Derecho PUCP

URI permanente para esta comunidad

ISSN: 0251-3420
e-ISSN: 2305-2546

La revista Derecho PUCP, fundada en 1944, publica artículos de investigación jurídica o interdisciplinaria inéditos y originales, los cuales son revisados por pares externos que han publicado investigaciones similares previamente. Las evaluaciones se realizan de forma anónima (sistema doble ciego) y versan sobre la calidad y validez de los argumentos expresados en los artículos. Cuenta con tres secciones: (i) Sección Principal, (ii) Miscelánea e (iii) Interdisciplinaria.

La periodicidad de Derecho PUCP es semestral, apareciendo, tanto en su soporte físico como en su versión digital, en el primer día del periodo de publicación. El primer número de la revista abarca el periodo de junio a noviembre, y el segundo, de diciembre a mayo.

La revista está incluida en los siguientes índices, base de datos, directorios y catálogos: Scopus, Redalyc, SciELO Perú, Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science), Erih Plus, Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals (IFLP), Dialnet, Worldcat, Hein Online, Primo Central, Latindex, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), JournalTOCS, BASE, CLASE, EbscoHost, Cengage Learning, Vlex, REBUIN, La Referencia y ALICIA (Concytec).


Resultados de búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 10 de 10
  • Ítem
    Los servicios de interés general en la Unión Europea
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2016-05-25) Laguna de Paz, José Carlos
    (i) Since the eighties, the European Union has implemented a policy aimed to achieve that the services of general economic interest are truly integrated in the internal market. To this end, European regulation has liberalized and harmonized the legal framework of the main economic sectors. Significant progress towards European integration has been achieved. However, the internal market is still not truly effective. (ii) Conversely, non- economic services are primarily the responsibility of Member States. They are not covered by the internal market rules, although the general provisions of the Treaty are to be applied.
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    El tratamiento de los servicios públicos en los arbitrajes de inversión: una propuesta desde la perspectiva del derecho administrativo global
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2016-05-25) Hernández González, José Ignacio
    The public service has been, traditionally, a domestic concept of the Administrative Law. However, as a consequence of globalization, the public service regulation by the Administration is also subject to the Global Administrative Law, specifically in the context of the international investment arbitration.
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    Regulación, política agro-energética y la evolución del mercado de carburantes renovables en Brasil
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2015-11-01) Rodríguez Morales, Jorge Ernesto; Rodríguez López, Fernando
    The costs of oil dependence, the environmental external costs of fossil fuels, or the promotion of agricultural development, has justified a number of measures of state intervention to expand the domestic market of biofuels, assuming that state intervention is necessary and sufficient condition for achieving this aim. After analyzing the political and economic elements in the Brazilian ethanol sector in historical perspective, in this article we argue that the expansion or contraction of the market should not be understood as an effect of a particular policies determined by the regulatory state. Regarding this, we argue the trends on the market development reflect the effects of aprevious underlying relationship, which is determined by the convergence or divergence over time of the opportunity costs of government and agribusiness. Our analysis shows that the effectiveness of a policy of energy diversification as the promotion of biofuels depends on the economic benefits and political rents generated by expanding the use of ethanol. These restrictions can be extrapolated as part of the cost-effectiveness analysis of public policies related to the sector in other countries.
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    La regla de oferta final en el panel eléctrico chileno
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2018-11-28) Carrasco Delgado, Nicolás Ignacio Ariel
    Efficient solutions are difficult to adopt, as they comprehend a large amount of information and require identifying an optimum point, which weighs up the benefits and costs involved. One means of simplifying this task arises with the final offer rule (the judge accepts the position of one or the other part, in a complete way). The Chilean electricity system provides for a rule of this nature to rule on disputes, which come before the so-called «electrical panel». This article will discuss the rule’s considerations of efficiency and the complexities, which the final offer presents for traditional procedural principles. A rule acclaimed by economists for taking decisions could cause lawyers to reconsider the mechanisms for resolving certain disputes.
  • Ítem
    De la tecnología blockchain a la economía del token
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2019-11-29) Pachecho Jiménez, María Nieves
    The aim of this research is to bring the reader closer to several concepts that are becoming more common day by day, and which find themselves in unstoppable development, such as blockchain technology, tokens, ICO (Initial Coin Offerings) or DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations). Thus, the process of «tokenization», based on abstractly representing a value through the blockchain, is a transcendental innovation in areas such as the financial or the corporate spheres, where ICO —introducing a new business financing channel through the online sale of cryptographic assets— or DAO —entities managed in a decentralized way through smart contracts by tokens holders— come onto the scene. Likewise, their undeniable utilities will be enhanced, but the practical problems faced by these technological developments will also be analyzed, being the main one the regulatory uncertainty.
  • Ítem
    La enseñanza del derecho frente al pasado de sus estudiantes
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2020-05-29) Del Mastro Puccio, Fernando
    In this paper we conduct a qualitative analysis of law students’ experiences with authorities when they were high school students. Through a psychoanalytical framework, we seek to understand the relational dynamics underlying those experiences and their possible impact in the construction of the law students’ «regulatory self», that is, in the way they live within regulatory systems. Then we explore the different manners in which that past could be present in the way law students live legal education and then their profession. Finally, we suggest diverse attitudes that law schools’ authorities, professors and students can develop in order to avoid authoritarian relational dynamics and to construct a «regulatory ethos» which can contribute to the growth of students’ «regulatory self».
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    ¿Regular o competir? El caso de la Ley de Servicios de Comunicación Audiovisual de la República Argentina y el principio de proporcionalidad como criterio delimitador
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2016-05-25) Aguilar Valdez, Oscar Rafael
    The purpose of this article is to highlight the importance of the Proportionality Principle as a valid legal criterion to determine when a given industry must be ex ante regulated by the Government through a specific sectorial regulatory framework or whether the application of the general antitrust and competition laws to such industry must be considered as a valid alternative. To this ends, this article analyzes the case of the Argentinean Law of Audiovisual Communications Services as it was treated by the Supreme Court of Argentina in the Grupo Clarín case.
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    ¿Es posible hacer cumplir la ley sin sancionar? Aplicando de manera «responsiva» la regulación en el Perú, a propósito del caso de abogacía de la competencia sobre las barreras burocráticas en el mercado de servicios públicos
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2016-05-25) Ochoa Mendoza, Francisco
    Expensive and excessive regulations may affect the number of firms by discouraging them to access and remain into the market. Despite of such a fact, worldwide there are few legal mechanisms within competition law able to control regulatory activity. This document describes briefly the Peruvian mechanism of regulatory oversight through the Indecopi´s Elimination of Bureaucratic Barriers Commission, which has reached in less than 3 years the voluntary elimination of more than 1000 regulatory and  administrative burdens affecting, inter alia, the market of the deployment of infrastructure on public utilities. This has been the result of a strategy that not relies on sanctioning administrative procedures but in a coordinative-oriented approach with the regulatees aiming to reach the effective accomplishment of the law. In turn, the development of such a strategy make possible to show a new style of enforcement in Peru, which has been studied and undertaken in other countries around the world, namely “Responsive Regulation”.
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    Competencia y regulación
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2016-05-25) Tassano Velaochaga, Hebert Eduardo
    With the entry into force of the Constitution of Peru of 1993, the economic model of social market economy, which was accompanied by an institutional reform, creating four (4) regulators of utilities and one (1) competition agency, was established. The economic model of social market economy, guarantees free competition in the market as a general rule, establishing a regulatory framework for public services that before the reform, were managed directly by the State. Thus, in this paper we will learn how to set up the Peruvian institutional framework and what are the main similarities and differences between competition and regulation, for which we will detail the functions of the competition agency and regulatory bodies as well as interaction between the two.
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    Las comisiones de regulación en Colombia. Anatomía de una institución
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2016-05-25) Pimiento Echeverri, Julián Andrés
    Economic regulation as an administrative activity has become one of the quintessential subjects in modern Colombian administrative law. Despite the fact that Colombian law uses a fairly restrictive, organic, approach to economic regulation, few studies have analysed that connection between economic regulation and Government agencies. Without taking sides with that restrictive approach, this article tries to show the inconsistencies and difficulties to regulate properly in Colombian law, because of that connection between that administrative activity and those special agencies: the regulation commissions.