THĒMIS-Revista de Derecho

URI permanente para esta comunidadhttp://

ISSN: 1810-9934
e-ISSN: 2410-9592

THĒMIS-Revista de Derecho, publicada desde el año 1969, es la primera revista de Derecho editada por estudiantes de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, a su vez, es considerada como una publicación de gran prestigio y es el principal producto de la Asociación Civil THĒMIS.

Actualmente se encuentra oficialmente indizada en Latindex y Clase, sistemas de información de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), y en Dialnet, catálogo de la Universidad de La Rioja, España. Asimismo, está presente en JournalTOCs, Bielefeld Academic Search Engine, Ebsco, vLex y, últimamente, en la red académica ExpressO y Escholastica. Por lo tanto los estándares académicos y calidad editorial de nuestra revista se encuentran certificados internacionalmente.


Resultados de búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 10 de 204
  • Ítem
    La importancia del derecho internacional privado en el mundo moderno
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-10-17) Delgado Menéndez, María Antonieta; Delgado Menéndez, María del Carmen
    This paper addresses the importance of Private International Law (hereinafter, PIL) in the modern world marked by an increasing human cosmopolitanism, the intensification of free trade of goods, services and capital, and by an avalanche of legal relationships, which daily cross the borders of states, greatly increasing international legal traffic. International private relations, being linked to a multiplicity of countries and state legal systems, give rise to a kind of legal uncertainty as to the law applicable to them, which must be clarified by private international law in order to provide legal certainty to the parties.In this context, the authors offer a look at two essential problems. The first is a cross-cutting issue in private international law, which is part of its general provisions: fraud in private international law, a little known mechanism in the Peruvian legal community, although highly relevant in the determination of the law applicable to international private relations. The second is a fundamental issue for international families and for third parties related to them, which deals with the patrimonial effects of international marriages and de facto unions; an issue that has been one of the most frequent and complex in matters of conflict of laws in private international law and that is undergoing a very important evolution in the modern world of the 21st century.
  • Ítem
    Mesa redonda: ¿Constitucionalización del Derecho Civil o civilización del Derecho Constitucional?
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-10-17) Landa Arroyo, César Rodrigo; Benatti, Francesca; León Hilario, Leysser; Rubio Correa, Marcial Antonio
    In this round table, six questions are addressed regarding the novel discussion on the possible constitutionalization of Civil Law or, on the contrary, the civilization of Constitutional Law. From different doctrinal perspectives, experts in both topics analyze the existence and characteristics of this latent legal phenomenon. It is emphasized, on the one hand, that the modernization of the Rule of Law has strengthened the protection of human rights, irradiating constitutional values to civil legislation. But also, it is the constitutional courts that play a crucial role in ensuring civil rights through principles of reasonableness and proportionality.On the other hand, it is argued that civil law must be interpreted in the light of the Constitution, as the fundamental law that expresses the values of the legal system. However, it is noted that constitutional interpretation is not always automatic or objective, and may vary according to the method used, which introduces a degree of subjectivity and risk of ideologically motivated decisions.From this valuable confrontation of ideas, the reader can reach his own conclusions, since the debate is broad, rich and undefined.
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    El uso de los principios UNIDROIT para interpretar y complementar el derecho contractual nacional: un modelo para el legislador peruano
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-10-17) García Long, Sergio
    In 2024, the Peruvian Civil Code turns 40 years since its promulgation in 1984, while the UNIDROIT Principles has its 30th anniversary since their first edition in 1994. Given this, which party should we attend? This essay proposes a look at the Peruvian Civil Code from the perspective of international trade to propose improvements. To this end, the provisions of the UNIDROIT Principles that regulate contractual interpretation, obligations of best efforts and results, penalty clause and force majeure, are taken as reference. These will be compared with the provisions of the Peruvian Civil Code, to identify possible areas of improvement in domestic law, taking the UNIDROIT Principles as a guide.
  • Ítem
    Naturaleza, validez y efectos de las cartas de intención: del common law al civil law
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-10-17) Pablo Abanto, Juan Jesus
    Since letters of intent do not have a specific regime and a ‘standard’ nature, they constitute a problem for the legal operator, as their effects could be of the most diverse. In view of this, the author proposes the determination of their nature, validity and effects based on the particular analysis of the terms of each letter of intent and, by virtue of such analysis, to verify whether Peruvian law may be applicable. The purpose is to establish the necessary parameters to interpret the scope of this type of documents, whose operability is becoming more and more frequent in national and international transactions.
  • Ítem
    Limitaciones a la propiedad. En las limitaciones privadas: ¿el Tribunal Registral tiene facultad para legislar?
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-10-17) Ortiz Pasco, Jorge
    The article develops the variety of restrictions to the right to property in Peru, many of them overlooked, but very necessary to know. In this task, the author also takes a position on the controversial restriction on the transfer and encumbrance of property by agreement between private parties. Some limitations have been pronounced by the highest administrative registry instance: the Registry Court; the author questions its legislative power through an analysis of the changes brought about by the plenary sessions LXII, XCIV and XCIX, in addition to the pronouncements of the Constitutional Court and the provisions of the Civil Code of 40 years of validity.
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    Sobre los contratos de ejecución continuada e instantánea: el tiempo y la satisfacción del interés del acreedor
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-10-17) Vargas Sequeiros, Luis Diego; Ojeda Villamar, Rafaela
    This article analyzes the national and international regulation of continuous and instantaneous performance contracts, focusing on the incomplete nature of this regulation and its impact on legal certainty.The authors propose a classification based on the role of time in contractual performance and satisfaction of the creditor’s interest. These criteria are presented as more precise to differentiate between continuous and instant performance contracts, facilitating their practical application.
  • Ítem
    La donación remuneratoria: una aproximación crítica a su naturaleza y a sus alcances
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-10-17) Bautista Quispe, Ulises
    The remunerative donation has a treatment partially different from that of an ordinary donation; neither the rules of revocation nor those of the obligation of maintenance (including the rules that protect the ‘legítima’) do not apply to it. However, in the Civil Code such treatment is omitted and there is a tendency to equate it to an onerous act or a payment, which is not uncommon to find also in several sectors of the national and foreign doctrine.The author criticizes these positions, pointing out several deficiencies, and argues that the remunerative donation is a subtype of donation that is entered into freely. Furthermore, he argues that the remunerative donation should not be equated with mercantile interests, given its essence and the values it promotes. Likewise, in view of the legal gap in the Civil Code, the author identifies and specifies the scope that this contract should have.
  • Ítem
    La regulación de las cláusulas generales de contratación aprobadas administrativamente en el Perú
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-10-17) Tamani Rafael, Carlos
    The present article examines the regulation and application of administrative approval of general contract clauses in the Peruvian context, with a focus on the financial services and telecommunications sectors. It highlights and questions the importance of this approval for consumer protection. Furthermore, it discusses jurisprudential discrepancies regarding the challenge of these clauses. In summary, the article offers a detailed and critical view of the regulation of general contract clauses in Peru, highlighting key challenges and considerations in this legal field.
  • Ítem
    La fianza como contrato y como carta: ¿dos caras de la misma moneda?
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-10-17) Peña Villanueva, Álvaro
    The surety is a legal figure that allows for greater security in transactions and reduces the risks associated with investments and contracts. Frequently, the image of the surety bond as an agreement and as a letter converge; nevertheless, the author underscores that both figures have important nuances and differentiated features. In this line, the present work approaches this institution with a comparative approach between what was regulated by the Peruvian Civil Code of 1936 and what is regulated by our current Code, showing the continuities and modifications that it has undergone.Thus, the author establishes that the current regulation offers greater conceptual precision and formality in the figure, making its application safer. The author also develops an important review of the application of the terms of the surety through an analysis of recent case-law. This step leads the author to describe and analyze what are the requirements to participate/constitute an operation of this nature.
  • Ítem
    La prescripción
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-10-17) Castillo Freyre, Mario; Molina Agui, Giannina
    The article examines the scope of prescription as regulated by Article 1989 of the Peruvian Civil Code, which states that “Prescription extinguishes the action, but not the right itself.” Through a detailed analysis, the authors explore the distinctions between action and claim, as well as the relevance of the passage of time in prescription.They also examine the concept of a subsisting but unenforceable right and its treatment within the Peruvian legal system. The main conclusion is that, although prescription affects the enforceability of the pretension, the right of action itself is not extinguished and remains accessible in future judicial proceedings.