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Debemos resaltar que gracias a una paciente labor de recolección de números antigüos y digitalización de revistas impresas, la mayoría de estas revistas tienen su colección de artículos completa, llegando a sumar, a julio del 2021, un total de más de 20,400 artículos.

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Mención aparte merecen, por su importancia histórica y cultural el boletín del Instituto Riva Agüero y la Revista de la Universidad Católica, que siendo revistas descontinuadas, se muestran en este repositorio por números completos con su respectivo índice de contenido.


Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 16
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    Imágenes, testimonios y heridas
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-11-13) Perrone, Nicolás
    This paper delves into the poetics of Kamar, a theatrical group from La Rioja, Argentina. The analysis shows the aesthetic-political interests that are configured in their productions as part of a politics of the gaze. In this context, we analyze the play Nosotras en el espejo to understand the synthesis of the group's theatrical research in a particular piece. The key analysis of this play revolves around the image of the wound, materialized in a production whose origin is found in testimonies of gender violence. The use of the testimonial theatrical device allows the exploration of a game of mirrors that alters the spectator's passive gaze and transmutes it into an emancipated and active gaze, conjugated in the order of affections and performative action.
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    La política de la comunión de Jean-Luc Marion
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-07-18) Vinolo, Stéphane
    Among all the fields covered by Jean-Luc Marion’s phenomenology of givenness, it is remarkable that politics occupies a scarce, if not non-existent, place. This quasi-absence can be explained by conceptual reasons, given that political philosophy is enclosed within metaphysics through its recurrent use of concepts such as the subject, the power or the interests. However, it is possible to think, from Marion’s philosophy, a politics that is not limited to his metaphysical figure. This possibility supposes a true politics of communion that unites the collective from a point that remains external to it and that does not serve as its foundation.
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    “Señales al hombre futuro”: enunciación vanguardista y toma de posición en U (1926) de Pablo de Rokha
    (Revista Espinela, 2020-06-28) Hurtado Lazo, Alex
    El trabajo se ocupa del poemario U (1926) del poeta vanguardista chileno Pablo de Rokha. Haciendo uso de los postulados de Walter Mignolo sobre la figura del poeta de vanguardia y las ideas de Susana Reisz sobre el carácter ficcional de la poesía, el estudio radica en la relación entre los postulados vanguardistas —que implica un nuevo paradigma político y estético— de Pablo de Rokha y su labor poética en U. En ese sentido, Sergio Vergara afirma que De Rokha delinea una de las vías más importantes del vanguardismo chileno, aquella que se preocupa más por lo temático que lo formal, lo que lo hace menos ortodoxo y le permite un proyecto totalizador que gesta en sus primeras épocas y que logra solidificar con pretensiones teóricas y críticas literarias y culturales.
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    Resistencia y emancipación del “nuevo espectador” en el régimen estético del sentir impersonal
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto Riva-Agüero, 2022-12-05) Milla, Saraí
    This paper seeks to establish connections between the diagnoses of art in society by Benjamin, Rancière, and Perniola in order to understand the contemporary aesthetic crisis characterized as a regime of impersonal feeling. To this end, it is intended to clarify Benjamin’s concept of aura and to establish a connection with art and politics that will be amplified with Rancière. The article will address the causes of the lack of autonomy in contemporary aesthetics, pointed by Perniola, to discuss in what way the emancipation of the spectator is possible by playing with the emptiness, the unspeakable, or the shadow of art.
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    Iguales pero distintos
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-15) Schaigorodsky, Emilia
    The article presents the results of the research regarding business elites of the province of Córdoba, Argentina, between 2015 and 2019. Beginning with the discussion of Latin-American and Argentinian research literature, it focuses on the analysis of businessmen’s social trajectories, describing its similarities and building a typology of its differences. The inquiry takes, as a theoretical position, the proposal of Tilly (2000) regarding inequality mechanisms. The research was carried out with a qualitative methodological approach, including multiple techniques (press analysis, observation and biographical interviews). A positional method for the identification of elites was used (Perissinotto and Codato, 2015), for the purpose of constructing social trajectories. The main results paved the way for building four types of trajectories, taking into account two analytical axis: economic activity in relation with the agents’ origin sociabilities; and their ways of political participation within the business communities. These results shed light on the heterogeneity followed by economic elites, and the importance of its understanding in view of inequalities present in Latin-American societies.
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    Desarrollo y política indígena en el Alto Yuruá (frontera Brasil-Perú)
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-08-29) Pimenta, José
    The Rio Amonia Ashaninka indigenous people live in the Brazilian state of Acre on the Upper Jurua River on the border between Brazil and Peru. After their struggle against intensive lumber activities in the 1980s, andhaving obtained the demarcation of their territory in the early 1990s, they engaged in strategic alliances with several partners as an attempt to find economic alternatives to lumbering. In the past twenty years, withthe growing influence of environmental concerns regarding development in the Amazon, the Amonia Ashaninka acquired great political visibility through various projects geared to the paradigm of «sustainable development ». Based on ethnographic fieldwork, carried out in various stages over the last fifteen years with the Amonia Ashaninka, this article retraces the plight of this community in the past two decades for land demarcation and to establish interethnic and transfrontier alliances as a means to install a broad «sustainable development» policy for the entire Upper Jurua region. It also analyses the present day development and border policies of both the Brazilian and Peruvian states, which entail new threats to the region’s indigenous peoples.
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    Crisis social chilena y salud mental: una mirada desde el ciclo vital
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-01-03) Barrera-Herrera, Ana; Baeza-Rivera, María José; Escandón-Nagel, Neli; Constanzo, Jorge ; Escobar, Bertha
    During 2019, Chilean society witnessed massive citizen demonstrations motivated by historical inequalities. The objective of this study is to compare the perception of young adults and adults about the social protests and its relation to mental health and social well-being. 711 people answered the online survey on the study factors. The results indicate that adults above the age of 30 show more interest in politics and both groups categorically reject the use of violence during the civilian protests. Moreover, the young adults showed higher results in anomie and negative affectivity, whereas adults show better social well-being and satisfaction with live. The Chilean social protest has had political and socio-emotional consequences, which remain until today.
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    Vigilar y programar: sobre la dimensión política del software
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto Riva-Agüero, 2021-12-02) Jordán, Rubén
    This article explores the pharmacological character of technology in the light of the anonymous internet browsing free software case and its political potential. It is contended that software, which is at the foundation of the neoliberal surveillance and psychopolitical control system depicted by Byung-Chul Han, may be at the same time, when implemented in open-source programs that hide our digital fingerprint, a tool for resistance and emancipation. This is due to the fact that such implementation attacks the fundamental principles of the dataist domination logic: transparency and predictability.
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    Seducir, levantar, estabilizar: amor y política entre varones gays argentinos
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-06-09) Marentes, Maximiliano
    This paper analyzes how loving and political trajectories of Argentinean gay men are intersected. In doing so, the goal is to critically review love self-referentiality’s hypothesis operating in contemporary societies and develop the complexity of the notion of sociability to explain political paths. The methodological approach was based in conducting in-depth interviews with 30 gay men who live in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires to reconstruct their love stories. I identify three ways in which love and politics are intertwined. The first one refers to how politics becomes a principle of seduction. The second one implies thinking politics as a hooking-up space. The third one describes the ways through which politics contribute to stabilize couples. I conclude that the description of those crossroads advances in the understanding of love, relativizing self-referentiality’s hypothesis sustained in social studies of love, and unfolding the non-politics category, included in politization studies.
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    Representación de la protesta social en las movilizaciones ciudadanas en el Perú durante el periodo pre- y poselectoral de 2021: análisis desde la visualidad de un trabajo fotográfico
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-07-27) Velarde Castillo, Jackeline Sofía
    Aldair Mejía is a Peruvian photographer who became moderately well known in the outbreak of social protest in Peru during November 2020. His work has recorded the citizen mobilizations in the country before, during and after the last presidential elections of 2021, that gave Pedro Castillo as the winner. The subject of this article has to do with, from the visuality, exploring and describing the representation of the social claim in this photographic work, using three photographs as the object of analysis. The methodology of visual analysis has been specifically used and it is not intended to generalize the meaning and implication of the images in other contexts. The focus has been on defining what kind of visual discourse these images constitute in the context of the enunciation and repetition of messages, mostly contrary, by the media, economic powers and defenders of the status quo, in the context of the political tension between candidates and what their figures represented until the announcement of the official winner.