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14 resultados
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Ítem Texto completo enlazado Consulting report - Municipality of Surco: ensuring the proper regulation and formalization of commercial, industrial, and service-based(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-10-24) Rugh, Leah Zeh; Mamani Oscco, Miguel Angel; Xaver Schoissengeier, Elias Franz; Sánchez Paredes, Sandro AlbertoThis research shows a solution to address the issue of labor informality in Santiago de Surco, Peru. The problem of informality affects over 80% of the economically active population in Santiago de Surco and thereby limits their access to social services, healthcare, and financial resources. Using a series of sprints and interviews, the researchers collected both qualitative and quantitative data, which shows that informal workers often lack knowledge about how to transition to formal employment. Many of these workers prefer to access information anonymously, such as through digital platforms or anonymous meetings. Through their research, the team identified TikTok advertisements as the most effective medium for reaching informal workers in Surco. The platform's popularity of the targeted and mostly affected age group in Peru favors this solution. By using TikTok advertisements, the project wants to raise awareness about the benefits of formal employment, such as healthcare, pensions, and access to formal financial services. The solution also includes community events to educate further and engage informal workers and their shift towards formality. The business model proposed by the researchers is also scalable. By making unpleasant information easily accessible through TikTok and local events, the solution helps to reduce barriers to formal employment. Since the economic growth of a country is strongly intertwined with the taxes gathered, this project is also improving the overall well-being of the community. The model's financial sustainability is supported by government subsidies and sponsorships, while its scalability allows it to be replicated in other districts, regions and countries beyond Peru facing similar challenges. This study highlights the potential of digital platforms like TikTok in addressing social issues and provides a roadmap to combat informality throughout Peru.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Consulting Report - Municipality of Surco(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-10-16) Thomas, Daneka Danielle; Pichler, David Sebastian; Tejada Santander, Diego Esteban; Sánchez Paredes, Sandro AlbertoThis report investigates the significant challenges entrepreneurs in Surco, Lima, face particularly the limited access to capital. The analysis emphasizes that the lack of access to formal financing is the main challenge for small and micro-businesses, which make up 90% of businesses in Surco. Additionally, over 70% of these businesses operate informally, which limits their ability to get bank loans or other financial support. Key findings suggest that improving financial literacy, encouraging businesses to formalize, and creating better connections between entrepreneurs and investors are essential steps to building a stronger, more inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystem. The proposed solution focuses on creating a digital platform that connects local entrepreneurs with both local and international investors. This platform offers educational resources and provides certifications to build trust. The platform was built using agile methodologies and it was designed based on user feedback. Its features include a Spanish-language interface, secure communication, and access to business resources, which directly addresses the specific challenges faced by entrepreneurs in the region. This business model not only enhances the local economy but also aligns with global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) and SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure). The research concludes that the platform's innovative and disruptive approach can transform Surco's entrepreneurial landscape by offering a sustainable, scalable, and socially responsible solution to the capital access problem.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Consulting report - Municipality of Surco: enhancing recycling through improved waste management system in the District of Surco, Perú(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-10-09) Franco Quispe, Daelí Sonia; Hughes, Lisa Caroline; Pöltl, Stefan; Sánchez Paredes, Sandro AlbertoLima faces a significant waste management challenge, as large volumes of waste remain unsorted and improperly disposed of, resulting in environmental pollution, health risks to citizens and a general decline in public well-being leading to reduced trust in the actions of the municipality. The root cause is an inadequate waste management infrastructure that has not been properly adjusted to the growing population of the city which is further challenged by a restrictive regulatory framework that hinders the modernization of the entire system. The situation is further exacerbated by limited recycling efforts and a lack of public awareness on behalf of citizens and producers. This is partly due to the lack of education on waste separation and recycling practices. In other words, these frustrations result from a lack of cooperation between key stakeholders whose actions are not coordinated. The proposed solution is designed to be compact, affordable and easy to use. On the one hand, it offers a comprehensive waste separation system for households that can be easily inserted into the commonly used round waste bins to simplify recycling efforts. On the other hand, the proposed extension of producer responsibility based on a legislative change would force manufacturers to label their products with a sticker in a specific color (e.g., red star). In addition, matching colored waste bags which are specifically designed for the invented waste separation system will be produced and distributed to households by the municipality. As a result, the proposed solution requires actions from all key stakeholders (citizens, producers, and municipality), thus creating a collaborative ecosystem where waste management responsibilities are shared. In addition, the solution's intuitiveness eliminates the need for further instructions, thereby closing the critical gap in public education on waste separation practices and making waste separation a simple, everyday activity for citizens, thus tackling the problem directly at its source. Based on the designed projections, the expected impacts are twofold. The solution provides clear social and environmental benefits by improving public health and environmental conditions through the reduction of waste on the streets and in illegal dumpsites, consequently addressing SDGs 3, 6, 14 and 15. In addition, it allows to increase the low recycling rate of 10%, not only by extending producer responsibility, thus addressing SDGs 8 and 12, but also by educating citizens, thereby targeting SDG 4. Financially, the operations are projected to be economically viable based on the sales of the waste separation systems and the colored waste bags. With an estimated IRR of 42.10% and a positive NPV of PEN 165,728.14, the solution not only addresses a critical social issue and improves the quality of life for the citizens of Surco, but also promises strong financial returns which could even increase further thanks to the high potential of scalability by introducing the designed products in other cities with similar waste management problems.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Enhancing public safety in Santiago de Surco: a strategic approach to reducing crime through body cameras and technological innovation(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-10-09) Morgenstern, Anna-Lena; Llaja Bernedo, Andre Daniel; Norman, Jakob; Sánchez Paredes, Sandro AlbertoDespite its reputation as one of Lima’s safest districts, Santiago de Surco is struggling with a growing sense of insecurity among its residents and visitors. High-profile crimes, such as drive-by robberies and assaults, have drastically increased the public anxiety, particularly in areas where resources and infrastructure are lacking. The Serenazgo and police forces, though present, struggle to fully address these issues due to limitations in personnel, technology, and geographic coverage, leaving certain neighbourhoods more vulnerable to criminal activity. To address these issues, this report proposes implementing body cameras for Serenazgo officers, focusing initially on high-crime areas. This solution would enhance accountability, improve officer transparency, and build public trust. Coupled with advanced surveillance technology and real-time monitoring, the initiative aims to reduce crime rates, increase security, and foster better relationships between law enforcement and the community. The expected social impact includes improved perceptions of safety, increased trust in authorities, and enhanced law enforcement practices. Financially, the pilot program is cost- effective, scalable, and aligned with the municipality’s budget, providing a long-term sustainable solution for Surco. If successful, this initiative can serve as a model for other districts within Lima, fostering broader community trust and security throughout the city.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Consulting Report – Municipality of Surco: Addressing the Social Problem of Iron Deficiency Anemia in School Children in the District of Surco, Perú(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-10-07) Arellano Jara, Aldo Miguel; Simon Sebastian, Eder; Sánchez Paredes, Sandro AlbertoLa anemia ferropénica es la deficiencia nutricional más prevalente en todo el mundo, y afecta sobre todo a las poblaciones socioeconómicamente desfavorecidas de los países en desarrollo. Los grupos desproporcionadamente afectados por la anemia son los lactantes, los niños y las mujeres. En Perú, según las estimaciones, alrededor del 40% de los niños menores de 5 años son considerados anémicos, con consecuencias potencialmente graves para la salud. Por ello, la municipalidad de Surco ha encargado a un equipo de investigadores que realice un estudio sobre cómo resolver este problema social en la comunidad. Mediante cuestionarios y entrevistas con el usuario previsto, el equipo elaboró una solución innovadora a lo largo de múltiples rondas de comentarios, perfeccionamiento y creación de prototipos. Para abordar el problema de la anemia en Surco, se creó una base de sopa rica en hierro con el objetivo de que fuera fácil de usar, rentable y eficaz para ayudar con la ingesta de hierro. Además, la mezcla de sopa está diseñada para satisfacer el gusto de los niños y se desarrollará en colaboración con Ajinomoto.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Consulting report - Municipality of Surco: social project proposal to reduce childhood obesity of primary education students in a public school in the District of Santiago de Surco(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-10-04) Flores Merino, Romina; Sánchez Paredes, Sandro AlbertoThis thesis addresses the increasing prevalence of childhood obesity and overweight in the district of Santiago de Surco, Lima, Peru, with a focus on primary school children aged 6 to 11 years. By using the Design Thinking Methodology, the study analyzes the key factors contributing to this public health issue, such as limited access to nutritious food and insufficient physical activity. The thesis presents a proposed solution through a social program that provide free after-school physical activities, in partnership with the Municipality of Santiago de Surco and Smart Fit. Its goal is to increase the number of hours of exercise that children participate in on a weekly basis, thereby addressing on of the main contributors of the childhood obesity. The study also evaluates the scalability of the program, considering its potential expansion to other age groups, schools, and districts. Additionally, the program emphasizes the importance of the community collaboration, including the parents and local businesses, to ensure the active participation and the initiative’s financial sustainability. By promoting an active lifestyle and health habits of children, the thesis contributes to combat childhood obesity in Peru, aligning with the country’s Sustainable Development Goals 2 and 3.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Consulting project: Bio Natural Solutions(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-05-15) Jara Huancaya, Alyssa; Baumann, Carolina; Bettner, Christian Alexander; Henning, Cleveland Ambrose; Sánchez Paredes, Sandro AlbertoEl siguiente informe de investigación ha sido elaborado por un grupo de estudiantes de MBA de la Escuela de Negocios CENTRUM de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. A lo largo de los siguientes diez capítulos, se abordarán y analizarán diversos temas relacionados con la propuesta de expansión internacional de la empresa peruana de biotecnología Bio Natural Solutions SAC (BNS). Se ha llevado a cabo una amplia investigación sobre los factores internos y externos que afectan a la empresa, tanto a nivel nacional como en el contexto internacional. Posteriormente, el documento utiliza una combinación de metodología teórica y probada para responder a la siguiente pregunta de investigación: "¿Qué ubicación en México es la más adecuada para que BNS establezca un centro de distribución para atender el territorio centroamericano con Vital Cover a largo plazo?" Como productor de recubrimientos de frutas, BNS está invariablemente ligado a la industria agrícola que se prevé que experimente un crecimiento considerable tanto en Perú como en México. Es imprescindible que la empresa ubique sus operaciones en una zona con un alto rendimiento de cultivos de cítricos, que tenga concentración de los potenciales clientes: envasadores y exportadores de fruta, y que esté bien conectada con los principales centros logísticos para garantizar una gestión fluida de la cadena de suministro. Estas consideraciones se han compilado en una matriz de decisión ponderada que puede utilizarse para desarrollar una justificación completa sobre dónde basar una operación de distribución. Sobre la base de la investigación y el análisis de datos subsiguientes, se ha llegado a la conclusión de que la ciudad de Martínez de la Torre, en el estado de Veracruz, es la ubicación más ventajosa para centrar el esfuerzo de expansión. En conjunto, la información y los datos proporcionados a lo largo de este documento brindarán a BNS una hoja de ruta pragmática para ayudar a su expansión global.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Consulting report for Hidropónika(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-05-15) Stockhammer, Alexandra; Zerzer, Manuela; Xu, Zhenyu; Sánchez Paredes, Sandro AlbertoHidropónika es una empresa peruana fundada en 2019 por Enrique Ernesto Lulli Arrarte y Enrique Lulli, que se dedica principalmente a la fabricación de equipo hidropónico. Actualmente, el negocio solo está activo en Perú, pero los fundadores desean explorar los mercados extranjeros en un futuro próximo. La oportunidad explorada en este proyecto es el lanzamiento del Starter Kit 8 en los Estados Unidos de América. Para dar una solución factible, se realizó un profundo análisis interno de la empresa y externo del mercado hidropónico en los Estados Unidos. Además, se ha resumido la información disponible en la literatura en una revisión bibliográfica. Para generar información adicional, se realizaron entrevistas a expertos y un análisis de la competencia como parte del análisis cualitativo. El análisis cuantitativo consistió en una investigación de los canales en medios sociales de Hidropónika y una encuesta distribuida a los consumidores estadounidenses. Con toda la información recopilada, se desarrollaron y evaluaron tres posibles soluciones. Se comprobó que la mejor manera de entrar en el mercado estadounidense es a través de tiendas especializadas, que actúan como canal de distribución entre Hidropónika y los consumidores finales del país norteamericano. Un plan de implementación detallado debía servir de guía a la empresa sobre las acciones que debían llevarse a cabo para una introducción exitosa del Starter Kit 8.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Consulting report team 4 – Amaru Superfoods(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-05-15) Jones, Jillian June; Lettner, Katrin; Salehi Mazdeh, Negar; Illenseer, Selina Lorena; Sánchez Paredes, Sandro AlbertoAmaru Superfoods S. A. C. es una empresa con sede en Perú fundada en 2019 por Mateo Ruiz de Somocrucio y Rafael la rosa Ferrero. Aprovechando la falta de opciones de alimentos saludables en el Perú, la empresa ofrece productos para los clientes en el sector de alimentos de salud y bienestar con una cartera de productos de más de 85 productos, todos de origen 100% peruano. Amaru está preparada para entrar en el mercado internacional tras una expansión nacional, ya que el negocio se ha ido expandiendo desde su fundación. La tesis esboza un plan para que Amaru penetre en el mercado estadounidense. Tras una revisión bibliográfica y un análisis del mercado estadounidense, se ha desarrollado una estrategia en colaboración con los directores generales de la empresa que llevará a Amaru al éxito a largo plazo en Estados Unidos. La propuesta final incluye una expansión a Florida con cuatro productos de la cartera de Amaru: estevia, proteínas en polvo, café aromatizado y frutas cubiertas de chocolate. El canal principal a utilizar es Shopify. La ejecución de la expansión se estima en un año. Se espera que Amaru lance el sitio web y los productos en Estados Unidos en agosto de 2023 si la fase de preparación comienza en septiembre de 2022. De este modo, la empresa será capaz de entrar con éxito en el mercado estadounidense.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Killa Vive Verde consulting report(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-05-15) Rodrigo Antonio, Porta Oñate; Lennart, Benjamin Peters; Rabl, Wolfgang Knut; Wang, Donghui; Sánchez Paredes, Sandro AlbertoThis paper focuses on the analysis of Killa Vive Verde, a SME working with the Shawan Rama and the Shipibo Konibo communities to create products. The company has been facing production issues and needed advice how they can increase the production output of the indigenous artisans. After consulting with experts in the field, as well as surveying over 80 people familiar with Peruvian culture and buying norms, the current market trend and consumer thoughts could be identified. After many insightful meetings with the company, coupled with literature review and the qualitative & quantitative research, 4 potential solutions were identified. Two targeted of the motivation of the artisans, laying focus on the motivation of the communities. One focused on creating a partnership with another community to increase the artisans working in the production process. The final recommendation explored the option of increasing access to innovative tools which speed up production and stabilise communication.