Conexión. Núm. 07 (2017)

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  • Ítem
    El poder de los medios: Una entrevista a Francisco Durand
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2017-08-17) Acevedo, Jorge
    No presenta resumen
  • Ítem
    Memorias de pescadores: rescatando la historia de la comunidad de Lobitos, Perú
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2017-08-17) Gonzales, Amanda; Lacan, Nina
    This article presents the methodology and main results of a research/action project called “Fishermen’s Memories”, conducted by the two authors in the coastal town of Lobitos (Northern Peru). The project aims to reconstruct the history of Lobitos basing itself on the voices of members of the local fishing community, in order to highlight their own narratives and vision of the past and enable them to transmit these to the younger generations. After presenting the goals, methodology and context of the project, we reflect upon some of the main results of our research and try to explore the defining elements of this community’s identity and the way it perceives and analyzes its history. Finally, we describe the work that was carried out with the participants and present the main products of the project as well as its future prospects.
  • Ítem
    El amor en los tiempos de la trova. Perfil de Jorge Millones
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2017-08-17) Maldonado, Eduardo
    No presenta resumen
  • Ítem
    Alias Alejandro y Sibila, retrato familiar del conflicto armado interno en el Perú
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2017-08-17) Godoy, Mauricio
    Among the political documentary cinema in Latin America, Peru documentary has been focused in its internal conflict since the last fifteen years. This subject has been on the core of different analysis and publications. However, the subjective turn has not been taking importance along these works. In this article the author discusses about the importance on the subjectivity through the analysis of the films Alias Alejandro (Cárdenas, 2005) and Sibila (Arredondo, 2012), in which ones with an autobiographical approach results in a complex final product, taking distance of the apparent “truth” representations mainly boarded by classical documentaries films.
  • Ítem
    Entre la comunicación y el arte: una mirada a los primeros afiches peruanos
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2017-08-17) Sánchez Flores, Miguel
    The present article is an approximation to the first stage of the development of the Peruvian posters of the late fifties and sixties. The text is questioned on the two dimensions with which these first posters are born: communication and art, and also on the attempt to match precisely its esthetic dimension with its informative and commercial function. The text also identifies many of the first exponents, renowned graphic artists, who found in the design of posters, covers and commercial logos a space not only to develop their artistic practice but also a source of habitual income. Precisely, the article question those two dimensions —which do not seem to be faced in the beginning— and which agree favorably in the development of advertising graphics and also of Peruvian art. Finally, the article asks about the function of the poster and poses the hypotheses about what makes a poster transcend its informative function and make it remain in time as an object of collectible art, as happened with some of these first Peruvian posters.
  • Ítem
    El suelo no está parejo. Límites y posibilidades de los medios locales en un mercado altamente concentrado
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2017-08-17) Acevedo, Jorge
    The article presents the main features of the Peruvian radio and television market, and emphasizes the levels of concentration of advertising investment, frequency control and the regulatory framework tailored to the media groups. It also analyzes the possibilities of economic sustainability, growth and modernization of much of the local and regional media in a world context characterized by accelerated technological changes, and new habits and styles of consumption of the audiences. The paper also describes some strengths and strategies deployed by local and commercial radios and television stations with social development objectives (educational and community), aimed at enabling them to stay in the market and lay the groundwork for the complex transit towards the digitalization of production and distribution of multimedia content. 
  • Ítem
    Lo étnico en política: notas en el caso peruano
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2017-08-17) Olivera, Luis
    This article addresses a subject of singular relevance in the current debate regarding the role, weight and dimension that ethnicity plays in organizing and reforming politics in the 21st century in Peru. Based upon the Peruvian process, an analysis considering political science, history and communication allows the paper to discuss the presence of Peru’s indigenous peoples in a historical continuity from their natural adaptation to the Andes, through the Inca expansion, the devastation of the conquest, the ruptures of colonialism, the continuities of the republic, to the fallacious proposition of an ethnocacerist identity. It also addresses the particular manifestation of the ethnic concept in Peru today, as a novelty driven by the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. Finally, the article points to the challenge of intercultural communication in an objectively multilingual and multicultural society.