes de la Facultad de Derecho de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.

Nuestro objetivo principal es difundir la cultura jurídica en nuestro país, especialmente en el campo del Derecho Público. En la realización de esta tarea contamos con la colaboración de destacados juristas nacionales e internacionales, los cuáles encuentran en nuestra revista una palestra abierta al debate académico.


Resultados de búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 10 de 189
  • Ítem
    La Oralidad en el Proceso Civil: ¿Es factible el dictado de una Sentencia Oral? Respuesta acorde a las garantías procesales argentinas y españolas
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-09-20) Groppo, Patricio Gustavo
    For centuries there has been debate as to which system is better for settling civil disputes. Thus, while some postulate that the written system is better because it provides greater legal certainty, others are inclined towards the oral system because of the undeniable reduction of procedural time and the benefits of the immediacy between the judge and the parties. Within this dichotomy, this paper seeks to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of oral sentencing in Spain, where it is expressly prohibited, and in Argentina, where there is no specific prohibition in the legal system. Before doing so, a retrospective view of the history of orality in both countries will be made.
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    Conflictos entre la autodeterminación informativa y la segmentación de perfiles a través de la publicidad programática online en el Perú
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-11-19) Sosa Huapaya, Alex
    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effects on the right to informational self-determination that can arise due to the use of online behavioral programmatic advertising as a tool for customer profiling and segmentation. In this research, the dogmatic method is used in order to analyze programmatic advertising regarding freedom of information protected in the Peruvian constitution, the rules that regulate its effects and pronouncements from the National Personal Data Authority, Indecopi, as well as European legislation. Thus, it aims to conclude if Peruvian regulations are appropriate to establish reasonable limits to this advertising strategy.
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    Los principios reparadores de la imposición forzosa en los planes de reestructuración y la libre competencia
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-11-19) Sanjuán y Muñoz, Enrique
    This paper analyzes the rules and principles applicable to restructuring plans from the double perspective of the plans that are imposed through the CCCD (Cross-Class Crawn-Down) rule and those that can be considered consensual insofar as they do not involve an interclass affectation within such plans. It also analyzes the possibility of establishing a system that allows a control of these rules either ex officio or at the request of a party and the effectiveness that can be achieved with one, the other or mixed systems. A defective control or lack of control of these could affect, in the analyzed area, free competition and therefore unduly favor some over others, both in a situation of business crisis and restructuring as well as those that are not in such a situation.
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    Desnaturalización de los procedimientos concursales: pagos de créditos concursales fuera de concurso
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-11-19) Barboza Flores, Juan Ramón
    This article addresses the problem noted in the Peruvian Bankruptcy Law: the bankruptcy authority has been unable to neutralize payments of bankruptcy credits made outside the rules of bankruptcy. We are faced with the need for debtors to continue with business activity, to generate greater wealth and not increase the crisis they are going through, while we are faced with the possible denaturalization of the bankruptcy procedures. To address this problem, the author will propose the implementation of a regime of action that allows the balance between the need for payments and the bankruptcy procedure.
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    Gobernanza y Reglamento de Inteligencia Artificial desde la primera óptica de OpenAI
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-11-19) Fierro Rodríguez, Diego
    The European Union Artificial Intelligence Act, set to come into force in August 2024, establishes a comprehensive regulatory framework for artificial intelligence in Europe, focusing on safety and trust. This legislation categorizes Artificial Intelligence systems by risk level, imposing specific requirements for each category, particularly for high-risk systems and unacceptable practices. The Act bans certain Artificial Intelligence practices and mandates rigorous obligations for high-risk Artificial Intelligence systems. Providers and deployers of Artificial Intelligence systems must adhere to these requirements, and the Act’s extraterritorial reach affects organizations outside the EU. Preparing for compliance involves classifying Artificial Intelligence systems and consulting with legal experts.
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    El secreto bancario en el Perú: antecedentes, evolución, perspectivas y límites
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-11-19) Bueno Olazábal, Miguel
    This article aims to give a general overview of the activity of the financial system from the perspective of passive operations, which are protected by a reinforced level of reserve, which is banking secrecy. The definition of the figure and its evolution in the recent economic field, its constitutional protection and the existing regulatory framework are analyzed, and then the exceptions, excluded information, prohibitions, cases of violation of banking secrecy, types of operations are reviewed. passives and their singularities are, to conclude on the current perspectives and challenges of the figure, raising some reflections as a conclusion.
  • Ítem
    Insolvencia y sostenibilidad
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-11-19) Flores Segura, Marta
    This paper analyses the role that sustainability plays in corporate restructuring operations carried out in the context of insolvency proceedings. To this end, the debate on the purposes of insolvency proceedings and their stakeholders is revisited. In relation to this issue, the latest international trends in insolvency law are analyzed in detail and a theoretical approach to the admissibility and appropriateness of the consideration of sustainability-based interests in insolvency proceedings and the impact this may have on the interests of creditors is discussed.
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    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-11-19) Saavedra Gil, Rony; Martorell Zulueta, Purificación
    No presenta resumen.
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    ¿Cuánto fuego hay detrás del humo?: la impronta societaria en torno a la regulación sobre asociaciones sin fines de lucro
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-11-19) Bermúdez Medina, Ramón Mariano
    Through this paperwork, we explore the current development of nonprofit entities as a social phenomenon and highlighting their economic relevance within national productive and competitive activity. However, its legal organization both internal and external emerges as a fundamental piece of its evolution and role, which in many cases replicates several institutions and legal principles from the business corporation model to come together in an efficient consolidated mechanism whose objective provides practicality. the execution of their ordinary activities and social purposes without this implying that both figures maintain a similar nature.The role that nonprofit entities achieve today especially union corporation privileges the development of economic activities and the promotion of interrelation with the government, which is why we must give them the prominence and real importance that they represent.
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    La prohibición de asistencia financiera en las sociedades de capital: su incumplimiento a la luz de la actual jurisprudencia en España
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-11-19) de Vivero de Porras, Carmen
    The prohibition of financial assistance by capital companies to a third party to acquire its own shares or participations (as well as those of another group or parent company) contained in articles 143.2 and 150.1 both of the LSC, has given rise to very diverse judgments. The number of cases that we face on a daily basis is diverse and plural, so that on several occasions it is difficult to adequately protect the interests at stake in view of the businesses that may be affected by the prohibited assistance. In recent years, a restrictive interpretation of nullity has been imposed by the Supreme Court in Spain, as well as once declared null and void whether it can or should affect other businesses and even the acquisition itself, which the Supreme Court denies. This paper analyzes the doctrine of the High Court and the extension or not of the nullity of the prohibited assistance to the business of acquisition of own shares or participations, starting from the patrimonial or financial purpose (on which the High Court is based) and/or the control regime that such assistance may grant in the company to the person who obtains it.