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  • Ítem
    Business Consulting Report RUA Hotel Boutique
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-08-15) Estrada Gamarra, Alberto Alvaro; Lastra Diaz, David; Rondón Chávez, Ronald Edwin; Choque Surichaqui, Edgar Alejandro; Mayorca Román, Gianella Guadalupe; Arana Barbier, Pablo José
    En el corazón de Piura, RUA Hotel Boutique se erige como un santuario para viajeros corporativos y aquellos que buscan experiencias excepcionales. Desafiando las adversidades de la pandemia y la estacionalidad, RUA Hotel Boutique no solo se ha propuesto sobrevivir, sino prosperar. Este documento, una exhaustiva consultoría empresarial, ha transitado desde un diagnóstico profundo hasta la formulación de estrategias sólidas para potenciar la posición de RUA Hotel Boutique. El análisis inicial ha revelado oportunidades latentes en el mercado corporativo y entre los viajeros con altas expectativas, pero también ha destacado la necesidad de abordar desafíos como la carencia de una estrategia de marketing personalizada y la infraestructura limitada. Este informe aborda dichos desafíos mediante la identificación de áreas clave para enfrentar el cambio tecnológico, optimizar operaciones y fomentar la colaboración. Las soluciones propuestas, desde el establecimiento de un departamento interno de marketing hasta la formación de alianzas estratégicas, se han evaluado meticulosamente. El plan de implementación detallado en la Carta Gantt establece un camino claro, con actividades, indicadores y asignación de recursos. Proyectando resultados financieros, anticipamos un crecimiento sostenido en los ingresos y una mejora sustancial en la utilidad neta. Se espera que, para 2024, los ingresos alcancen los S/1,347,990.00 con una utilidad neta proyectada de S/200,453.00 marcando un aumento significativo desde los S/247,927.00 en 2024. La viabilidad financiera de las estrategias propuestas se respalda con indicadores clave como el Valor Actual Neto (VAN) de S/503,013.90, el Costo Promedio Ponderado de Capital (WACC) del 19.06%, el CAPM del 19.64%, la Utilidad Neta Operativa después de Impuestos (NOPAT) y la Tasa de Descuento del Flujo de Caja Libre (FCL). Esta consultoría no solo presenta estrategias sólidas y resultados financieros robustos, sino que también rinde homenaje a la rica historia de RUA Hotel Boutique. Desde sus inicios, RUA Hotel Boutique se ha esforzado por ser más que un simple lugar de alojamiento; es un testimonio de la resistencia, la adaptabilidad y la búsqueda constante de la excelencia. Estos valores fundamentales orientan cada estrategia propuesta y aseguran que RUA Hotel Boutique no solo sobreviva, sino que florezca en su trayectoria empresarial.
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    Business consulting para la empresa Mausaa S.A.
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-08-15) Tubilla Palomino, Carmen del Rosario; Ticona Apaza, Fiorela Candy; Salas Tejada, María Angela; Córdova Salazar, José Miguel; Arana Barbier, Pablo José
    Con el inicio de la pandemia en el 2020, el rubro de la construcción decayó su producción, con el estado de emergencia en ese periodo donde se paralizaron las obras y se presentaron problemas de abastecimiento de materiales de construcción, lo cual se reflejó hasta casi la 4ta semana de haber iniciado la inmovilización en el país. El índice previo a la cuarentena reportaba un crecimiento del 7 y 8% de crecimiento año tras año, generando en este sector mayor oferta, lo que ha conllevado a las empresas a ser más competitivas, implementar tecnología en sus procesos, maquinarias, y contar con personal calificado. Mausaa S.A. tiene como objetivo poder lograr un aumento de la rentabilidad de los proyectos y en nivel de facturación que permitirá poder competir por mayores montos adjudicables en proyectos privados y públicos. No obstante, presenta una problemática clara de la disminución de la rentabilidad que aborda a toda la empresa. Ante esta situación se propone implementar proyectos de generación de objetivos estratégicos y balanced scorecard, reingeniería de procesos y automatización, mejora continua en los procesos y un plan de comunicación externa que solucione las principales causas de la problemática para lograr los objetivos organizacionales y mejorar contribuyendo a una posición competitiva en el mercado de construcción.
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    Business Consulting para la empresa Asociación SEMPA - Ruta del Barroco Andino
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-07-24) Saldaña Teixeira, Carla Elena; Ramírez Quispe, Vanessa Fabiola; Avila Castillo, Carlos Renato de Jesus; Castillo Valverde, Wilson Felipe; Cordova Del Castillo, Omar; Arana Barbier, Pablo José
    La Asociación SEMPA-Ruta Del Barroco Andino, es una empresa localizada en el departamento de Cusco, inició sus operaciones el 26 de setiembre del 2011, la actividad principal proviene del sector turismo, que contempla el recorrido de cuatro templos vivos: La compañía de Jesús en la ciudad del Cusco, San Pedro Apóstol de Andahuaylillas, San Juan Bautista de Huaro y la capilla de la Virgen Purificada de Canincunca. También ofrece la comercialización de artesanías mediante su propia marca Handina. El objetivo de este business consulting es determinar el impacto del abandono de los canales digitales promotores. Para identificar la causa raíz se ha realizado reuniones entre el grupo de consultores y los representantes de la organización, se aplicó la Matriz de Complejidad versus Beneficio, y el análisis cualitativo de las entrevistas efectuadas; se usó el Diagrama de Ishikawa para presentar las causas del problema. Se logró determinar que dentro de las razones que originaron el problema, está la ausencia de plan de crecimiento comercial con recursos propios, el abandono de canales digitales promotores, la ausencia de estrategia de ventas la ausencia de estudio de mercado y el desconocimiento del cliente sobre la ruta. Luego del análisis efectuado, se determinó que la solución propuesta debería estar orientada a lograr una mayor exposición, y presencia, de la marca La Ruta del Barroco Andino en las ferias presenciales y canales digitales propios, por tanto, se acordó implementar la terciarización de la gestión y manejo de las redes sociales y así mejorar el marketing. Luego, se diseñó un plan de implementación de catorce semanas para la identificación del alcance, investigación de los postores, costos y presupuestos e indicadores de seguimiento. Se ha desarrollado un presupuesto requerido para dicha implementación de S/. 90,000.00. Esta inversión rentable será recuperada, obteniéndose un indicador de beneficio / costo de 1.20.
  • Ítem
    Modelo prolab: Collca sistema CRM omnicanal para la generación de clientes potenciales a los comercios minoristas
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-03-20) Paco Alanoca, Dianne Laury; Torres Villar, Víctor Alexander Jesús; Orihuela Gutiérrez, Soyuz Apolo; Zavala Ramos, Miguel Angel; Arteaga Alvarado, Jorge; Arana Barbier, Pablo José
    El presente estudio se desarrolla dentro de la problemática que tienen los comerciantes minoristas para incrementar las ventas diarias y captar nuevos clientes. Actualmente ellos manejan su administración de ventas en forma empírica, manual y sin el apoyo de la tecnología digital que todo negocio competitivo debería aplicar; por lo que ellos buscan de una forma mejorar esta condición y comenzar a digitalizar sus procesos buscando soluciones tecnológicas; así mismo, los negocios del rubro de abastos en general necesitan manejar sus procesos de venta de forma digital para facilitar su comprensión y determinación sobre la toma de decisiones de los comerciantes minoristas sin la necesidad de haber tenido estudios superiores teniendo así también un impacto social positivo. Es por ello, que la idea de implementar un sistema CRM omnicanal para la gestión de ventas llamado “Collca”, aparece como solución para los emprendedores del rubro de abarrotes de los mercados tradicionales del país. Es así entonces que es parte de la investigación determinar que este producto digital es mucho más efectivo que otra solución digital para la gestión de ventas, de una forma sencilla, amigable y de fácil manejo para cualquier persona que necesita gestionar y mejorar sus procesos. Dicha razón trajo la atención de diferentes emprendedores del rubro de abarrotes en los mercados tradicionales porque tienen el deseo de poder mejorar sus ventas y ser más competitivos logrando escalar donde se desarrollan. Finalmente, al momento de realizar el análisis financiero se logró encontrar para el modelo de negocio un Valor Actual Neto (VAN) positivo de S/.1’186,811.65 y una Tasa Interna de Retorno (TIR) de 89.59%; adicionalmente al VAN Social proyectado por los cinco años de análisis del cual su valor es de S/.9’081,888.11 siendo aporte para las ODS 1 y 8, donde el Índice de Relevancia Social (IRS) es de 8%. Por lo tanto, el plan de negocio es viable.
  • Ítem
    Consulting report – Agencia B12
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-10-24) Alfaro Carbajal, Cesar Alberto; Arana Barbier, Pablo José
    Agencia B12 is a Spanish company with operations in Mexico, Peru and Spain. Agencia B12 develops its operations mainly in digital marketing and call service center. This type of services offered by the firm are operated in the telecommunications companies (such as Movistar, Claro, Bitel and Entel Peru), Agencia B12 works with the main companies in the telecommunication sector, however, Agencia B12 are currently working with some companies which are from other induastrias such as Direct tv and Banco Pichincha. The current purpose of Agencia B12 is to diversify its portfolio of services in order to acquire new sources of revenues. The new projects that Agencia B12 wishes to develop are due to its client portfolio being strongly linked to the telecommunications industry, in response to this situation Agencia B12 wishes to launch Digital collection in order to expand its customer portfolio, venturing into the collection market, working with new clients, in this case the financial entities. Although, the project will initially be launched as a prototype in Peru, the desire of Agencia B12 is to expand this service to other branches.
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    Consulting report - Peruvian Traditions SAC
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-10-19) Díaz Montalván, Sarai Abigail; Arana Barbier, Pablo José
    Peruvian Traditions is a small family business dedicated to the manufacture and export of alpaca garments. Currently, it has two brands White Label (Peruvian Traditions itself) and Norgäte and is aiming to expand its export process to Europe. Within the process of collecting information and analyzing the company, it was detected that the problem was the lack of differentiation between one brand and another which leads them to be "stuck in the middle". As a result, solutions were proposed for the problem determining that offering new product line called Alpaca Basics based on pre-existing garments within the Norgäte collection and on which it has been detected quite welcome, would be the best. The framework for this product line is the lean start-up methodology that is characterized by the formulation of a hypothesis and a testing process under continuous customer feedback that allows reaching a desired market-fit. Based on a previous analysis based on the segmentation, targeting and positioning (STP) the Netherlands was identified as target market. For the success of the product line, a 4P marketing campaign is required: product, place, price and promotion, which highlights the use and improvement of the current Peruvian Traditions website and a Google Ads campaign. To measure the results, three indicators will be used: number of visits through the web, conversion ratio and sales ratio. Subsequently, a scenario analysis is carried out taking into account three perspectives: negative, neutral and positive. Taking the neutral perspective as a reference, an increase in the number of visits is identified, from 1,460 to 4,380 visits per year. Which could generate an increase in the number of customers from 13 to 63.
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    Consulting report – Amazona Chocolate
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-10-14) Silva Mercado, Roberto Marcio; Arana Barbier, Pablo José
    Amazona Chocolate is a company that sells high-quality organic chocolate and other cacao derivatives. The market where it operates value these characteristics and is willing to pay a premium for them. The profitability of this business has attracted companies increasing the competition, which raised the awareness of Amazona Chocolate to be more competitive. Although, the company has been and remains profitable, it is unknown how the distribution of its costs are, for which it is not known for sure how the money is actually being spent. Based on these premises, the consulting project aimed to research and propose a costing system that would identify the costs incurred by the firm on each stage of its operations, while also allowing to improve the decision-making of the firm. Based on the literature review and the framework of Fisher and Krumwiede (2012), the consulting project proposed to elaborate a costing system composed by (a) variable and absorption costing (one complementing the other) for assigning costs to the products, (b) process costing for tracking direct product costs, (c) department cost pools to organize indirect product costs, and (d) transaction based drivers to allocate indirect costs, as it was identified through a weighted score assessment that this costing system was more suitable for Amazona Chocolate, based on its availability of resources, characteristics, and necessities. The proposed implementation plan estimates a total period of execution of 12 weeks, which was divided into three main phases: learning, communicating, and executing. The scheduled period is flexible based on the availability and time of the stakeholders; however, it should not take more time than the estimated by the consulting team. Finally, the consulting report did not consider a cost of implementation since the evaluation of the costing system took into account the limited resources of the company, nonetheless, it is recommended to assign a person to execute the process of digitalization of the information held in physical files, for which it was estimated a period of 15 days and an investment of S/800.
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    Consulting report – Mipaku
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-10-14) Perez Paredes, Elio David; Arana Barbier, Pablo José
    MiPaku is a small, socially conscious fashion brand specializing in the design, manufacture, and sales of high-quality alpaca wool and cotton blended garments. The company is essentially an outgrowth of D’Peru textiles, which is an already established selfsustainable business that has been running since 2010. While Mipaku offers its products under its own brand name, D’Peru Textiles is a white-label label manufacturer of high-end alpaca wool and cotton blended garments. The company is based in Lima, Peru, and, at present, employs a total of 12 persons. Notably, Mipaku shares its production facilities, staff, warehousing, and ownership with D’Peru Textiles. Mipaku generates annual sales of less than US$10,000. Mipaku wants to grow yet is unsure of how to do so. Accordingly, the main problem(s) addressed in the consulting report concern market selection and modes of entry. In order to address the problem of market selection, an integrated market selection model is designed (based upon relevant literature) and employed to determine which markets Mipaku should pursue. Results from the model are complemented by qualitative research and identified that the United States, Germany, and the United Kingdom are the top markets for further pursuit. Following market selection, entrance strategies for each market are designed and organized into a Gantt chart. Moreover, the proposed implementation offers legal requirements, distribution channels, cost strategies, and a list of trade shows, boutiques, and other potential customers. Finally, it is analyzed the qualitative and quantitative outcomes that give the expected net present value and internal rate of return. To conclude, it is projected that if Mipaku implements the recommendations outlined in the consulting report, they will indeed accomplish their goal of increasing sales and growing their brand.
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    Consulting report - Bigmond Knowledge Center implementation plan
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-10-14) Hurtado Esquerre, Alexandra Beatriz; Arana Barbier, Pablo José
    Located in the capital of Peru, Bigmond is a service company that is dedicated to the search for top executives and provides human resources consulting, as well as other complementary services. Currently, the company faces increasingly growing competition in the market, there are renowned competitors and new competitors, and a slow appearance of Think Tanks in Peru. That is why the company is interested in developing a Knowledge Center, which seeks to give Bigmond the differentiation it requires at the moment and finish positioning its brand in the market. The reputation of companies, in this industry, is necessary to increase their client portfolio, so the company aims to be not only a company that generates economic value for its investors, but also to be a company that contributes to the development of the community. To achieve the objective of implementing a Knowledge Center for Bigmond, it began by knowing the external and internal factors that could affect the company, and Porter's five forces were used to analyze the industry. Then. sources were reviewed on what it implied to develop a Knowledge Center and those that already existed in Peru. Then, a quantitative and qualitative analysis was performed to determine what things have to be taken into account for implementing a Knowledge Center. The result of this research defined the role model, which will place this Knowledge Center as a new area of the company (Research and Development), but it will have an independent marketing campaign for the company, as well as income generation for financing. Finally, the result of this implementation results in Bigmond increasing its client portfolio, its sales, its reputation, visits to its website. On the other hand, the expected results for this new area are to generate publications that are useful for business and that are referenced in other studies. For all this, this project helps to get Bigmond's interests.
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    Consulting report – Confecciones Juliett
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-10-14) Garcia Cabello, Gonzalo Asuncion; Mauricio Reyes, Jorge Luis; Arana Barbier, Pablo José
    In recent years, Peru has experienced a higher average growth higher than other South American countries. This growth can in part be attributed to the Peruvian textile industry, which is one of the strongest manufacturing economies in the country due to its enormous impact on the economy. The growth of the GDP per capita has resulted in a higher spending capacity among Peruvian citizens, and Peruvian consumers are now willing to invest a larger part of their income in clothing. This economic growth has also produced changes in their purchasing processes and increased their expectations for high-quality products. Additionally, Peru ranks fourth in entrepreneurship in Latin America, behind Colombia, Chile, and Ecuador. This emerging entrepreneurial dynamism, however, is a figure of small businesses that are contradicted when compared with the high failure rate. Confecciones Juliett is a Peruvian small business that specializes in the design, manufacturing, and selling of clothing garments for women. After analyzing the internal and external environment of the industry, the organization is facing typical challenges that many Peruvian SMEs encounter in their operations. In sum, the goal of this paper is to define the best and appropriate cost structure for the company, Confecciones Juliett, in order to strengthen their organizational decision making.