Centro de Competitividad, Finanzas Corporativas y Políticas Públicas

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Este centro promueve el estudio de las finanzas, tanto corporativas como públicas, y analiza la competitividad y los efectos de las políticas públicas en el mercado y las expectativas, con especial incidencia en Perú y Latinoamérica. Tiene por objetivo coadyuvar al desarrollo de conocimientos, información y capacidades en beneficio de la sociedad, sobre temas relacionados con el quehacer del Estado, la inserción del Perú y Latinoamérica dentro del escenario global, los criterios de productividad, competitividad y efectividad organizacional en los proyectos de inversión (tanto públicos como privados), el impacto de las políticas públicas (fiscales y monetarias) en el mercado, los indicadores de buen gobierno (gobernabilidad y gobernanza), , las expectativas empresariales y del consumidor, y demás temas afines.



Mostrando 1 - 3 de 3
  • Miniatura
    ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    The impact of R&D subsidies on R&D employment composition
    (CENTRUM Publishing, 2014) Afcha Chávez, Sergio Moisés; García Quevedo, José
    In this paper we examine the impact of subsidies granted at national and regional levels on a set of R&D employment variables and, specifically, we seek to identify the existence of the behavioural additionality effects of these public subsidies on firms’ R&D human resources. We begin by assessing the effects of public funds on R&D private expenditures and on the number of R&D employees, and then focus on their impact on the composition of human resources engaged in R&D as classified by occupation and level of education. The data used correspond to the Spanish Technological Innovation Panel for the period 2006-2011. To control for selection bias and endogeneity, a combination of non-parametric matching techniques are implemented. After ruling out the existence of crowding out effects, our results show that R&D subsidies increase the number of R&D employees. However, no increase is found in the average level of qualification of R&D staff members in subsidized firms. All in all, the effects of public support are heterogeneous being dependent on the source of the subsidy and the firms’ characteristics.
  • Miniatura
    ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Fundamentos Teóricos de la Intervención Pública en Política Tecnológica
    (CENTRUM Publishing, 2014) Afcha Chávez, Sergio Moisés
    El objetivo de este trabajo es revisar los argumentos que justifican la acción gubernamental en política tecnológica, así como el funcionamiento de las principales herramientas e incentivos utilizados en la promoción, directa e indirecta, de actividades de I+D.
  • Miniatura
    ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Knowledge and Participation of Barranquilla’s Citizens in the Colombian Stock Market
    (CENTRUM Publishing, 2015) León, Guillén; Afcha Chávez, Sergio Moisés
    This paper empirically examines the level of awareness and participation of citizens of Barranquilla in Colombia's stock market. To do this, we surveyed 800 individuals distributed in five locations in the city. Using a logit model type factors influencing the level of market knowledge of small investors as well as the variables that influence the probability of investment are estimated. The results show that the income range is the variable with the greatest influence on the level of knowledge and investment in the stock market. Finally, it is confirmed that this is a market with very specific characteristics in which, in most cases, enter those with a full knowledge of investments they put in.