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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 17
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    Perú: elecciones 2021 en el contexto de la pandemia de COVID-19
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-09-28) Acevedo Rojas, Elba Sissi; Huaman Porras, Diego Alejandro; Hurtado Ormeño, José Danid; Tintaya Quispe, Ramiro Gustavo
    The holding of the parliamentary and presidential elections in Peru during the pandemic caused by COVID-19 was a controversial issue, to the point that its suspension or postponement was put into debate, especially if we take into account the effects that could have generated both in the right to vote as in the right to health. In this context, various constitutionalists, academics and international organizations pointed out that it was necessary to strengthen democratic institutions by exercising the citizen's right to vote, but it was necessary to have biosafety protocols to avoid further contagion.  From an international perspective, there were successful cases in the implementation of the electoral process in 2020, South Korea being one of them as it used electronic voting, verifying, with subsequent tests, the low rate of contagion. The authors point out that this solution, in Peru, has been incorporated since 2010. However, it has not yet become widespread, which is why it could not be applied in the first and second electoral rounds in 2021. For this reason, in this article, the authors analyze the actions taken by the State in order to carry out the elections from the perspective of fundamental rights.
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    Representación de la protesta social en las movilizaciones ciudadanas en el Perú durante el periodo pre- y poselectoral de 2021: análisis desde la visualidad de un trabajo fotográfico
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-07-27) Velarde Castillo, Jackeline Sofía
    Aldair Mejía is a Peruvian photographer who became moderately well known in the outbreak of social protest in Peru during November 2020. His work has recorded the citizen mobilizations in the country before, during and after the last presidential elections of 2021, that gave Pedro Castillo as the winner. The subject of this article has to do with, from the visuality, exploring and describing the representation of the social claim in this photographic work, using three photographs as the object of analysis. The methodology of visual analysis has been specifically used and it is not intended to generalize the meaning and implication of the images in other contexts. The focus has been on defining what kind of visual discourse these images constitute in the context of the enunciation and repetition of messages, mostly contrary, by the media, economic powers and defenders of the status quo, in the context of the political tension between candidates and what their figures represented until the announcement of the official winner.
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    Presentación. Conexión; Núm. 11 (2019): Comunicación y Política
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2020-12-12) Criollo Burbano, Marcelo
    This article analyzes two digital communicative strategies of LGBTI collectives during the 2017 electoral campaign in Ecuador. The discursive practices of subaltern audiences, their appropriation of technology and their political actions in the digital sphere are analyzed. Additionally, it includes the expression, style and discursive spaces that these audiences use to discuss their demands in digital platforms. An optimistic view considers that technology and digital networks have allowed an increase of forms of participation and greater visibility of LGBTI movements in Ecuador. From a less optimistic perspective, it is questioned whether these channels are adequate and sufficient for political participation and influence. Methodologically, we focus on the study of the forms of power of the statements. We ask ourselves: What topics are addressed and excluded from digital discourses? What strategies are put into play in these counterdiscourses? Finally, from the perspective of collective action, an approach is made about the complexities of the subordinate public and its emanci-patory potential in an electoral campaign context.
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    Female political participation in El Salvador : modifications in gender roles and their implications on the election process
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 1994) Neld, Anna-Lena
    El artículo no presenta resumen.
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    Elecciones presidenciales: pensando seriamente nuestro voto
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2010) Comité editorial de Strategia
    No presenta resumen
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    Confesiones de un votante
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2011) Morosini, Piero
    No presenta resumen
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    Metodología en la opinión pública
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2011) Cohaila Ramos, Edwin
    El  siguiente  artículo  presenta  la  metodología  utilizada  en  estudios de opinión pública electoral y a partir de ella discute sus alcances, limitaciones y desafíos. Como se podrá observar, se presentarán los lineamientos utilizados y asumidos en los estudios de opinión, poniendo énfasis en lograr cierta representatividad e inferencia en los alcances de sus resultados.
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    Violencia política en las elecciones subnacionales mexicanas. El caso de Chiapas en 2015
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2016) Torres Alonso, Eduardo
    This document presents a revision of the process that has permitted to establish in Mexico the equality in the candidacies for the relative majority principles and proportional representation to the House of Representatives, the Senate of the Republic and local congresses, and it analyses the phenomenon of political violence that some candidacies suffered during the elections on July 20th, 2015, in Chiapas.
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    ItemOpen Access
    Comportamiento electoral en el Perú: Un análisis del rol de las variables sociodemográficas y socioeconómicas en las elecciones presidenciales en primera vuelta de 2006 y 2011
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2015) Lazo Rodríguez, Sebastián
    El comportamiento electoral es un tema de estudio bastante complejo dentro de las ciencias sociales y específicamente dentro de la ciencia política, pues llega a tomar en consideración no solo elementos políticos sino también sociológicos y psicológicos. La mezcla e interacción de factores que tienen lugar dentro del proceso de decisión electoral es lo que complejiza su estudio. Este artículo tiene por intención dar acercamientos a la comprensión del compor- tamiento electoral en el Perú a partir del análisis de las elecciones presidenciales en primera vuelta de 2006 y 2011. Buscamos la propuesta de un modelo que considere los elementos más importantes dentro del estudio del comportamiento electoral, a partir de lo que se ha estudiado y analizado sobre dicho tema desde las ciencias sociales. La identificación de los elementos clave a tener en cuenta nos permitirá un análisis más detallado y desagregado del comportamiento electoral. El artículo busca estudiar el efecto de un primer elemento del modelo propuesto: la influencia de las variables sociodemográficas y socioeconómicas en el comportamiento electoral de los votantes.
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    ItemOpen Access
    Los discursos políticos de las autoridades municipales sobre la hoja de coca en los distritos de Kimbiri y Pichari 2006-2010
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2014) López Villanes, Noam
    El artículo no presenta resumen