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Mención aparte merecen, por su importancia histórica y cultural el boletín del Instituto Riva Agüero y la Revista de la Universidad Católica, que siendo revistas descontinuadas, se muestran en este repositorio por números completos con su respectivo índice de contenido.


Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 16
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    Comunidades temporales de artistas de performance:
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-11-02) Pagnes (VestAndPage), Andrea
    This article addresses the case model for the Live art exhibition project Venice International Performance Art Week, founded and curated by artist duo VestAndPage (Verena Stenke and Andrea Pagnes) in 2012. Since its inception, it has promoted performance art and Live art practices on a local, national, and international scale through live performance events, exhibitions, formative learning programs, and co-creation experiences. Founded on the principles of sustainability, hospitality, and care, it has become a recognized international platform where dialogue and exchange, artistic expressions and cultures can flourish proactively among performers. The project formats have evolved over the time, progressively focusing on forming temporary performance artist communities in terms of a social sculpture. Its core mission is to foster exchange among performers, Live artists, and people: a gathering reunion, a people’s project made by the people for the people. It functions as a think-tank for outlining conceptual visions which declaredly overcome imposed and external human conditioning, generating accretive reflection on topics such as poetic and civil sovereignty, inclusiveness, and accessibility through performance practices. As the project founders, we have also conceived it as a breeding ground for future professional opportunities of the participating artists, curators, and cultural operators, as well as a means to broaden the audience for performance art and Live art, both locally and internationally. The Venice International Performance Art Week has now adapted into an experiential co-creation artist-in-residence format. This enables to expand performance art and Live art beyond works of presentation and display, focusing instead on real time co-creation of interdisciplinary collective productions.
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    Educación y envejecimiento: un análisis comparativo entre la UNATI/UEM y la Carta Brasileña para Ciudades Inteligentes
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-09-25) Ferreira de Alvarenga, João Vitor; Oliveira, Terezinha; Costa do Nascimento, Mariana
    This article aims to conduct a comparative analysis between the University of the Third Age (UNATI/UEM) and the Brazilian Charter for Smart Cities. To achieve this objective, we conducted qualitative research of a documentary nature, iden-tifying convergent aspects between the two documents. The results reveal six key points of convergence: the emphasis on quality of life for the elderly, the planning of social actions to support this demographic, access to cultural and educational services, encouragement of technological advancements, the training of professionals to care for the elderly through teaching, research, and outreach, and healthcare provisions for the elderly. The study concludes that developing aging policies and training human resources for elderly care can reshape perceptions of aging, ultimately enhancing the quality of life for the elderly.
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    Educación en la adolescencia: consecuencias del confinamiento y la aceleración
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-04-15) Guilherme, Alexandre Anselmo; Felix de Oliveira, Fernanda
    This paper aims to analyze the impact of lockdown on education in the context of social acceleration. In this paper, we address the necessary (re)construction required to enhance the education of adolescents. From this perspective, it examines the potential of the adolescent brain, as advocated by Daniel Siegel. The present study employs a bibliographical research methodology to investigate the impact of social acceleration on education in the aftermath of the lockdown. We emphasize that the adolescent phase is crucial for the development of potentials in the educational context. In this vein, a philosophical analysis of the school is conducted, highlighting it as a space for (re)constructing practices that encourage adolescents to listen to the world around them. Therefore, the school must illuminate the potential of adolescence, such as creativity and openness to novelty, as a space for (re)creating subjects in times of acceleration.
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    Docentes ante la inteligencia artificial en una universidad pública del norte del Perú
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-03-31) Bernilla Rodriguez, Eduer Blandimiro
    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is creating both opportunities and challenges in higher education. This article explores perceptions, concerns, barriers, and facilitators for integrating AI into academic activities. It focuses on a public university in Northern Peru, examining faculty opinions through interviews and focus groups. The findings show that faculty find generating texts and organizing activities with AI advantageous; however, some have concerns about its use, doubting its accuracy and truthfulness. They agree on discussing these changes and integrating them into the curriculum, seeking to overcome barriers through training to improve the perception and use of AI. Despite the potential and strong support of AI in the university, it is necessary to implement institutional measures.
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    Humanizando a los tiburones
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-11-11) Dávila Villacorta, Regina
    Alrededor de los tiburones se han creado historias realmente increíbles, la mayoría lamentablemente, describiéndolos como seres sumamente peligrosos y dispuestos a lo que sea por un bocado humano. Sin embargo, ¿Cuánto realmente sabemos de esta especie? ¿Cómo podemos acercar los tiburones a los seres humanos? ¿Cómo desde el diseño gráfico podemos romper estereotipos, educar y abrir al público a la posibilidad de conocer sobre los tiburones? Un reto comunicacional ambicioso, que se inició como colaboración con el grupo de investigación, educación y conservación: Coalición Tiburón Perú, donde a través del proceso creativo en el diseño se pudo organizar y filtrar información pertinente para proponer soluciones visuales acompañadas de potentes mensajes de carácter informativo sobre las características de las diferentes especies de tiburones, su importancia en el equilibrio de los océanos y las amenazas que los persiguen. En la conceptualización gráfica de los mensajes, se apeló a la emoción, la pasión y el humor, la sinergia de todos estos elementos permitió aterrizar propuestas comunicacionales donde se personifican y humanizan a los tiburones; para acercarlos al humano.
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    La elaboración de la política de Base Común Curricular Nacional en Brasil: puntos a considerar
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-05-18) Cóstola, Andresa
    No Brasil temos visto diversas forças oriundas do movimento empresarial atuando como protagonistas na discussão das políticas educacionais formuladas nos últimos sete anos. Essa ingerência tem como objetivo explorar a educação como a nova fronteira econômica e com o intuído de formar uma nova geração de trabalhadores para atender as demandas do capitalismo do século XXI. Nesse sentido, nosso objetivo será explorar a atuação do movimento empresarial brasileiro na construção de um consenso em torno da necessidade de criação da nova política curricular, a Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC), especialmente a atuação dos atores do Movimento Toda pela Base (MBNC). Para tal, apresentaremos um breve histórico que demonstra como esse segmento foi um catalisador nesse debate e, ainda, abordaremos o conceito de qualidade que tem sido posto por essa reforma.
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    Aproximaciones etnográficas a las infancias y la educación en América Latina cien años después de Los argonautas del Pacífico occidental
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-02-27) Barón, Maritza Díaz
    El libro Los argonautas del Pacífico occidental de Bronislaw Malinowski, sin duda alguna, es el referente inaugural del método etnográfico. Se constituyó como opción epistemológica de la antropología y, progresivamente, como recurso metodológico para otras disciplinas. Este artículo hace referencia al lugar de algunos aspectos de la etnografía malinowskiana que se han transformado y otros aún presentes en la antropología de las infancias y educaciones en América Latina
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    La centralización de la educación pública primaria en el Perú y sus consecuencias tempranas, 1905 a 1921
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2020-12-21) Espinoza, G. Antonio
    In 1905, the Second Civilismo centralized the administration and financing of public elementary schools, as well as the appointment and supervision of teachers. The ideological factors that motivated José Pardo’s regime to take such action included nationalism and positivism, while one of its political motivations was to consolidate its power within Civilismo and over local powerholders. Among the circumstances that favored centralization were the availability of fiscal resources, and the support from some teachers. The consequences of the measure included an increase in the number of schools, growing enrollment, a growing number of teachers (especially women teachers), , the intensification of pedagogical renewal, and the consolidation of a new schoolteachers’ culture.
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    A propósito de la reciente aprobación del “Proyecto de Ley que reestablece la autonomía universitaria”
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-05-25) González Fretel, César Daniel
    Approximately eight years ago, Law N° 30220 or University Law was enacted, which sought to promote the continuous improvement of the educational quality of university institutions and established the National Superintendence of University Higher Education as the supervisory body. However, in May 2022, the Plenary of the Congress approved the so-called “Bill that reestablishes university autonomy”. In this sense, the interview seeks to analyze and evaluate the meaning and consequences of such project in the Peruvian educational environment.
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    Reflexiones acerca de la brecha digital en la educación a distancia durante la pandemia de COVID-19
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-26) Vertiz Manco, María Belén; Salas Oscco, Claudia Gisell
    Within the context generated by an event with a global effect such as the current COVID-19 pandemic, it can be asserted that –along with the adequate provision of basic needs for human survival– education is one of the factors of daily life to which the greatest concentration for preserving is dedicated. In this sense, there is a considerable advantage: an alternative methodology to the coexistence of teachers and students in a common physical space, which, although it was not an option for general application, was not completely alien to the average student in a country like Peru. We refer to long-distance education. However, while the immediate benefits of adopting this system, at first glance so accessible, are in fact many, the untimely imposition of long-distance education at all educational levels in the country was not established without challenges or setbacks. The widening of the digital gap –once a relatively passive reality to ignore for those who did not perceive themselves as particularly affected by it– reached new heights with breakneck speed and became a major concern due to its effect on the ability of Peruvian students to continue receiving their instruction under the virtual modality, or, failing that, to make visible in a forceful way the effects of the increasingly acute social inequality that harms the country.