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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 76
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    Victimización durante la pandemia de COVID-19 y síntomas de trauma psicológico en adolescentes tempranos y tardíos: el papel mediador de la soledad
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-01-08) Magro Lazo, Giancarlo Carlos; Miranda Ayala, Rafael Alberto; Oriol Granado, Xavier
    This study aims to analyze the effect of victimization suffered during the COVID-19 lockdown on psychological trauma in early and late adolescents. The sample of this study comprised of 933 Peruvian adolescents, 45.5% (n= 423) were males and (54.5%) (n= 506) were females. 44.5% (n=415) were in early adolescence (12 to 13 years) and 55.5 % (n=518) were in late adolescence (14 to 17 years). Data was collected online during the COVID-19 lockdown. Results show that early adolescents who have suffered victimization have higher probabilities of suffering psychological trauma than late adolescents compared to non- victims. In addition, loneliness is observed to play a significant role as a mediator in the relationship between victimization and psychological trauma in Early Adolescents (B = .69, SE = 0.08, CI [ .53, .86]) and late adolescents (B = .66, SE = 0.07, CI [.51, .81]). Results suggests that the cost-benefit of COVID 19 lockdown should be reconsidered. Social distance could had made difficult for adolescents to stablish interpersonal relationships and solve conflicts associated with victimization. Loneliness could be an expression of these difficulties and therefore explain symptoms of psychological trauma. Finally, results are discussed in order to prevent the harmful effects of the pandemic and the measures taken on adolescent mental health, especially in middle- and low-income countries.
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    Percepción de riesgo de contagio del COVID-19 en personal de salud
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-01-08) Perez Mogrovejo, Fiorella; Villaseca Cruz, Juana; Pierina Cubillas Espinoza, Pierina; Rivera Cruzatt, Fiorella; Malvaceda-Espinoza, Eli
    The aim of this study was to analyze the perceived risk of COVID-19 infection among health personnel in Lima and Callao. We followed a qualitative approach with a reflexive thematic analysis design. Fifteen participants were interviewed. It was found that the perception of the risk of infection revolved around previous knowledge, the emotional state went from fear to calm. Likewise, the perception was affected by the sociocultural influence of the work environment, institutional, relational, beliefs and service vocation; as well as by personal experiences, which include risk situations and negative emotional charge. It is concluded that the perception of risk is centered on knowledge and emotions, related to social, cultural, and individual aspects.
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    Las prestaciones del sistema de seguridad social: retos de la gestión y administración
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-11-10) Riaño Barón, Gina Magnolia
    Since the end of XIX century and the beginning of XX century, the protection of workers and citizens has been a rising worried, which lead the birth of social security systems. It is not possible to understand how these systems are now ignoring its origin and development, even its subjective and objective areas, even its management and administration way, which is essential for getting the best efficiency. Nowadays, it is possible to say that social security systems have a very important challenge, due to its importance have been demonstrated after COVID-19 pandemic, and for it is necessary to recuperate the public management.
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    Autocontrol e impulsividad antes y durante la pandemia. Un estudio comparativo para evaluar posibles cambios en diferentes grupos de edad
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-07-13) Brenlla, María Elena; Germano, Guadalupe
    This article describes and compares the levels of self-control and impulsivity, key aspects of self-regulation, in three age groups to evaluate possible differences due to age; and at two times: September 2019 (n=190), a normal period, and September 2020 (n=199), a period with lockdown during the pandemic. It was found that self-control increases, and impulsivity decreases with increasing age. Also, improvidence impulsivity was higher during the pandemic, while compulsive urgency and self-control were lower than in 2019. In short, age is a relevant factor in explaining differences in self-regulation, and the COVID-19 restrictions led to a depletion of self-control and greater impulsivity in times of stress.
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    Brío: El diseño de videojuegos persuasivos como medio para concientizar sobre métodos para lidiar con los problemas de depresión dirigido a jóvenes y adultos jóvenes peruanos de 12 a 25 años
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2020-12-20) Mejia, Nicole; Tejada, Germán
    El aislamiento social debido a la pandemia por la COVID-19 ha tenido una considerable incidencia en la salud mental de muchos jóvenes y adultos jóvenes peruanos entre 12 y 25 años de edad. Al mismo tiempo, existe un desconocimiento sobre los métodos para aliviar la depresión causada por esta medida adoptada para evitar posibles contagios. Brío es un videojuego de estilo novela visual, cuyo tráiler concientiza sobre posibles métodos para lidiar con los problemas de depresión dirigido a este público, buscando incidir en ellos para que logren solucionar tal afección.
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    Bell hooks y la transgresión a través de la presencia: preocupaciones movilizadas en la pandemia
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-05-18) Scorsolini-Comin, Fabio
    The aim of this critical essay is to problematize the question of the presence category addressed as one of the essential conditions of liberating education in the proposal of the African-American writer bell hooks (1952-2021), having as a reference scenario the non-presential education developed in the pandemic traffic. The proposal of liberating education will be addressed in view of the need to reflect on the pandemic intercourse, and two elements emphasized in the author’s work will be analyzed in depth: voice and body. Based on the example of online reflection groups conducted with nursing students, a pedagogical strategy capable of recognizing and valuing the voice of different actors in the educational process is presented, prioritizing the meeting beyond the presence traditionally defended in training spaces: an encounter that waits, resists and fights for the possibility of genuine presence.
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    Resiliencia y memorias en Perú durante la pandemia
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-12) Romio, Silvia; Rivera Holguín, Miryam; Delmotte, Céline; Arenas Sotelo, Eric; Grard de Dubois, Christine; Piccoli, Emmanuelle
    Peru is one of the countries most affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, where the health crisis quickly provoked a serious socio-economic and political crisis. The fragile Peruvian state was unable to build an effective response to this multifaceted crisis, in this context, we defend the hypothesis that forms of affectivity, solidarity, memory and collective resilience related to the recent past (1980-1990) were reactivated in many rural and urban communities of the country. Based on a qualitative methodology, this article questions the role that the collective memory played in reactivating historical forms of community resilience at the local level. Based on three empirical cases (the rondas campesinas, the Covid commandos and the ollas comunes), we analyze how the memories of past violence and crises, as well as the responses to them, have offered original tools in certain communities to elaborate effective responses of resilience during the first months of the global pandemic. In this sense, we reflect and draw attention to the potential of setting up agency and resilience based on collective memory, which is framed is by the diversity of the cultural and local experiences.
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    La Universidad en pandemia. Impacto del COVID-19 sobre la Extensión y Transferencia Tecnológica
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-11-03) Britto, Fabian Andrés; Monasterios, Claudia; Carro, Ana Clara
    Las actividades de Extensión Universitaria (EU) y Vinculación y Transferencia Tecnológica (VyTT) versan sobre cuestiones que se superponen y complementan, reflejando el involucramiento de la Universidad con su entorno socio-productivo a través del flujo de conocimientos y tecnologías. Ante la pandemia del COVID-19, las medidas adoptadas inicialmente por las universidades nacionales de gestión pública (UUNN) argentinas implicaron un amplio espectro de acciones de extensión y transferencia, en respuesta a las principales demandas que surgían en dicha situación de emergencia sanitaria. En este contexto, nos propusimos identificar los principales cambios producidos en el ejercicio de la tercera misión universitaria, referida a la colaboración universidad-entorno y principalmente conocida como extensión, vinculación o transferencia. Para ello, se seleccionaron tres universidades con características diferenciales relativas a su origen, recorrido histórico y extensión territorial: la Universidad Nacional de Río Negro (UNRN), la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (UNQ) y la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP).
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    Recomendaciones para una política nacional de emprendimiento femenino en Chile
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-09-13) Araya, Francisca; Kuschel, Katherina; Alsua, Carlos
    Este estudio identifica y caracteriza los programas de apoyo a mujeres con intenciones de emprender, emprendedoras nacientes y establecidas disponiblesen el ecosistema chileno desde el sector público y privado con el fin de proponer recomendaciones para una política nacional de emprendimiento femenino.El análisis del catastro de sesenta y nueve programas a) confirma al sector público como principal motor del ecosistema de emprendimiento femenino, asignando financiamiento; b) demuestra la acelerada creación de programas de emprendimiento orientados a mujeres desde el último catastro de catorceprogramas mapeados por Mujeres del Pacífico en 2016; y c) muestra que la pandemia de COVID-19 postergó y desaceleró programas de generación de redes y eventos, pero aceleró la creación de contenidos en forma de programas de educación y formación emprendedora. El análisis de este inventario de programas evidencia la necesidad de formular una clara política nacional de emprendimiento femenino que alinee y optimice los esfuerzos del sector público.
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    Estados emocionales agudos en pobladores mexicanos durante la pandemia de COVID-19
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-15) Plascencia De la Torre, Juan Carlos; Castellanos Gutiérrez, Christian Lorenzo
    The purpose of the study was to evaluate acute emotional states in Mexicans during the Covid-19 pandemic. Non-experimental-cross-sectional design. 585 Mexicans between 18 and 67 years of age participated. The DASS-21 scale was used to measure the variables of stress, anxiety and depression; and a questionnaire on situations related to confinement by COVID-19. The results show that a small percentage of the sample manifested negative emotional symptoms ranging from severe to very severe, as well as fear and anguish of contagion from a relative. Similarly, significant differences were identified between men and women, and age groups. The findings show the importance of designing and implementing psychological interventions aimed at reducing negative emotions during the coronavirus pandemic.