Derecho PUCP

URI permanente para esta comunidadhttp://

ISSN: 0251-3420
e-ISSN: 2305-2546

La revista Derecho PUCP, fundada en 1944, publica artículos de investigación jurídica o interdisciplinaria inéditos y originales, los cuales son revisados por pares externos que han publicado investigaciones similares previamente. Las evaluaciones se realizan de forma anónima (sistema doble ciego) y versan sobre la calidad y validez de los argumentos expresados en los artículos. Cuenta con tres secciones: (i) Sección Principal, (ii) Miscelánea e (iii) Interdisciplinaria.

La periodicidad de Derecho PUCP es semestral, apareciendo, tanto en su soporte físico como en su versión digital, en el primer día del periodo de publicación. El primer número de la revista abarca el periodo de junio a noviembre, y el segundo, de diciembre a mayo.

La revista está incluida en los siguientes índices, base de datos, directorios y catálogos: Scopus, Redalyc, SciELO Perú, Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science), Erih Plus, Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals (IFLP), Dialnet, Worldcat, Hein Online, Primo Central, Latindex, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), JournalTOCS, BASE, CLASE, EbscoHost, Cengage Learning, Vlex, REBUIN, La Referencia y ALICIA (Concytec).


Resultados de búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 10 de 16
  • Ítem
    Desinformación: aproximación conceptual, riesgos y remedios
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-11-26) Astudillo Muñoz, Jorge
    The current work seeks to offer a general reflection on the phenomenon of misinformation in the digital age in order to raise awarenessabout the risks it poses to the normal development of democratic processes. Furthermore, it aims to emphasize the need to approach misinformation from various perspectives, in harmony with full respect for freedom of expression. The study intends to provide tools that allow the clear identification of misinformation, to point out some thoughts regarding the purposes that underlie the act of misinforming and to review the main stages of the misinformation process. It also strives to offer a more comprehensive understanding of the concept of misinformation, by proposing a distinction and identifying the connections between this activity and the communicative phenomenon of fake news. Later on, the analysis concentrates on the effects that misinformation has on democracy and the respect for human rights, particularly within the context of modern societies characterized by the use of ICTs. Lastly, a brief overview is presented of some of the tools that could be considered to confront misinformation, although the study will not delve into each of these remedies due to its length constraints.
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    Política migratoria en las islas Canarias: violaciones de derechos humanos durante la pandemia
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-11-24) Rodríguez Salinas, Roberto
    Irregular migration is a complex phenomenon that defies the sole concepts of movement restriction and lockdown introduced by the pandemic. Accordingly, 2020 was a particularly tense year for migratory fluxes from Africa to Europe. The Canary islands route saw a reactivation after almost a decade of low activity, with 23,023 registered arrivals in 2020. Similarly to other European islands, such as Lesbos or Lampedusa, the Canary islands have limited state assistance resources for immigrants. The pandemic is, thus, a cause of the massive emigration in the Maghreb and Sub-Saharan Africa, but is also a decisive factor for the human rights violations before, during and after the immigrants’ arrival at the islands. Under these circumstances, Spain is obliged to comply with international, European, and national law regarding migrants’ fundamental rights. This paper argues that Spain must always guarantee the health protection of refugees and asylum seekers during the legal procedures of intervention, assistance and detention. Furthermore, the enforcement of sanitary measures is not a valid cause for omitting certain guarantees such as the right to legal assistance, the freedom of movement within national territory, the compliance with detention times, and the use of clean and safe reception centers.
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    El caso de los buzos miskitos: un laboratorio vivo para auditar la adaptabilidad del Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2020-05-29) Cabezas Albán, Víctor Daniel
    This paper addresses the level of adaptability of the Inter-American Human Rights System towards different issues, such as the human rights of legal entities and the international responsibility of legal persons for human rights violations. This analysis is made through the lecture and narration of the case Opario Lemoth Morris y otros vs. Honduras, which has been recently summited before the Inter-American Human Rights Court.
  • Ítem
    El derecho a defender el medio ambiente: la protección de los defensores y defensoras ambientales
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2013-07-23) Borrás, Susana
    The increasing degradation of the environment and competitiveness on the exploitation of the natural limited resources demonstrates not only serious impacts on the environment, but also it generates important social impacts. The defenselessness which the victims of the environmental degradation face, as victims also of violations of human rights, has given origin to a movement of resistance led by the so called «environmental defenders», who, beyond the activism, try to protect the environment and to defend the most vulnerable groups affected by this type of environmental aggressions. This has led to the recent and worrying proliferation of abuses against the human rights of these people. The frequency of murders and threats that the defenders suffer, the infringement of the rights of its peoples and the subsequent impunity of the authors of these serious violations generate the need to point out the existing problems in the identification of this reality, in its recognition and legal protection and of analyzing which is the protection and assistance, that from the international area, these persons are awarded in situation of high risk.
  • Ítem
    Experiencias frente a la migración: buenas prácticas locales en ciudades sudamericanas
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2021-05-27) Palacios Sanabria, María Teresa; Londoño Toro, Beatriz; Hurtado Díaz, Nathalia
    This article is the result of the research from two projects led by the University of Rosario, Colombia, and presents contributions to the guarantee of the human rights of the migrant population. In the first place, itdevelops an approach to the characteristics, actors and results of the concept of good practices in migration matters in Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru in the 2014-2018 period; and unfolds the preliminary elements for the construction of a good practices typology with a human rights approach through the illustration of local experiences in the Southern Cone for capital,border and intermediate cities of the selected countries.The methodology used was inductive-deductive, promoting a permanent dialogue between theory and practice. The central contributions of this research focus on the identification of certain trends in capital cities, where there is an oscillation between contingency and sustainable actions, which affects the integration of the migrant population to the host society. In border cities, the greatest risks and the widest possibilities of support from state and international entities and social organizations are evidenced; while,in intermediate cities, the greatest opportunities are envisaged through the incorporation of local approaches that include guarantee of rights.
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    Subsidiariedad y tribunales internacionales de derechos humanos: ¿deferencia hacia los estados o división cooperativa del trabajo?
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2017-11-14) Iglesias Vila, Marisa
    In this article I develop a normative theory of the subsidiarity principle in international adjudication, which seeks to offer a balanced answer to the question of to what extent is it legitimate for a body such as the European Court of Human Rights to interfere with the national criteria in the face of a complaint on conventional rights violation. In contrast with demands for greater deference to states in both Europe and Latin America, based on a statist idea of subsidiarity, I articulate a «cooperative» understanding of the ideas of human rights and the principle of subsidiarity, linking them to Buchanan’s notion of ecological legitimacy. The proposal I defend leads to a division of institutional labor within regional human rights systems that increases the legitimacy of all the institutions involved. At the same time, I devote the last part of the paper to implement such cooperative view, on the one hand, showing the importance of an incremental logic in the effective protection of human rights and, on the other hand, offering a rationalized version of the national margin of appreciation doctrine.
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    ¿Existe un lugar para el arbitraje dentro del sistema de reparaciones practicado por la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos?
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2020-05-29) Ríos Carrillo, Piero
    This work addresses the role which arbitration could occupy within the reparations system developed by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights when solving contentious disputes. In that sense, the only two precedents in which the Court entertained the possibility of considering arbitration as an alternative means for the determination of reparations shall be described: Garrido and Baigorria vs. Argentina and Chaparro Alvarez and Lapo Iñiguez vs. Ecuador. From the analysis of these two precedents, the author will try to: a) Identify and characterize the different approaches taken by the Court in each case; b) evaluate whether these two approaches are consistent with the relevant international human rights law and the general principles of arbitration; c) point out how and when arbitration can be used as an alternative mechanism to determine the reparations in a case concerning human rights violations.human rights violations.
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    Transformación jurídica de la perspectiva nacional sobre las uniones civiles y el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo en Latinoamérica
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2015-11-01) Cabrales Lucio, José Miguel
    This paper analyzes the legal arguments that have been used toallow the gradual introduction of same-sex marriage and civil unions in some Latin American countries. The author makes a critical account of the contentious cases and legislative responses to claims for recognition and protection of human rights of people with a particular sexual orientation. The most representative Latin American countries are analyzed from the point of view of its relevance in comparative terms.
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    Derecho humano al agua y control de convencionalidad
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2013-07-23) Martínez, Adriana N.; Defelippe, Oscar E.
    Humanity faces the challenge of achieving the sustainability of water resources supply for the satisfaction of human needs and ofensuring the sustainability of the natural ecosystems for the achievement of sustainable human development and the quality of life of present and future generations. For this reason the recognition of access to water as a Human Right has fundamental significance. We proceed to analyze the international instruments that provide content and legal basis to the human right to water and the obligations of States. In this context, we deal with the constitutional reception of human right to water in Argentina in the constitutional reform of 1994 and the control of conventionality as guarantor of access to water, which has led to different domestic courts to consider cases in which a violation ofthe right to water was proved.
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    Dogmática funcionalista y política criminal: una propuesta fundada en los derechos humanos
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2018-11-28) Zúñiga Rodríguez, Laura
    In this paper I intend to reflect on the inability of functionalist dogmatic currents to contain the ius puniendi of the State. I will also point out what are the reasons of the penal system itself that have led to give the legislator a carte blanche, which has led to an unbridled punitiveness, and what fundamentals are proposed to build a more rational criminal response. By reviewing the current situation of criminal dogmatics, the questions of the method and the object of study of this branch of knowledge, we come to the conclusion of an improper relativism of a knowledge that is intended to be scientific. The rational proposal against this relativism is a criminal policy based on human rights.