Derecho PUCP

URI permanente para esta comunidadhttp://

ISSN: 0251-3420
e-ISSN: 2305-2546

La revista Derecho PUCP, fundada en 1944, publica artículos de investigación jurídica o interdisciplinaria inéditos y originales, los cuales son revisados por pares externos que han publicado investigaciones similares previamente. Las evaluaciones se realizan de forma anónima (sistema doble ciego) y versan sobre la calidad y validez de los argumentos expresados en los artículos. Cuenta con tres secciones: (i) Sección Principal, (ii) Miscelánea e (iii) Interdisciplinaria.

La periodicidad de Derecho PUCP es semestral, apareciendo, tanto en su soporte físico como en su versión digital, en el primer día del periodo de publicación. El primer número de la revista abarca el periodo de junio a noviembre, y el segundo, de diciembre a mayo.

La revista está incluida en los siguientes índices, base de datos, directorios y catálogos: Scopus, Redalyc, SciELO Perú, Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science), Erih Plus, Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals (IFLP), Dialnet, Worldcat, Hein Online, Primo Central, Latindex, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), JournalTOCS, BASE, CLASE, EbscoHost, Cengage Learning, Vlex, REBUIN, La Referencia y ALICIA (Concytec).


Resultados de búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 10 de 120
  • Ítem
    Regalos, viajes y gastos de hospitalidad. Corrupción penal en la esfera de los negocios
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-11-26) Carnevali Rodríguez, Raúl A.
    There is a growing concern for having better tools to address corruption, so much so that since the 1990s various international instruments have been issued, urging States to strengthen their legislation. Although this phenomenon has traditionally been associated with the public sphere, the need to criminalize corrupt acts that take place in the private sphere is no longer questioned. Proof of this is the growing criminalization of corruption between private individuals. In this regard, one of the traditional expenses incurred by private companies is related to hospitality, such as gifts and travel aimed at promoting products or for the training of their employees and customers. However, the line that separates these expenses from improper practices that affect fair competition can be quite blurred since they could be used for bribery. Given the above, it is essential to have guiding criteria that allow one to act with clarity to prevent corrupt conduct. To this end, this paper examines the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the Bribery Act, since their regulations, as well as the recommendations issued by public agencies, both in the United States and the United Kingdom, provide important guiding principles that allow private companies to specify their compliance programs to have measures and procedures in place to prevent their hospitality expenses from being classified as corrupt.
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    Poder y Constitución: la argumentación de la doctrina de las reformas constitucionales inconstitucionales en la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Constitucional peruano y sus problemas
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-11-26) Valdivia Aguilar, Trilce; Chávez-Fernández Postigo, José
    This work has the purpose of clarifying and critically evaluating the doctrine of «unconstitutional constitutional amendments» of the Peruvian Constitutional Tribunal. From a mainly constitutional perspective, although complimented with a legal philosophy approach, this work defends that the Constitutional Tribunal basically maintains a substantialist or value-based conception of the Constitution where constitutional amendments are subject not only to institutional limits, but also to material limits. It is also evident that this implicit conception, despite its plausibility, suffers from important imbalances that need to be corrected.
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    El diseño de un dispositivo de inclusión en torno a los grandes simios: el caso de la orangutana Sandra y la chimpancé Cecilia en Argentina
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-11-26) Carman, María
    The lawsuits involving great apes focus on one of the perspectives of ethics and animal law: The consideration of animals as subjects of law. Based on the lawsuits involving the orangutan Sandra and the chimpanzee Cecilia, who were confined in zoos in Argentina, we will analyze the inclusion dispositive that materializes their conversion from objects to subjects. To what extent does the anthropocentric conception of animals lose importance in relation to new classificatory judgments, at least in some public forums and with certain species? Our assumption is that a number of elements and technologies (legal statements of legal actions and sentences; public hearings; improvements of the zoo enclosure, medical studies and transfer of animals to a sanctuary) form a dispositive for the expansion of rights that allows a policy of reparation of animals considered similar to us or unjustly mistreated, with risk of life or other objectifiable suffering. From an interdisciplinary perspective between anthropology and law, we first present the arguments used in the lawsuits. Then, we analyze the sentences that led to the release of both primates. And, in the last sections, we reflect on the functioning of these techniques of animal/human rapprochement that seek the inclusion of certain animals in a certain moral community.
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    Violencia política, paz social y derecho
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-11-26) Del Picó Rubio, Jorge
    This article puts forward a contemporary reflection about violence based on a finalist legal assessment of peace. For that purpose, it both distinguishes and relates these two concepts, particularly regarding their politically motivated expressions, as well as it highlights the functionality of law to achieve negative peace and the ensuing morality of positive peace. In doing so, it considers the works written on this subject by influential contemporary authors as a reference point, after which it projects a legal perspective on violence through the analysis of three dimensions of this phenomenon that rely on categories both of legal theory and legal philosophy. This paper concludes that the final motivations that bring about conflict among States, groups and individuals admit similarities among themselves when they are pushed to the maximum level of incivility and irrationality. Likewise, it states that the distinction between law and morality is used improperly by those who use violence as a method for political action because they pretend to justify their actions therein as a way to ignore or evade their being as subjects ruled by the law.
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    Desinformación: aproximación conceptual, riesgos y remedios
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-11-26) Astudillo Muñoz, Jorge
    The current work seeks to offer a general reflection on the phenomenon of misinformation in the digital age in order to raise awarenessabout the risks it poses to the normal development of democratic processes. Furthermore, it aims to emphasize the need to approach misinformation from various perspectives, in harmony with full respect for freedom of expression. The study intends to provide tools that allow the clear identification of misinformation, to point out some thoughts regarding the purposes that underlie the act of misinforming and to review the main stages of the misinformation process. It also strives to offer a more comprehensive understanding of the concept of misinformation, by proposing a distinction and identifying the connections between this activity and the communicative phenomenon of fake news. Later on, the analysis concentrates on the effects that misinformation has on democracy and the respect for human rights, particularly within the context of modern societies characterized by the use of ICTs. Lastly, a brief overview is presented of some of the tools that could be considered to confront misinformation, although the study will not delve into each of these remedies due to its length constraints.
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    La incorporación de los presupuestos de los procesos estructurales por el Supremo Tribunal Federal en el juicio de litigios estructurales
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-11-26) Hennig Leal, Mônia Clarissa; Fardin de Vargas, Eliziane
    The study examines the incorporation of the premises of structural litigation theory by the Brazilian Federal Supreme Court (STF) in decisions under monitoring by the Center for Complex Structural Litigation - Nupec (ADPFs 347, 635, and 709). Adopting a deductive approach and an analytical procedural method, theoretical contributions related to disputes, processes, and structural decisions are initially addressed, including a list of the premises of structural process theory. The article explores the internal restructurings that the Brazilian Federal Supreme Court has implemented to adjust judicial procedures to handle structural disputes in the absence of regulation on structural processes in Brazil. Finally, based on the premises of structural processes identified at the beginning of the study, the contents of Brazilian Federal Supreme Court decisions are analyzed, with the aim of verifying whether they incorporate the elements of structural processes. We conclude that the three decisions analyzed incorporate a dialogical perspective (both between institutions and between the parties involved and the state), prioritize the participation of affected groups in the formulation of fair and effective decisions, apply an experimentalist approach, apply mechanisms for monitoring the implementation and effectiveness of the decision, and, on some occasions, involve a legal-cultural translation of structural experiences and remedies from other countries by learning from similar cases judged by courts elsewhere and adapting those standards to the Brazilian context.
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    La crisis de la negociación colectiva y la discreta extinción del sindicato mayoritario en el Perú
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-11-26) Salvador Florian, Renzo Vito
    Democratic opening scenarios provide favorable conditions for the development of workers’ organizations. However, these circumstances did not translate into sustained growth or recovery of pre-dictatorship indicators in Peru. The Peruvian literature tends to attribute it to the hyperdecentralization produced by the 1992 labor reform. This paper revisits this thesis to complement it and argues that the lack of adequate anti-union protection explains the lack of power of the organizations, particularly the consistent decline in collective bargaining coverage since 2006. For this purpose, we review the model and structure of collective bargaining from 1970 onwards, and the institutional framework in which unions operate. The research shows that the scope of collective bargaining agreements— during the first decade of the twenty-first century—exceeded union membership, indicating a significant number of majority unions within their unit. However, this ratio began to decline constantly from 2006 onwards, and with it started the quiet extinction of these organizations. According to the argument, this change is explained by the management practice of unilaterally extending the benefits of a collective bargaining agreement, given the effect of parasitic behaviour (free rider) on membership.
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    Experticia, vaguedad y máximas de la experiencia en los casos de elusión fiscal
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-11-26) Osorio Morales, Hugo; Toledo Zúñiga, Patricia
    The main objective of this research is to analyze vagueness as an evidentiary problem in tax avoidance cases, evaluating its impact on the ability of the adjudicating body to determine whether the specific facts of a case can be classified as tax avoidance. The work also aims to explain that the expertise of tax law applicators is relevant, both to identify and resolve problems of vagueness and to make and evaluate maxims of experience in establishing the facts in this type of cases. To this effect, in the first section, an attempt is made to delimit the concept of “tax avoidance” and a definition of tax avoidance consistent with the dominant linguistic uses in current Spanish and Chilean dogmatics. The second section analyzes the role of vagueness, frequently used in the application of general anti-avoidance rules, to combat tax avoidance. It is concluded that it is a kind of vagueness called “extravagant”, used intentionally by the legislator to try to regulate the innumerable forms in which the avoidance phenomenon can be manifested. The third section studies the importance of expertise and the maxims of experience to distinguish an elusive case from a non-elusive case.
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    Disparidad de consumidores y sobreendeudamiento como situación de hipervulnerabilidad para una relectura de la política de evaluación de solvencia
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-11-26) Alarcón Cañuta, Miguel Ángel
    The solvency assessment, as a tool for the prevention of consumer over-indebtedness, maintains the paradigm of the average consumer in the way of operating. This paper aims to provide a re-reading of the solvency assessment policy, beyond the paradigm of the average consumer. The argumentative development allows concluding that the finding of the existence of a disparity of types of consumers and the consideration of overindebtedness as a situation of hypervulnerability obliges the designer of the prevention policy to consider a high degree of protection of the consumer´s interests before the risk of economic-financial crisis, and to a solvency evaluation with a holistic perspective and with a differential approach to appreciate the risk of economic-financial crisis and the effects it generates, paying attention to the set of particular and contextual circumstances of the person.
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    Litigantes propensos al riesgo: manifestaciones de su participación en el proceso civil
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-05-29) Carrasco Delgado, Nicolás
    This article develops a theoretical framework on the propensity for risk applied to litigation. From this theoretical framework, it follows that the risk prone will initiate legal proceedings more than those averse to it; that when the risk prone are sued, their propensity to risk does not decrease in the face of low variability chance of loss in comparison with previous chances of loss of greater variability; and that furthermore, they generate greater legal expenses than people of other risk profiles. The aforementioned causes greater social losses on increasing the negative externalities of litigation due to the greater divergence between its private and social benefits. The latter shall be examined regarding the issues of permanent courts and the possibility of reaching agreements.