VIII Conferencia BIREDIAL – ISTEC 2018

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La VIII Conferencia BIREDIAL- ISTEC 2018 se llevó a cabo del 22 al 25 de octubre de 2018, en la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú en su campus de San Miguel, en la ciudad de Lima, Perú. Estuvo dedicada a compartir el conocimiento de una amplia comunidad universitaria y de distintas disciplinas del saber, comprometida con la iniciativa de acceso abierto y la visibilidad institucional latinoamericana.

El propósito del evento es exponer, discutir y analizar temas como la definición de tipos de materiales que deben ser dispuestos en acceso abierto; la gestión de los datos crudos de investigación; la divulgación de datos públicos; la disposición, preservación y difusión de las obras en repositorios digitales de acceso abierto; los derechos de autor y la reproducibilidad de la investigación


Resultados de búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 3 de 3
  • Miniatura
    ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Projeto piloto para disseminar o conceito de propriedade intelectual: aplicado nas bibliotecas da Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz e da Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana, situadas na Bahia-Brasil
    (Consorcio Iberoamericano para la Educación en Ciencia y Tecnología (ISTEC), 2018) Ribeiro, Rejane Maria Rosa; Dos Santos, Manoelita Maria; Serrão Nunes, Maria José; Santana, Suely; Reis Cerqueira, Silvana; Nunes Soares, Tiago
    Buscando a inovação e ampliação dos serviços oferecidos às bibliotecas da Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana e a Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz, estão em fase de desenvolvimento de um projeto piloto que tem como objetivo disseminar o conceito de propriedade intelectual. Este apresentará uma metodologia ativa e participativa, tanto dos ministrantes do curso, assim como do público alvo. Para desenvolver o mesmo, formar-se-á uma equipe por profissionais a qual serão capacitadas e auxiliadas pelo Núcleo de Inovação Tecnológica (NIT).
  • Miniatura
    ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Revista electrónica FPUNE Scientific: acciones de visibilidad.
    (Consorcio Iberoamericano para la Educación en Ciencia y Tecnología (ISTEC), 2018) Ferreira Galarza, Dahiana Janette; Delgado González, Lourdes Beatriz; Martínez Jara, Eustaquio Alcides; Bobadilla de Almada, Gabriela Matilde; Rojas Pukall, Celso Alberto
    FPUNE Scientific is an annual journal of the Polytechnic Faculty - East National University, destined to spread scientific studies and technological developments from the institution academia. The main objective of this work is to implement actions to provide continuity, modernity and quality to the electronic version of the journal, according to a scientific publishing means. Processes descriptions were carried out: that of the Open Journal System (OJS) application manual, and the one actually followed by the editorial Committee of the journal; in order to estimate the degree of follow-up by the latter, the specifications of the manual. From an opinion poll to the readers, strengths and weaknesses of the electronic magazine have been detected. The main strength is the Normalization reached with the OJS Application, thus achieving presence and visibility in the Google Scholar repository, which makes it possible to quantify queries and citations statistics by means of tools like Google Analytics and Publish or Perish (PoP). On the other hand, a remarkable weakness is that articles are published with little review due to the limited editorial staff and the scant feedback from authors. The OJS used was updated to version 3.0.2, improving the journal visual aspect. The journal is registered in the Latindex System Directory database, in process of indexing it in the Latindex Catalog database.
  • Miniatura
    ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Derechos de autor y ciencia abierta: el papel de la biblioteca universitaria
    (Consorcio Iberoamericano para la Educación en Ciencia y Tecnología (ISTEC), 2018) Graziosi Silva, Eduardo; Martínez-Ávila, Daniel; Fernández-Molina, Juan-Carlos
    There has been an increase of conflicts between university faculty and students in relation to copyright in the last years due to the development of the open access movement and open science. Several questions have been raised on copyright and its impact on the use of scientific articles and the work of graduate students: What rights are transferred to the publisher and which ones are reserved for the author? What are the storage conditions of digital repositories? Who holds the rights and what are the possibilities of publication of the doctoral dissertations? However, as several studies show, it is usual that neither faculty nor students have the knowledge to answer these questions, which not only causes the infringement of rights, but also the refusal to participate in open science activities for fear of having legal problems. Given this situation, some academic libraries are taking advantage of their strategic position to assume a new key role in the training, support, and advise of their users in relation to this area. The present paper analyzes the possibilities of academic libraries to contribute to an adequate development of open science by supporting and advising the academic community on copyright issues. To achieve this, we outline the necessary professional skills and the basic services that libraries should offer to their users so the copyright law and its related questions are not an obstacle to the proper promotion and development of open science.