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Mención aparte merecen, por su importancia histórica y cultural el boletín del Instituto Riva Agüero y la Revista de la Universidad Católica, que siendo revistas descontinuadas, se muestran en este repositorio por números completos con su respectivo índice de contenido.


Resultados de búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 10 de 21
  • Ítem
    Eficacia de los modelos de hélice como instrumentos para el desarrollo
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-11-18) Moreno Villaseñor, Oswualdo Getzemany; Marín-Leyva, René Augusto
    Helix models are frameworks in which different actors collaborate to drive innovation and knowledge transfer, aiming to promote development. Although theories have explored the concept of multiple helices, known as N-Tuple helices, the most commonly applied models are the triple helix, quadruple helix, and quintuple helix. The triple helix focuses on the interaction between government, universities, and businesses. In the quadruple helix model, society is included as a fourth actor. Meanwhile, the quintuple helix incorporates additional factors that can vary by author, such as natural, economic, or cultural resources, among others. Similarly, in N-Tuple helices, other actors are added, which may also differ depending on the author’s perspective. For these reasons, it can be argued that the foundational helix models are the triple and quadruple helix. The purpose of this research is to analyze whether helix models are effective as tools for development. The methodology employed includes a literature review under the "salsa" methodology, presented through an analysis table. This table evaluates the results of research from various theoretical references on helix models, aiming to verify whether the hypothesis that these models are effective as tools for development is accepted.
  • Ítem
    La arquitectura como medio de empoderamiento cívico
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-30) Maccaglia, Marta
    In Peru there are 48 native languages, 11 ecological regions, 84 of the 117 different «life zones» in the world. Can architects operate from an active and participatory action with respect that strengthens the social habitat to combat inequality? If architecture is an art that generates spaces for better living, architects have the responsibility to understand and respect the territory and the people, to propose spaces that represent the culture and spirit of each place.However, in cities we live between physical walls that highlight inequalities and make visible the fear we have of others. In the peripheral areas and, even more, in the rural areas of the country, we contribute a system than abandon the most vulnerable communities. Faced with this scenario, we believe that the first wall we have to tear down is a wall in our minds, and this is only possible through equal access to education. For this reason, we are interested in educational architecture projects: the school, the first place after the home, where children can develop by learning in society.
  • Ítem
    Las cadenas como medio de vida
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-06-10) Enrico, Nicole
    In a context of greater financing for conservation projects with a focus on territorial market development in the Peruvian Amazon, this research seeks to understand how the livelihoods of indigenous women producers can configure the dynamics of value chains through their trajectories. Therefore, the present study is based on the experience of the community of Shampuyacu, where the NGO Conservation International intervenes through agreements and conservation projects. Specifically, the case of the Bosque de las Nuwas Association and its tourism and infusion value chain initiatives will be analyzed. To analyze this case, we describe the dynamics of the chain, characterize the configuration of women’s livelihoods, and analyze how the association of women’s different assets and the trajectories they have in the value chain is interrelated to its dynamics. The qualitative and exploratory study finds that women’s trajectories differ by virtue of their social assets, mediated by ethnicity and relations between clans, the generalized context of gender violence, and support systems for care. Regarding human assets, the level of education can define the adoption of leadership in the chain or generate exclusion, causing conflicts. Finally, the use of natural assets such as family gardens can be an opportunity to scale up the chain, but the lack of coordination between actors doesn’t make it possible.
  • Ítem
    ¿Educación ambiental o educación para el desarrollo sostenible? El sentido ético de la educación ambiental
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-07-25) Castro-Carpio, Augusto; Leal-Díaz, Diana Marcela
    Since the 1960s it has become clear that a development model focused on economic growth would erode environmental systems (through pollution, deforestation, soil degradation, climate change, loss of biodiversity, etc.) and exacerbate social conflicts (through violence, migration, poverty, food insecurity and other phenomena). As mechanisms to help reverse the damage and balance the relationship with nature, the United Nations formulated educational strategies aimed at harmonizing the relationships of human beings with the environment. Initially they spoke of environmental education and in later years education for sustainable development. This article reflects on the international perspective on issues such as development, sustainability, and environmental education to then dive into the concept of environmental education and its various interpretations. Furthermore, it enters the debate on “education for sustainable development” to bring out the most significant vicissitudes in the understanding of development. Finally, it addresses the importance of environmental education at school and underscores the relevance of ethics in the approach to that environmental education.
  • Ítem
    Prospectivas del uso de vehículos con batería ion-litio y desarrollo sostenible en Sudamérica
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-08-07) Romero-Carrion, Violeta Leonor; Ccasani-Allende, Julián; Rivadeneyra-Rivas, César Augusto; Altamirano-Romero, Juan Carlos Guillermo
    South America has the lithium deposits that enable economic growth in the region, given the global demand for manufacturing batteries for electric vehicles, which reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The objective is to determine the relationship between the use of lithium-ion battery vehicles and the components of sustainable development in South America. The design is non-experimental, correlational, and analytical. The sample comprises Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, and Peru. A documentary analysis was conducted, and a hypothesis test statistic was applied based on the data found in the literature. The results show that by the year 2034, sales of electric vehicles will continue to grow at an annual rate of 25.2%. The application of Spearman's Rho confirms a significant correlation between the type of energy (fossil and electric) used by vehicles and their CO2 eq emissions. However, the current regulations in the region do not facilitate effective management of the lithium value chain. There are social conflicts related to the use of water in lithium extraction, noncompliance with agreements by operating companies, and a lack of transparency, leading to the cancellation or suspension of 50% of mining projects.
  • Ítem
    Desarrollo y política indígena en el Alto Yuruá (frontera Brasil-Perú)
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-08-29) Pimenta, José
    The Rio Amonia Ashaninka indigenous people live in the Brazilian state of Acre on the Upper Jurua River on the border between Brazil and Peru. After their struggle against intensive lumber activities in the 1980s, andhaving obtained the demarcation of their territory in the early 1990s, they engaged in strategic alliances with several partners as an attempt to find economic alternatives to lumbering. In the past twenty years, withthe growing influence of environmental concerns regarding development in the Amazon, the Amonia Ashaninka acquired great political visibility through various projects geared to the paradigm of «sustainable development ». Based on ethnographic fieldwork, carried out in various stages over the last fifteen years with the Amonia Ashaninka, this article retraces the plight of this community in the past two decades for land demarcation and to establish interethnic and transfrontier alliances as a means to install a broad «sustainable development» policy for the entire Upper Jurua region. It also analyses the present day development and border policies of both the Brazilian and Peruvian states, which entail new threats to the region’s indigenous peoples.
  • Miniatura
    ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Lima Norte: Desarrollo con identidad en una comunidad histórica del Perú actual. El rol de la iglesia.
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2014) Benito Rodríguez, José Antonio
    En el vertiginoso desarrollo que experimenta en la actualidad el territorio de Lima Norte, se puede identificar como agente protagónico a la Iglesia Católica, la cual –desde los tiempos del Virreinato y en la República- siempre ha acompañado a la población para lograr un desarrollo integral. Aquí y ahora, se constata, en el marco de su programa de Nueva Evangelización, un empeño en promover el desarrollo de “todo hombre y todos los hombres” del territorio que estudiamos –diócesis de Carabayllo y Lima Norte- en un mundo abierto a la globalización pero sin perder su identidad.
  • Ítem
    Regiones y sociedades regionales frente a la globalización
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2008) Czerny, Miroslawa
    Este artículo se propone resaltar el resurgimiento de la importancia de los estudios regionales después de un período de estancamiento en las últimas décadas del siglo XX. Asimismo están las preguntas que se relacionan con la nueva situación geopolítica y económica producida por el proceso de globalización y de la creación de un espacio de redes y vínculos ageográficos. Hoy, nuevamente la regionalización es un tema de agenda en los procesos de gestión territorial y por eso está muy de moda entre los políticos, especialmente de los países en desarrollo. Se confía en que los cambios territoriales deben conducir hacia el mejoramiento del sistema político, económico y social de cada país. Sin embargo, este interés regional no siempre va de la mano con un profundo conocimiento de las bases teóricas y de los conceptos que forman la «urdimbre conceptual» para la práctica.
  • Ítem
    Ventajas y desventajas del desarrollo rural sostenible en ambientes de montaña
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2009) Córdova Aguilar, Hildegardo
    El mundo rural y el urbano son los dos pilares que sostienen a una sociedad dentro de un territorio dado. Se viene dedicando considerable atención al sector urbano porque allí se concentra cerca del 60% de la población mundial y porque allí se generan y dinamizan las economías contemporáneas. Del sector rural se habla mucho y se hace poco, especialmente para mejorar la calidad de vida del subgrupo de los más pobres, que en términos globales se encuentran en los territorios montañosos del mundo.En esta ponencia se analizarán las ventajas y desventajas que presentan estos territorios para el desarrollo humano sostenible, que permita mejorar las condiciones de vida de sus poblaciones. Se insistirá en la calidad y control de los recursos y en las demandas urbanas. Asimismo se hará notar las dificultades de infraestructura y sus efectos en la circulación de bienes y servicios. Como ejemplo se tomará el sector de la sierra del departamento de Piura, en el noroeste peruano en donde existe una población rural dedicada mayormente a actividades de subsistencia en tanto que en las tierras bajas de la costa domina la actividad comercial.
  • Ítem
    Rota Pantanal Pacífico: um projeto acadêmico – uma estratégia de negócios
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2007) Garcia Netto, Luiz Da Rosa; Mirandola Avelino, Patricia Helena
    Este artigo vem apresentar algumas reflexões sobre as potencialidades turísticas e as possi-bilidades de melhor gestão dos patrimônios naturais e culturais existentes ao longo da Rota Pantanal Pacífico e do seu entorno. As abordagens reúnem alguns conceitos de turismo, en- quanto atividade econômica, das que mais emprega no mundo; das que mais contribuem para a preservação da biodiversidade natural e cultural; das que menos poluem; das que contribuem para uma maior inclusão social e melhoria da qualidade de vida das populações de baixa renda. Hoje a responsabilidade social é um dos quesitos mais importantes para o posicionamento das empresas, instituições e profissionais no mercado. Abordamos assim, as possibilidades que essa atividade tem, de exercer seu papel no decorrer da consolidação da Rota, como Rota Turística. Abordamos também o papel da academia, que tem a responsabilidade de gerar conhecimento. Esse projeto nasceu dentro da academia, de um Programa de Pós-Graduação – Mestrado em Geografia. A participação que se espera dos governos nesse processo, é a de elaborarem políticas e estratégias de apoio à iniciativa privada, nada mais que isso. E do setor privado, que apoiado pelos governos e pelas informações e estudos gerados nas academias, deve fomentar os inves- timentos e a construção das estruturas de apoio, e dos produtos turísticos da Rota, gerando oesperado desenvolvimento.