Vol. 41 Núm. 51 (2023)

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Historia, vigencia y materialidad del Estado de Emergencia en el Perú
  • Cómo se construye al enemigo Gavilán Sánchez, Lurgio; 5-38
  • Actores silenciosos y estados de excepción: Ayacucho durante el conflicto armado interno en Perú (1980-2000) Gamarra Carrillo, Jefrey antonio; 39-61
  • Guerra, Estado y derecho en Huanta (Ayacucho, Perú) en la Independencia y formación del Estado peruano, 1814-1850 Pereyra Chávez, Nelson Ernesto; 62-86

  • Transmisión cultural, ecología y representación
  • «Esa foto es la que más me ha gustado de él»1. Historias fotográficas familiares contadas por videollamadas Figueroa Espejo, Mercedes; 87-111
  • Representaciones sociales del insulto entre estudiantes de la Institución Educativa Mariscal Cáceres en Ayacucho, Perú Gutiérrez Martínez, Juan Benigno; Zaga Llantoy, Violeta; 112-136
  • Cultura: ¿un derecho para todxs? Propuesta de investigación-acción en derechos culturales Pacheco Mariselli, Martha; Díaz, Germán Díaz; Rodríguez, Samanta Romero; Reynel Joyja, Allisson Rita; Lau Barba, Milos; Basilio Saldaña, Cristian; 137-174
  • Ganaderos, colonos y la deforestación de bosques primarios en Morona, Ecuador Bedoya Garland, Eduardo; Gómez de la Torre, Sara; Anda Basabe, Susana; 175-212
  • Autorregulación y protagonismo en la crianza. La agencia en el modelo de crianza respetuosa en Argentina Mantilla, María Jimena; 213-228
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      Representaciones sociales del insulto entre estudiantes de la Institución Educativa Mariscal Cáceres en Ayacucho, Perú
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-21) Gutiérrez Martínez, Juan Benigno; Zaga Llantoy, Violeta
      The main objective of this research was to analyze the social representations on the acts of verbal insults among third grade high school students at the Mariscal Caceres Educational Institution, located in the district of Ayacucho in Peru. The empirical information was obtained through the survey and its respective instrument: the perception and valuation questionnaire which included closed and open questions, that was applied to a total of 64 students, both male and female. The results reveal that 95 % of the students surveyed stated that they had been victims of verbal insults. Despite this, they define and categorize such acts as a simple “lack of respect”, followed, to a lesser extent, by other categories: violence, aggression and even considered as something normal. To cope with this situation, students take various decisions and actions: complaining to their parents and teachers, responding with physical violence, exchanging insults, remaining silent or simply letting themselves be carried away by the situation. Therefore, students are not mere spectators or passive agents in the face of the problem they experience but possess and deploy their capacity for agency.