Anthropologica. Vol. 41 Núm. 51 (2023)
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Historia, vigencia y materialidad del Estado de Emergencia en el Perú
Transmisión cultural, ecología y representación
8 resultados
Resultados de Búsqueda
Ítem Texto completo enlazado Cultura: ¿un derecho para todxs? Propuesta de investigación-acción en derechos culturales(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-21) Pacheco Mariselli, Martha; Díaz, Germán Díaz; Rodríguez, Samanta Romero; Reynel Joyja, Allisson Rita; Lau Barba, Milos; Basilio Saldaña, CristianThis article aims to reflect on a challenging process of artistic creation of collective writing from an anthropological perspective, arising from academic research, around which a clown performance event was built. This scenic event, in turn, proceeded to be transferred from its original live performance format to an audiovisual recording format of that same performance. The transition from a situation of simultaneous presence of the clown and his audience, to another where the corporeal, sensory, emotional participation of the audiences is “mediated” by the production decisions that “compose” a “gaze” expressed by the camera that, as deferred “narrator,” assumes the leadership of an expressive communication process about the human values and emotions defined by a culture, in front of an anonymous audience. Confronting the initial challenge of finding significant expressive ways to “translate” the legal discourse (abstract, with a bias of supposed universality assumed to be homogeneous) on human rights and citizenship, a proposal was progressively developed, one that intuitively combined within a general logic of action research, strategies of collective creation, artistic performance research, specificallyclown, as well as the design of a technical proposal for audiovisual media that suggests an explanation of cultural rights (core part of the human rights set) as basis for the full exercise of an also expanded definition of citizenship; one based on cultural diversity, and its mark in the identity generation processes.Ítem Texto completo enlazado «Esa foto es la que más me ha gustado de él»1. Historias fotográficas familiares contadas por videollamadas(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-21) Figueroa Espejo, MercedesThis article proposes methodological reflections on a digitally mediated ethnographic work that explores the family memories of police and military personnel killed in armed action during the Peruvian internal armedconflict (1980-2000). This exploration was carried out through the consultation of their domestic photographic archives (analog and digital) and from the voices of their closest relatives (widows and older sister). Thus, it was proposed to make visible other stories in relation to the violence of those years. The research digital mediation was held mainly through WhatsApp video calls. This social network allowed the conduction of interviews and photo elicitation exercises with analog photographs, to reconstruct lifestories. This experience encouraged a series of (re)adaptations and (re) learnings to understand these video calls as ethnographic meeting places and as windows into the everyday and intimacy of homes, inviting to rethink distances and places of enunciation in research contexts.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Cómo se construye al enemigo(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-21) Gavilán Sánchez, LurgioFrom an auto-ethnographic perspective, the study analyzes the construction of different types of enemies in the context of the internal armed conflict and state of exception that took place in Ayacucho, Peru, between1980 and 2000. The result suggests a critical examination of the states of exception. Well then, beyond the reduction to a single enemy-friend (Sendero Luminoso and the Peruvian State), new qualitative views showa complex kaleidoscopic situation of multiple faces of the social subject, which involves examining the network of adversaries: troops, terrucos, cachacos, even a statue of the Inca. Thus, in the face of dichotomous and stigmatizing visions, knowing these dissimilar enemies allows us to betterunderstand the victim and perpetrator produced in a context of violence, with their own interests and local cultural logics, since these adversaries caused polarization and fractures of the social fabric.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Actores silenciosos y estados de excepción: Ayacucho durante el conflicto armado interno en Perú (1980-2000)(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-21) Gamarra Carrillo, Jefrey antonioUnder internal armed conflicts there is a group of social actors whose performing behaviors do not correspond to neither of the sides in conflict. These actors are neither civil population trapped at the middle of violence nor those compromised with any of the sides. It is state officials charged to accomplish administrative tasks, for example those assigned to education on disputed territories. This paper seeks to explore the notion of silent social actor in terms of its behavior and to draw the attention of the international community concerned about the silent actor on conflicts. This research is focused on a public university in Ayacucho, Peru, during the internal armed conflict (1980-2000) at the end of the last century. The research uses a methodology for studying memory of witnesses of this period and the reflexivity approach in Anthropology. This work proposes using the category of silent social actor characterized by the exercise of a restricted agency but subject to constant pressure from the contenders faced in the conflict.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Ganaderos, colonos y la deforestación de bosques primarios en Morona, Ecuador(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-21) Bedoya Garland, Eduardo; Gómez de la Torre, Sara; Anda Basabe, SusanaThe objective of this article is to describe and analyze the productive characteristics and the corresponding environmental impact of the small and medium extensive cattle ranching practiced by colonists-mestizos and settlers belonging to the Shuar ethnic group in the Morona canton, located in the Ecuadorian Amazon. It is undisputable that there are forms of extensive livestock farming that are more sustainable than others, but we believe that the volume of land cleared is a problem that must be addressed. This production system is based on the movement of cattle between pastures on a farm due, among other things, to the low nutritional potential of the gramalote grass. This activity generates deforestation in large extensions of land. Among the factors that accentuate such levels of deforestation are, on the one hand, the larger size of the agricultural units and the need to compensate for the loss in the nutritional potential of the pastures and, onthe other hand, the chrematistic perception of the forests. Extensive livestockfarming, especially among the colonists, has shown a great capacity for resilience over the last forty years. This is despite fluctuations in urbandemand for meat and its environmental impact on the forest. Cattle ranchers in the region have maintained cattle ranching as an important source of income, a capitalization mechanism, a viable activity in a context of relative labor scarcity, and as a means of obtaining social status in a frontier context. In short, as a way of reproducing their family economy.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Autorregulación y protagonismo en la crianza. La agencia en el modelo de crianza respetuosa en Argentina(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-21) Mantilla, María JimenaIn this paper, I interrogate the images of childhood in the model of respectful parenting from a sociological perspective. I am interested in problematizing the notion of agency in articulation with the new social studies of childhood. To this end, I describe the main characteristics that define respectful parenting from the perspective of its followers, and I focus on the example of complementary feeding where I delve into how it produces a view of babies which enhances their agency when it comes to managing the feeding process. This paper is based on previously conducted qualitative ethnographic research about the experiences of middle-class mothers whofollow this style of parenting in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Representaciones sociales del insulto entre estudiantes de la Institución Educativa Mariscal Cáceres en Ayacucho, Perú(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-21) Gutiérrez Martínez, Juan Benigno; Zaga Llantoy, VioletaThe main objective of this research was to analyze the social representations on the acts of verbal insults among third grade high school students at the Mariscal Caceres Educational Institution, located in the district of Ayacucho in Peru. The empirical information was obtained through the survey and its respective instrument: the perception and valuation questionnaire which included closed and open questions, that was applied to a total of 64 students, both male and female. The results reveal that 95 % of the students surveyed stated that they had been victims of verbal insults. Despite this, they define and categorize such acts as a simple “lack of respect”, followed, to a lesser extent, by other categories: violence, aggression and even considered as something normal. To cope with this situation, students take various decisions and actions: complaining to their parents and teachers, responding with physical violence, exchanging insults, remaining silent or simply letting themselves be carried away by the situation. Therefore, students are not mere spectators or passive agents in the face of the problem they experience but possess and deploy their capacity for agency.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Guerra, Estado y derecho en Huanta (Ayacucho, Perú) en la Independencia y formación del Estado peruano, 1814-1850(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-21) Pereyra Chávez, Nelson ErnestoThis article begins with a study of two judicial disputes related to land ownership, which were led by peasants from the Huanta highlands, in the Ayacucho region in Peru. Based on the hermeneutic analysis of the judicial records of the disputes, it argues that these peasants intervened in the lawsuits stimulated by their experience from the independence war and the caudillista conflicts of the 19th century, developing a moral argument that served as a combat weapon to thwart the opponent in the courts and achieve the claim. In this way, they participated in the process of the formation of the republican State, prolonging the violence of war to earlyrepublican law and justice.