Derecho PUCP. Núm. 69 (2012)

URI permanente para esta colección

Tabla de Contenido

  • Editorial Villavicencio Ríos, Alfredo; 9-10
  • A la memoria de Gonzalo Figueroa Yáñez Siverino Bavio, Paula; 11

  • Entrevista
  • Sobre la dignidad y el derecho a la vida en países en desarrollo : Entrevista al doctor Gonzalo Figueroa Yáñez Matos, Margarett; 15-17
  • La importancia de una bioética para y desde Latinoamérica. Entrevista a Juan Carlos Tealdi Siverino Bavio, Paula; 19-23

  • Sección Principal
  • Vulnerabilidad entre derechos humanos y bioética. Relaciones tormentosas, conflictos insolutos Kottow, Miguel; 25-44
  • Principios jurídicos y principios bioéticos. Separación, vinculación, integración Luis Tinant, Eduardo; 45-63
  • Ética, bioética y los desafíos del siglo XXI Freitas Drumond, José Geraldo de; 65-79
  • Vivir y morir según la ley. Reflexiones teóricas interdisciplinarias sobre la vida de la persona y el derecho a la vida Siverino Bavio, Paula; Mujica, Jaris; 81-97
  • ¿Bioética y derecho para qué y para quiénes? Discusiones en torno a la regulación de las técnicas de reproducción humana asistida en Colombia Rincón Castellanos, Ximena; 99-112
  • Final de la vida y notas en bioética médica Ivone, Vitulia; 113-132
  • ¿Qué significa en el ordenamiento español el derecho a «vivir con dignidad el proceso de la muerte»? Rey Martínez, Fernando; 133-149
  • Derechos humanos y la dignidad humana como presupuesto de la eutanasia Aguilera Portales, Rafael; González Cruz, Joaquín; 151-168
  • Responsabilidad de los padres, secreto profesional y confidencialidad médica. ¿Cómo se conjugan para asegurar la salud de los adolescentes Kemelmajer de Carlucci, Aída; 169-199
  • Objeción de conciencia sanitaria en España: naturaleza y ejercicio Medina Castellano, Carmen Delia; 201-223
  • Responsabilidad social en la investigación con humanos Pfeiffer, María Luisa; 225-244
  • Bioética, medicamentos, conflicto de intereses y control de calidad La Rosa Rodríguez, Emilio; 245-257
  • Los conocimientos tradicionales y el régimen legal de acceso y distribución de beneficios Zamudio, Teodora; 259-279
  • Las semillas transgénicas: ¿un debate bioético? Casquier, Jesús; Ortiz, Rodomiro; 281-300
  • Patentes biotecnológicas y genéticas: enfoque jurídico y ético Bergel, Salvador; 301-320
  • Desarrollo y medio ambiente. El rol de la bioética en un contexto de cambios ambientales globales Castro Salvador, Sofía; 321-333

  • Reseñas Bibliográficas
  • Historia de la bioética en el Perú en el siglo XX Llanos Zuloaga, Roberto; 337-342
  • Concurso de Investigación Derecho PUCP 2012 PUCP, Derecho; 343-344
  • Crónica del claustro Villavicencio Ríos, Alfredo; 347-358
  • Explorar

    Resultados de Búsqueda

    Mostrando 1 - 10 de 23
    • Ítem
      La importancia de una bioética para y desde Latinoamérica. Entrevista a Juan Carlos Tealdi
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2012-11-15) Siverino Bavio, Paula
      No presenta resumen
    • Ítem
      Desarrollo y medio ambiente. El rol de la bioética en un contexto de cambios ambientales globales
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2012-11-15) Castro Salvador, Sofía
      Development and environment. Bioethics role in a framework of global environmental changesThe article intends to demonstrate how the dominant development model drives the planet to environmental unsustainable limits. Since the 1950s the development model has been led by economic growth without considering other dimensions as social or environmental. Maddison (2005) explains both production and population have been significantly increased in the last century; however, at the same time regional blocs’ gaps have augmented, persisting poverty levels and malnutrition in some countries.However, production and consumption levels have risen triggering an energetic and environmental crisis. These levels have become unsustainable and are driven the world to catastrophic scenarios. In this context, bioethics rises to give people’s guidance concerning personal, social and naturebehavior. Anyway, behavior changes should happen in the shortest term since this will shape the future of the planet and humanity
    • Ítem
      Final de la vida y notas en bioética médica
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2012-11-15) Ivone, Vitulia
      End of life and changes in medical bioethicsThe issue of the end of life includes —necessarily— an analysis of human dignity in its social and legal dimension as a parameter and value of the cultural history of countries and societies. The vagueness of this term has created, in particular, many difficulties in the effort to define its boundaries. In particular, the use of human dignity to understand the dynamics of the end of life faces the issue of medical paternalism and theory of informed consent in the doctor-patient relationship.
    • Ítem
      A la memoria de Gonzalo Figueroa Yáñez
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2012-11-15) Siverino Bavio, Paula
      No presenta resumen
    • Ítem
      Responsabilidad de los padres, secreto profesional y confidencialidad médica. ¿Cómo se conjugan para asegurar la salud de los adolescentes
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2012-11-15) Kemelmajer de Carlucci, Aída
      Parent’s responsibility, professional secrecy and medical confidentiality. How do they combine to ensure adolescentshealth?The article carefully analyzes the definition and content of professional secrecy and the right to privacy and introduces their implications on public and private policy. On that basis, main arguments in favor and against adolescents entitle to exercise the right to professional secrecy towards their representatives are presented. Finally, this article presents the existing case-law on that subject, provisions according the Ottawa Declaration and specific cases concerning professional secrecy exercise in the assumptions on termination pregnancy and HIV diagnosis.
    • Ítem
      Responsabilidad social en la investigación con humanos
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2012-11-15) Pfeiffer, María Luisa
      Social responsibility in research with human beingsIt seems anachronistic to keep on talking of ethics and bioethics in a globalized culture. All ethics is based on a responsibility that acknowledges the value of the other because it forces an answer and this answer is supposed to be free. The exercise of freedom improves, grows, increases when limits are part of it. The possibilities of the answer are constructed by exchange when the limits act upon the behavior of the individual. In bioethics there is a strong tendency to associate responsibility with acts of individual relation. This neglects the strictly solidary character of responsibility. Freedom is conditioned by equality but much more by solidarity. Solidarity forces us to accept limits imposed to us by coexistence. Health is the space where this becomes relevant. Therefore it is necessary to think of social responsibility from a bioethics perspective based on human rights, especially on the right to health. This work does precisely that, focusing on research with human beings.
    • Ítem
      ¿Bioética y derecho para qué y para quiénes? Discusiones en torno a la regulación de las técnicas de reproducción humana asistida en Colombia
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2012-11-15) Rincón Castellanos, Ximena
      Bioethics and law for what and whom? Discussions about the Regulation of assisted reproductive techniques in ColombiaThe recent concern for the normative regulation of assisted reproduction techniques (ART), raises discussions about how to manage the embryos, how many times to use a sample, how to define parenthood, and other issues. However, it has not been questioned who would be favouredwith these regulations and what is their contribution to social equity and development for an entire country. Considering that the urgency to guarantee the sexual and reproductive rights —theoretical framework invoked to require ART— should be aimed at reaching a fair society.The proposed analysis will be undertaken considering the case of applying the ART for surrogate mothers in Colombia. The paper presents the context in which it is intended to apply the normative regulation, alongside the review of some conceptual and empirical contributions by Michael Sandel concerning trends in surrogate motherhood among «developed» and «third world» countries. This should allow considering the profiles of fertility in Colombia as a sign of inequality in our country.Subsequently, we will approach the current legal discussion in Colombia concerning surrogate motherhood, from the only case of surrogate motherhood resolved by the Colombian Constitutional Court and the bill projects presented in the Colombian Congress to regulate this issue. Finally,we will present some reflections and discussion on the normative regulation of the ART and surrogate gestation, and the law as a transmission belt of varied interests, that is, that it ought to lead to common good, solidarity and cooperation, and not simply function as a regulator that ensures the fulfilment of contracts.
    • Ítem
      Concurso de Investigación Derecho PUCP 2012
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2012-11-15) PUCP, Derecho
      No presenta resumen
    • Ítem
      Historia de la bioética en el Perú en el siglo XX
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2012-11-15) Llanos Zuloaga, Roberto
      No presenta resumen
    • Ítem
      Los conocimientos tradicionales y el régimen legal de acceso y distribución de beneficios
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2012-11-15) Zamudio, Teodora
      Traditional knowledge and legal regime of access and benefitsdistributionThis work highlights interests around traditional knowledge access of local and indigenous communities stressing the need to establish institutions involved in order to give an efficient legal answer within the political, scientific and economic framework. The author critically reviews ideas developed about this issue among international, regional and local spheres formulating the thesis of application of customary law, in particular about prior informed consent and benefits-sharing. Without disregard present conflicts management and those envisaged in the near future, implications and scenarios where State and international organizations determination must face this subject are addressed.