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Debemos resaltar que gracias a una paciente labor de recolección de números antigüos y digitalización de revistas impresas, la mayoría de estas revistas tienen su colección de artículos completa, llegando a sumar, a julio del 2021, un total de más de 20,400 artículos.

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Mención aparte merecen, por su importancia histórica y cultural el boletín del Instituto Riva Agüero y la Revista de la Universidad Católica, que siendo revistas descontinuadas, se muestran en este repositorio por números completos con su respectivo índice de contenido.


Resultados de búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 10 de 32
  • Ítem
    Justicia Híbrida: La tecnología disruptiva al servicio del proceso
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-09-05) Martín Diz, Fernando
    The change in the justice model is a reality. This change is totally determined by the emergence of new disruptive technologies and, mainly, by the possible integration of artificial intelligence solutions in the judicial process in functions of assistance to the judiciary. We are probably facing a new justice: hybrid justice. A procedural justice in which, from the non-negotiable supervision by a human (judge), technological applications will have an increasing role in the procedural activity, with the demands of legality and respect for fundamental rights as axes that enable their use with all the guarantees.
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    Veinte años después de la publicación del Informe Final de la Comisión de la Verdad y Reconciliación
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-08-15) Villasante Cervello, Mariella
    There has been no concern on the part of the State to educate young people about what Peru experienced between 1980 and 2000, nor has the work of the CVR been sufficiently valued. Since Fujimori’s time, a parallel history was created, and all the crimes perpetrated by the State, especially those whose main leader was Fujimori, remained unnoticed, hidden, despite the fact of being State crimes. But at least in the judicial field progress was made and it was one of the causes for Fujimori’s extradition and conviction. Furthermore, the forced disappearances were hidden, as far as the military leaders were concerned, by the State itself, because when the Ministry of Defense was asked for the names of the soldiers who had acted under pseudonyms, the CVR did not receive any names. Likewise, there is the Reparations Council for victims, created in 2006; Financial reparations have been made to individual and collective victims due to social pressure during the time of President García. But in moral reparations, education, and health, not much progress has been made. Those who have followed the IF better are the populations where there have been victims, they are the ones who best remember and vindicate the work of the CVR. Finally, where the most progress has been made is in the field of the arts, through films, theater, and literature.
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    Derecho y justicia en la fenomenología de J.-L. Marion
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-07-18) Roggero, Jorge Luis
    This paper aims to give an account of the general outlines of a possible Phenomenology of Law in the work of Jean-Luc Marion, based on an inquiry into the notions of legal phenomenon and justice.
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    Guerra, Estado y derecho en Huanta (Ayacucho, Perú) en la Independencia y formación del Estado peruano, 1814-1850
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-21) Pereyra Chávez, Nelson Ernesto
    This article begins with a study of two judicial disputes related to land ownership, which were led by peasants from the Huanta highlands, in the Ayacucho region in Peru. Based on the hermeneutic analysis of the judicial records of the disputes, it argues that these peasants intervened in the lawsuits stimulated by their experience from the independence war and the caudillista conflicts of the 19th century, developing a moral argument that served as a combat weapon to thwart the opponent in the courts and achieve the claim. In this way, they participated in the process of the formation of the republican State, prolonging the violence of war to earlyrepublican law and justice.
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    ¿Por qué es importante participar en las elecciones de un juez de paz no letrado?: el perfil socio-judicial
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-05-25) Castañeda Méndez, Juan Alberto
    The present research work seeks to provide good reasons for the recognition and importance of citizen participation in the electoral process of non-lawyer justices of the peace, based on the idea of the historical constitutional support of justice of the peace, the social concept of justice of the peace from the profile of a socio-judicial judge and electoral aspects of participation and guarantee of the process through the procedural nullity.The main conclusion is that there is a real need to recognize justice of the peace as a backbone issue in society and support for the judicial system itself through the good results of justice of the peace and the expectation of the local population to recognize justice as an element of their rights and duties, so that the realization of democratic elections of justices of the peace is important for an institutional vision of decentralized justice throughout the country. A position that strengthens the idea of the Constitutional State of law in its aspect of access to justice as a way to solve and legitimize justice in the daily work of citizens.
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    Koinōnía y Justicia. De la República al Parménides
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Departamento de Humanidades, 2022-03-28) Gutiérrez, Raúl
    The main reason why the developmental interpretation of the platonic Parmenides believes this dialogue constitutes a crisis in the development of Plato’s thought is the idea that the philosopher criticizes therein its Theory of Ideas of the middle period – Phaedo, Symposium, Republic. The theory supposedly criticized would conceive the Ideas as absolutely simple and isolated unities that, as such, would make impossible the fulfilment of their own function. This would only be possible by a new relational conception of the Ideas introduced in Parmenides and developed in Sophist. In contrast to some scholars who do not even mention certain passages in those dialogues (e.g. Cordero, 2014, 2016), I will show 1) that the notion of koinōnia is essential to the project of the Republic, since its central idea, the notion of justice, is unthinkable without the notion of koinōnia of the Ideas with each other; and 2) that Parmenides makes use of this notion of justice (150a) precisely in relation to the eidetical koinōnia (143a-b) and to the Idea conceived as a whole (ὅλον) “which has come to be one complete/perfect thing out of all its parts – ἐξ ἁπάντων ἓν τέλειον γεγονός” (157e1, ἓν ἐκ πολλῶν, 157c6, ἓν τέλειον μόρια ἔχον, 157e4).
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    Representaciones sociales de la Democracia en estudiantes universitarios iberoamericanos
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2021-07-21) Ruiz-Pérez, José Ignacio; Pineda-Silva, Angélica
    El objetivo de este trabajo fue conocer la estructura, esquemas cognitivos de base (ECB) y dimensiones de las representaciones sociales (RS) de la Democracia en varios contextos iberoamericanos. Las muestras fueron de conveniencia, conformadas por estudiantes universitarios de 5 países iberoamericanos: Colombia, El Salvador, Argentina, Perú y España, quienes respondieron a una tarea de asociación de palabras con el término “Democracia” y de identificación de los ECB. Los resultados muestran un núcleo central sobre la Democracia constituido por “Libertad”, “Justicia”, “Igualdad” y “Derecho”. Según los ECB, la Democracia fue un tema más central para la muestra de El Salvador, y menos para la de Perú.
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    Representaciones sobre la justicia: Un estudio comparativo en escolares colombianos
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2021-07-21) Gutiérrez-Romero, Mario Fernando; López-López, Wilson; Orjuela-García, Alejandra; Escobar-Altare, Andrea
    Se analizaron las representaciones sociales de la justicia de estudiantes colombianos inscritos desde segundo grado de básica primaria hasta el último año de escolaridad secundaria, su nivel de estructuración y sus similitudes y diferencias en función del grado y el estrato socioeconómico. Desde una perspectiva estructural, se administró una técnica de asociación de palabras a 950 participantes (481 niñas y 469 niños) con el término inductor justicia. Los resultados mostraron que existen diferencias en la estructura de la representación de la justicia en función del estrato socioeconómico. Todos los estudiantes tienen un ideal de justicia que se contrapone con elementos negativos los cuales, en el caso de los colegios oficiales, están ligados a la violencia y la venganza mientras que en los colegios privados están relacionados con la corrupción. La representación de la justicia de los estudiantes de colegios privados es más compleja pues incluye una mayor cantidad de mecanismos para ejercerla, que aquella de los pertenecientes a colegios oficiales.
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    La Constitucionalización del Proceso
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2016) Lorca Navarrete, Antonio María
    This article addresses the relationship between the Process and the Constitution. For this purpose, it is explained what is the object of study of the Procedural Law, and which is the litigation model adopted in article 139 of the Peruvian Constitution, why this model is about a system with its own autonomy and substantivity and not about a subsystem, and how Civil Law and Common Law converging in this model. Furthermore, the author establishes, based on the Constitution, the reason why the existing procedural guarantees in our legal system do not imply a “right to a right decision”, but only the right to a fair process, and explains the difference between “fair process” and “justice” or “judicial truth”.
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    Breves notas en temas de igualdad
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2016) Proto Pisani, Andrea
    It is necessary put aside the idea that infinite economic development is the solution to terminate inequalities that exist in the world. Should consider a new model of society, which look for specify in the reality the value of justice, the hand of principles of equality and fraternity, where man is in a world of cooperation with others.