IUS ET VERITAS. Núm. 56 (2018)

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Tabla de Contenido

  • Presentación Bedoya Aranda, Nickoll; 15

  • Sección principal
  • La prescripción en el procedimiento administrativo sancionador en materia de Libre Competencia a partir de las modificaciones a la Ley del Procedimiento Administrativo General Chang Tokushima, Juan; Drago Alfaro, Mario; 16-27
  • La problemática tributaria de los contratos de asociación en participación Salazar Mesías, Octavio; 28-43
  • La legitimación en el proceso civil peruano Prado Bringas, Rafael; Zegarra Valencia, Orestes Francisco; 44-60
  • La naturaleza del procedimiento de selección de contratistas y el carácter común de la Ley del Procedimiento Administrativo General Shimabukuro Tokashiki, Néstor; Alejos Guzmán, Oscar; 62-72
  • Autorregulación y la publicidad sexista: Oportunidad de mejora para el CONAR Sosa, Alex; 74-85
  • El tratamiento jurídico de la ineficacia en la disposición unilateral de bienes de la sociedad conyugal a puertas del Octavo Pleno Casatorio Civil Vargas Jiménez, Marja Ulanova; 86-105
  • La interpretación prejudicial 242-IP-2015 del Tribunal Andino. Sobre la legitimidad activa de las autoridades administrativas para solicitar interpretación prejudicial y la aplicación de los requisitos de registrabilidad a las marcas táctiles o de textura Indacochea, Juan Manuel; 106-129
  • Sistema penal inglés e imputación subjetiva Sánchez Málaga Carrillo, Armando; 130-152
  • El rol preventivo de las consultoras ambientales y su importancia en el proceso de evaluación del impacto ambiental: Actualización de últimos cambios normativos Queirolo Romero, Ana Paula; 154-171
  • La criminalización de la disidencia contra el extractivismo en el Perú. La atribución de la responsabilidad penal a la acción política: Análisis a la luz del caso Aduviri Vásquez, Mirtha; 172-185
  • La unión de hecho en el Perú, los derechos de sus integrantes y desafíos pendientes Zuta Vidal, Erika Irene; 186-198

  • Sección Especial
  • El sistema de gestión conflictual convencional Libro Rojo FIDIC - edición 1999 - y su aporte de eficiencia en la solución de conflictos en los proyectos de construcción Paredes, Gustavo; 200-219
  • Erosión o extensión del res inter alios acta a propósito de la coligación contractual inmobiliaria Mendoza del Maestro, Gilberto; García Rivas, Alexander Hernán; 258-271
  • La ancianidad en el Derecho Constitucional argentino Novelli, Mariano Horacio; 272-296
  • El Control de Concentraciones empresariales en el Perú: Bases fundamentales para su regulación Zúñiga Fernández, Tania; 220-256
  • Explorar

    Resultados de Búsqueda

    Mostrando 1 - 10 de 15
    • Ítem
      La unión de hecho en el Perú, los derechos de sus integrantes y desafíos pendientes
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018-10-01) Zuta Vidal, Erika Irene
      This article analyzes the regulation of common law marriage in Peru from its beginnings to the present. It focuses on its evolution, from a null recognition of rights and even violation of the fundamental rights of children born within a cohabitation, to its constitutional regulation and the consecration of the principle of equality. Starting from considering common law marriage as a source of family and examining its most important elements, the rights that concubines have been acquiring, either normatively or at a jurisprudential level, as well as addressing pending challenges.
    • Ítem
      Sistema penal inglés e imputación subjetiva
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018-10-01) Sánchez Málaga Carrillo, Armando
      Although the discussion about mens rea is still in an incipient state, English criminal law provides a different perspective of analysis, which establishes inference rules of the mental states before defining the conceptual level. The idea that a theory of mental states will only be satisfactory if it allows or makes viable its application in criminal proceedings can constitute a contribution of English jurisprudential development to the dogmatics of continental criminal law.
    • Ítem
      La criminalización de la disidencia contra el extractivismo en el Perú. La atribución de la responsabilidad penal a la acción política: Análisis a la luz del caso Aduviri
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018-10-01) Vásquez, Mirtha
      Validity of human rights in contexts of extractive activity is at the core of a debate around social conflict, currently arising in the country. Conflicts emerging from social and environmental problems created by extractivism have not been properly addressed by the State. The use of repressive mechanisms is more and more questioned, mainly since there is a wider criminalization of the exercise of basic freedoms, such as, the freedom of speech, freedom of opinion, and the right to participate in political decisions that are essential elements to democracy. A rising number of prosecutions against leaders of social movements reveals the use of punitive power to retaliate against those considered as “disruptors” of a hegemonic order being imposed. The Aduviri Case, concerning the prosecution and conviction of a leader of the Aymara movement, who conducted a resilient protest process against mining concessions in the South of the country in 2011, will serve as a reference to the analysis.
    • Ítem
      Autorregulación y la publicidad sexista: Oportunidad de mejora para el CONAR
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018-10-01) Sosa, Alex
      In this article, the author develops the problem ofs exist advertising and he sets out self-regulation as an alternative to sanction it. Along these lines, he introduces CONAR as an institution responsible for self-regulation within advertising, and he highlights the issuance of an objective criterion for evaluation and eventual sanction of sexist advertising, this within the framework of the validity of its Advertising Code of Ethics 2007, but after a series of modifications to regulatory framework, the author criticizes its lack of application, and he culminates affirming the advantages of an advertising self-regulation, represented through CONAR.
    • Ítem
      La prescripción en el procedimiento administrativo sancionador en materia de Libre Competencia a partir de las modificaciones a la Ley del Procedimiento Administrativo General
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018-10-01) Chang Tokushima, Juan; Drago Alfaro, Mario
      On December 21st 2016 the Legislative Decree No. 1272, a regulation that modified various provisions of the General Administrative Procedure Act, Law No. 27444 (LPAG), was published. One of them consisted in the modification of subsection 2 of Article II of the Preliminary Title, which had as a consequence that the conditions established in the LPAG were no longer supplementary, but mandatory. In particular, when a special rule establishes less favorable conditions for the administered. The purpose of this article is to determine the effects of the aforementioned modification to the statute of limitations applicable to sanctioning administrative procedures. Specifically, if the statute of limitations applicable to antitrust procedures has been modified.
    • Ítem
      La naturaleza del procedimiento de selección de contratistas y el carácter común de la Ley del Procedimiento Administrativo General
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018-10-01) Shimabukuro Tokashiki, Néstor; Alejos Guzmán, Oscar
      The special nature of the contractor selection procedure and the source hierarchy of the State Procurement Law have been used as an argument to support the non-application of the interoperability rule within the framework of these procedures. Being in disagreement with this position, we sustain in the article that the special nature of the selection procedure does not negate the application of the informalism principle that underpins the interoperability rule. Likewise, we maintain that the common character of the Law of General Administrative Procedure, where the principle of informalism is enshrined, requires a reinterpretation of the hierarchy of sources of the State Contracting Law.
    • Ítem
      La problemática tributaria de los contratos de asociación en participación
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018-10-01) Salazar Mesías, Octavio
      In this article, the author analyzes the tax regime linked to the partnership agreement (joint venture) agreement, within the framework of a recent court resolution by the administrative authority on tax matters. In this regard, the author presents an interesting summary of the normative changes that took place around the partnership agreement, and presents us with an interesting position concerning the effects that the Tax Court Resolution would have on taxpayers. Finally, emphasizing the scenario of uncertainty surrounding the figure described, the author urges the creation of appropriate standards that provide legal security to the actors in the market.
    • Ítem
      La interpretación prejudicial 242-IP-2015 del Tribunal Andino. Sobre la legitimidad activa de las autoridades administrativas para solicitar interpretación prejudicial y la aplicación de los requisitos de registrabilidad a las marcas táctiles o de textura
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018-10-01) Indacochea, Juan Manuel
      On August 24, 2015, the Andean Court of Justice issued the Preliminary Ruling 242-IP-2015, on the tactile mark consisting in the surface of the whisky bottle Old Parr. This Preliminary Ruling is the first one rendered by an international court about tactile marks. The purpose of this paper is to explain the application of the main registration requirements to new types of marks, in the light of the criteria explained in the aforementioned Preliminary Ruling. It also aims to analyze the previous jurisprudential development, concerning the active legitimacy of the Administrative Authorities of the Member Countries to optionally request Preliminary Rulings. That is the first question –or subject– addressed in the above-mentioned Preliminary Ruling since the interpretation was requested by an Administrative Authority of Colombia.
    • Ítem
      La ancianidad en el Derecho Constitucional argentino
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018-10-01) Novelli, Mariano Horacio
      Historically, the problem of old age has not been an object of interest to the legal debate. Only in recent years, this complex stage of life has begun to be addressed, especially by Civil Law, Criminal Law and Philosophy of Law. However, there are still few studies which focus on the constitutional perspective and the rights of the elderly. That is the profile of the present work, which carries out a detailed and comparative analysis of the regulations of the highest hierarchy in Argentina. It emphasizes that, in accordance with postmodern times, the elderly person is a weak individual who frequently becomes a victim of economic, structural, physical, psychological and sexual violence. It also stresses that Law is an instrument of great value to overcome this weakness, by strengthening the living conditions and status of the elderly.
    • Ítem
      Erosión o extensión del res inter alios acta a propósito de la coligación contractual inmobiliaria
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018-10-01) Mendoza del Maestro, Gilberto; García Rivas, Alexander Hernán
      In the present work an analysis of the linked contracts phenomenon has been carried out from the beginning for its understanding between the intensity of the link, so that it becomes evident in the current economic situation and one should stop seeing the contracts as only entities isolated.