Derecho PUCP. Núm. 92 (2024)

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Tabla de Contenido

Sección Principal
  • Calistenia constitucional: una futura integración del Acuerdo de Escazú con el derecho constitucional peruano Gamboa Balbín, César; 9-54
  • La protección penal internacional del medio ambiente: hacia el delito de ecocidio Martín Aragón, María del Mar; 55-94
  • Ordenamiento territorial y concesiones mineras en el Perú: bases para un sistema integrado y armónico con el desarrollo sostenible Chinchay Tuesta, Ady; Scurrah, Martin; 95-137
  • El consumo sustentable: un principio implícito en el sistema chileno de consumo Isler Soto, Erika; 139-168

  • Miscelánea
  • Implicancias jurídicas del modelo social de discapacidad en la imputabilidad penal Torres Flor, Analucía; Bedoya Perales, Percy Vladimiro; 171-208
  • ¿Qué es convivir en pareja? Los supuestos espaciales de la Corte Suprema colombiana en casos de pensión de sobrevivientes Rodríguez Morales, Andrés; 209-232
  • Discusiones en torno a la presunción de la inocencia en el ámbito jurídico angloamericano Díaz, Ernesto Matías; 233-267
  • Autores y partícipes: un estudio comparado entre el Código Penal alemán y el Código Penal Modelo de los Estados Unidos Cordini, Nicolás Santiago; 269-299

  • Interdisciplinaria
  • Cuando la comunidad «dice» el derecho: las asambleas de justicia indígena en Oaxaca Vázquez Hernández, Irán; 301-327
  • Litigantes propensos al riesgo: manifestaciones de su participación en el proceso civil Carrasco Delgado, Nicolás; 329-360
  • Respuestas adaptativas, derecho a la salud y el límite del criterio de satisfacción: una reflexión y puesta en evidencia desde el sistema de salud peruano Cornejo Amoretti, Leandro; 361-393
  • Explorar

    Resultados de Búsqueda

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    • Ítem
      Ordenamiento territorial y concesiones mineras en el Perú: bases para un sistema integrado y armónico con el desarrollo sostenible
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-05-29) Chinchay Tuesta, Ady; Scurrah, Martin
      Mining and other economic activities are carried out on a particular territory and, thus, affect the natural and human environment in which they operate. As a consequence and in order to avoid future and eventual socio-environmental conflicts, it is essential to guarantee that these human activities are conducted in a manner that respects both environment and society. One of the most powerful tools to achieve this balance between human activities and sustainable development is Land-Use Planning (LUP), understood as the institution charged with organizing human activities to achieve that balance. Bearing this in mind, the present article has three objectives: a) complement the literature on LUP by explaining the interconnection between LUP and the mining concessions regime, b) identify and analyze the main problems with the procedures for granting mining concessions in Peru, and c) propose the foundations for a future integrated system of mining concessions and LUP based on common principles and participatory mechanisms to reconcile tensions between the interests and values of all stakeholders, in addition to providing alternative solutions to the current problems with the mining concessions regime. To analyze the mining concessions regime and LUP a qualitative methodology is adopted, combining documentary analysis, review of official reports, and semi-structured interviews with key actors. Taking into consideration the stated objectives, this research concludes that: a) to achieve sustainable development and prevent the future emergence of conflicts, mining concessions must be granted based on territorial planning that the State (at the national, regional and local levels) should undertake prior to and in conjunction with civil society; b) the mining concession procedure lacks mechanisms of good governance, environmental sustainability and social justice; and c) as an alternative solution to these issues, this research suggests the creation of an integrated system of LUP and mining concessions, one that is binding, efficient, gradual, investor-friendly and intercultural.