Anthropologica. Vol. 41 Núm. 50 (2023)
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Ítem Texto completo enlazado Diez Hurtado, Alejandro. Pueblos indígenas, comunidades campesinas y fiestas. Antropología e historia rural en Piura. Lima: Fondo Editorial PUCP, 2022, 368 pp.(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-07-28) Ansión, JuanAlejandro Diez Hurtado nos presenta un libro de madurez, imprescindible de aquí en adelante para el estudio de Piura, que renueva de paso el método antropológico. A lo largo de 15 capítulos bien nutridos, recorre pueblos y comunidades de la región, desde los inicios de la formación de los pueblos con las reducciones ordenadas por el virrey Toledo, hasta las dinámicas de transformación social experimentadas en las últimas décadas del siglo XX.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Castillo, G. y Soria, L. (2023). La ciudad desde la antropología: miradas etnográficas. Lima: Fondo Editorial de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 404 pp.(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-07-28) Vega Romá, PabloLa ciudad desde la antropología: miradas etnográficas is a book, edited by Gerardo Castillo and Laura Soria, which brings together a set of academic articles that provide a diverse reflection, at a thematic and methodological level, on anthropological debates around the city. This publication, which links in its chapters the analysis of the spatiality of the places addressed with the dynamics that constitute the social groups that inhabit them, represents a key contribution in the field of urban anthropology researchÍtem Texto completo enlazado El cultivo de la coca en el Huallaga y en el VRAE: un enfoque comparativo sobre sistemas productivos y su impacto en los bosques (1978- 2003)(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-07-27) Bedoya Garland, Eduardo; Aramburú López de Romaña, Carlos Eduardo; López de Romaña Pancorvo, Anel MaríaDrawing on two studies and surveys carried out in the Upper Huallaga in 1981 and the VRAE in 2001, both located in the upper Peruvian amazon basin, this paper seeks to describe and analyze the historical and economic conditions under which coca cultivation for illicit purposes expanded in both regions. In this sense, it describes how this history shaped an inefficientand destructive migratory agriculture. Although the periods analyzed in each case are different, with a difference of twenty years between one and the other, the information we have is sufficiently valuable to establish a useful and valuable comparison. These are the two Amazonian regions that had the largest extension of coca plantations at the national level during the study period. When coca expanded in the Upper Huallaga, there was already a much more intense social and economic history of articulation with the market and modernity than in the VRAE. That is, although the contexts and socio-environmental histories of each basin were quite different, the similarities in productive strategies remained significant. Coca, as a plantation or permanent crop planted in relatively small areas, did not eliminate the shifting agriculture practiced by most Andean settlers in the high jungle. From time to time, coca growers abandoned their plantations in the phase of decreasing yields, in search of new lands and fertile soils within their own properties or in more distant areas, reproducing the slash-and-burn method.Ítem Texto completo enlazado «El memorial de los XII viajeros del suroeste» en El Paso, Texas: la construcción de una identidad regional en una ciudad de frontera de los EE.UU.(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-07-27) Castillo, GerardoThis paper examines the cultural identity expressed by The XII Travelers Memorial of the Southwest in El Paso, Texas, USA. According to the monument’sstatement, the memorial is an ongoing regional project formed by “... 12 heroic bronze monuments celebrating the multicultural contributions of both men and women to the development of the Southwest.” The paper’s argument is threefold. First, it argues that the XII Travelers project could be regarded as a collage that incorporates different historical and cultural references into a single narrative. Secondly, by doing this, the memorial blurs spatial scales and builds a regional history with El Paso at its center. Finally, the paper suggests that the construction of this heroic and multiculturalregional identity must be understood in relation to growing tourist activities and the expectations that visitors have about a Southern border area in USA. The research is based on a critical review of the materialproduced by The XII Travelers Foundation and the examination of the characters and monuments of Fray García and Juan de Oñate, the only two approved travelers of the proposed list.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Variaciones sociosemióticas del simbolismo de Sol y Luna entre los pueblos pano*(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-07-27) Moulian Tesmer, Rodrigo; Fleck Zuazo, David WilliamThis article analyzes and contrasts the socio-semiotic modeling patterns of Sun and Moon that encode the denoted meanings and social representations of the principal heavenly bodies among the ethnic groups of the Panoan linguistic family. The study of these symbolic motifs constitutes a way of approaching Panoans’ cultural field that offers insights into its internal configuration and external relations. The research strategyapplied is the case study. The units of analysis are the patterns of primary or linguistic and secondary or discursive modeling of Sun and Moon. The data show linguistic homogeneity but discursive heterogeneity. The registerof representations reveals the coexistence of a diversity of conceptions ofSun and Moon in ontological terms, gender, and relationship modalities assigned to these entities. Within the framework of its system of variants and transformations, two predominant ethnomodels can be distinguished inPanoan groups from certain geographical areas, which present important cross-cultural correlates: Sun as a creator divinity and Moon as an ancestor turned heavenly body. The former is related to the Andean conceptions of Sun, while the latter has been widely recorded in the mythologies of the Amazonian peoples, revealing a system of transductions that inform of its ancient roots.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Lorenzo Palacios, Chacalón: el ídolo popular en el siglo XXI(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-07-28) Quispe Lázaro, ArturoIn this article, I will address the social and cultural processes involved in the shaping and popularity of the popular idol of Peruvian tropical music chicha , «Papá Chacalón.» He was a singer who emerged from the most marginalized sectors of Lima society. Among his followers are mayors, prisoners serving their sentence in jail, as well as men and women from the poor neighborhoods of Lima. Several decades after his death, there is a new legion of fans, «chicheros chacaloneros» (Chacalón’s followers). The popular idol, in this context, is configured based on and from the daily relationship between Chacalón and his followers. In this work, I will place special emphasis on the idol-follower relationship, the forms of social interaction, and the cultural assessments involved. I will posit that the ideas of equality and social recognition are central elements in the construction of «Papá Chacalón» as a popular idol and his continuity in the 21st century. This is an ethnographic work carried out during the anniversary festivities of Chacalón, held on April 26 (his birthdate) and June 24 (the day of his death), which also addresses how his followers organize around those dates.Ítem Texto completo enlazado El Kamari ista de Canelos: función y significado del gran ritual amazónico(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-07-27) Cabrero, Ferran; Tello, Wagner YamandúThe largest Kamari ista (banquet or festival of abundance) in the entire Kichwa-speaking Amazon is celebrated in the community and rural parish of Canelos, in the Pastaza district in the province of the same name, in Ecuador. Based on a request from the same community for the Kamari to be registered and certified as national heritage, between 2013 and 2022 participatory ethnographic work was carried out to prepare the base document for said goal. In this process, it became evident that, beyond certainethnographic works from several decades ago, little is known today about this festival or ritual, its function and meaning. Starting from the work carried out within the framework of heritage certification, the objective of this article is to analyse the Kamari of Canelos from an anthropological perspective: its complex process of preparation and development, its intercultural origin, and especially its social function and cultural meaning.Ítem Texto completo enlazado La huerta: lugar biodiverso, desde donde se defiende la vida, Figueroa, Cauca(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-07-28) Maca Sanchez, Marlyn PatriciaThe orchard is the place where a colossal diversity of food, medicinal plants, condiment, flowers, and wood are cultivated. Based on the orographic conditions, climates, and cultural dynamics of each region, related, farming knowledge is objectified. This paper analyzes the orchard territorial scale in Figueroa, Cauca, social scenario in which agricultural praxis is carried out, which articulates conservation and resistance practices, carried out day-to-day. The method of research is ethnographic, based on the role of ethnographer as assistant-companion in the orchard, and the use of techniques such as participant observation, direct interviews, and ethnographic interviews. Based on the field work, the orchard is identified as a biodiverse place, where there is a complex network of actions and thoughts, whose core axis is the defense of nature and territory, that is, life.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Narrativas sobre construcciones identitarias en una región norandina peruana*(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-07-27) Torres Villafane, Jessica MiriamThis paper aims to discuss the formation of identities in the Ancash region based on a Narrative Inquiry of two families living in the city of Huaraz, the parents are Hirka and Quyllur. Both have faced the same externalinfluences but have opted for different identity constructions. Narrative inquiry employs three dimensions: interaction, continuity, and situation. The data analysis was based on the composition of meanings and theinterpretative perspective of the experiences that consist of organizing meanings based on the data and a reflective process by the researcher, and the presentation of the advances to a support group to discuss, review and adjustment of the obtained data. From the analysis of the experiences, we can conclude that Hirka represents cultural resistance and Quyllur cultural assimilation. The first considers that their cultural practices have been inherited from their ancestors; on the other hand, Quyllur does not have this intergenerational awareness.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Keuu: el papel de la risa en la vida cotidiana de los waorani(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-07-27) Araque Contreras, YeimyThis article presents keuu laughter as a fundamental element in the construction of the daily life of the Waorani people, located in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Keuu is a laughter that has the form of a scream, it is present in everyday forms of speech as well as in ancestral songs, and it is shared with the jaguar, the fundamental mythical being. This research was carried out by means of audiovisual ethnography. The video camera was part of the equipment used to observe an experience the Waorani sensitive reality. This article allows us to conclude that keuu is a performative, heartfelt and thought-out laughter, which when pronounced, it makes positive transformations in the world, contributing to the collective creation of acomfortable sociality. By laughing keuu the Waorani actualize mythical time, the experience of the ancestors and the kinship relationship with the jaguar as the founding father of their cosmology. Keuu reveals an aesthetics of life, in which laughter and humor are structuring elements of sociality