Histórica. Vol. 45 Núm. 1 (2021)

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Tabla de Contenido

  • Periodos históricos y discontinuidades temporales: ensayo de interpretación Silva, Renán; 7-33
  • Las comisarías del Santo Oficio en la Audiencia de Filipinas. Conflictividad y comunicaciones en un espacio inquisitorial periférico, 1583-1784 Miranda Ojeda, Pedro; 35-82
  • Formas de la corporalidad en el pensamiento ilustrado entre España y América Latina Morgan, Muriel; Sidy, Bettina; Vacca, Laura Celina; 83-110
  • Política, sociedad y religión en Arequipa: una mirada desde el laicado católico militante (1885- 1919) Iberico Ruiz, Rolando; 111-151

  • Notas
  • El Gabinete de lectura del Ateneo Mexicano López Zahar, Jocelyn Guadalupe; 155-183
  • La democratización del libro: desde la piratería a los monopolios Darnton, Robert; 185-189

  • Reseñas
  • Del Villar Tagle, María Soledad. Las asistentes sociales de la Vicaría de la Solidaridad: una historia profesional (1973-1983). Santiago de Chile: Universidad Alberto Hurtado, 2018, 271 pp Espinoza Portocarrero, Juan Miguel; 193-196
  • López Soria, José Ignacio y Nashely Lizarme Villcas. El pensamiento de los ingenieros sobre el Perú (1850-1930). Lima: Centro Historia Universidad Nacional de Iingeniería, 2021, 2 tomos Quiñones, Leticia; 197-200
  • Lynteris, Christos (ed.). Framing Animals as Epidemic Villains. Histories of Non-human Disease Vectors. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, 247 pp. Morales González, Ricardo; 201-204
  • Rice, Mark. Making Machu Picchu. The Politics of Tourism in Twentieth- Century Peru. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2018, 252 pp., ilust. Bariola, Nino; 205-208
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    • Ítem
      La democratización del libro: desde la piratería a los monopolios
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-19) Darnton, Robert
      In this note, Robert Darnton, renowned culture and book historian, shares some reflections around the book invention and the historical evolution of its commercial circuits. By commenting the XVIIth and XVIIIth centuries book piracy and the recent attempts of platforms such as Google of creating open virtual libraries, Darnton brings up the debate surrounding the tension between the copyright and the democratization of reading by making books more accessible to everyone.
    • Ítem
      El Gabinete de lectura del Ateneo Mexicano
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-19) López Zahar, Jocelyn Guadalupe
      The Ateneo Mexicano, one of the first literary society in independent Mexico, was created to promote public education in that young country. The institution had its own Reading Cabinet. An inventory of books donated to the National Museum of Mexico shows that what kind of printed materials use to had the Ateneo’s library. That inventory was reconstructed and is presented in this article to reveal an important source of information, it shows the thematic variety of books, concerning with all topics of the classes given by Ateneo’s members.
    • Ítem
      Formas de la corporalidad en el pensamiento ilustrado entre España y América Latina
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-19) Morgan, Muriel; Sidy, Bettina; Vacca, Laura Celina
      This work presents some insights around corporeality in the kingdoms of Spain during the Bourbon Reforms. These policies involved a substantial change in the government’s management, representation and handling of bodies. Intellectuals of the Spanish Enlightenment aimed to intervene on bodies to internalise an «ideal body type», tied to notions of robustness, skills, strength, manual labors and work discipline. We will focus on three paradigmatic intellectuals: Campomanes, Jovellanos and Cabarrús. Through specific mechanisms, tied to certain institutions, they proposed the interiorization of this prototype of ideal corporeality. We will argue that, from these authors point of view, mind and body had to be pragmatically nourished in order to mold useful citizens in terms of productivity.
    • Ítem
      Política, sociedad y religión en Arequipa: una mirada desde el laicado católico militante (1885- 1919)
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-19) Iberico Ruiz, Rolando
      The article analyzes the relationship between religion, society and politics from the perspective of militant Catholic laity in Arequipa. The study identifies two paradigms to understand this relationship influenced by the episcopal understanding of the socio-political context. The first paradigm was characterized by the desire to «Christianize» the country’s social and political institutions, that is, to monopolize the state institutions. The second paradigm, the Catholic societies sought to maintain the presence of Catholicism in society and politics by inter-vening in them. Through the public actions, the Catholic laity gave an implicit recognition of the emerging plurality of social and political options in Arequipa.
    • Ítem
      Periodos históricos y discontinuidades temporales: ensayo de interpretación
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-19) Silva, Renán
      Establishing a period, setting a date, or separating two moments of a process are believed to be common operations by which two events can be characterized as «before» and «after». These appear as «simple gestures» repeated by historians in each of their investigations. However, when analyzed carefully, this operation shows all its complexity, revealing its difficulty. This essay aims to draw attention on this issue.
    • Ítem
      Las comisarías del Santo Oficio en la Audiencia de Filipinas. Conflictividad y comunicaciones en un espacio inquisitorial periférico, 1583-1784
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-19) Miranda Ojeda, Pedro
      The enormous geographical distances and slowness in communications between Mexico and the Philippines constituted a problem in the provision of trades. The Tribunal of the Holy Office of New Spain, on whom they depended on to carry out an effective inquisitorial activity, had to implement a series of actions with the aim of correcting all these inconveniences, Mexico’s inquisitorial court implemented a series of measures. The first was to grant a special concession to the Manila comisaria to be able to apply sentences in minor crimes. The second was to establish a territorial division of the diocesan comisarias to expand their presence to most of the populations of the islands. Finally, the simultaneous appointment of three comisarios who could replace the owner at any time in case of absence.