Working Papers
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Buscamos profundizar y explorar los conocimientos en las áreas y temas relevantes en los negocios discutidos internacionalmente. Nuestra investigación está dirigida para profesionales y stakeholders de todas las industrias e investigadores que busquen fuentes de información en los temas de investigación relevantes e innovadores en los negocios.
Ítem Acceso Abierto Spirituality and Leadership(CENTRUM Publishing, 2012) Iona Gherman, Tatiana; Marquina Feldman, PercyWe reflect then on the meaning of the “Catholic social tradition”, trying to provide a deeper and objective understanding of the notion of Catholic values. We can integrate concepts from moral philosophy, psychology and Catholic religion (see Figure 1 and Figure 2). In other words, we want to show how other perspectives can be integrated, that is based on Kant, Hegel or Sartre, and reaching to the Catholic values, showing in a practical manner the universality of these values. The purpose of all this discussion would be to address the basic question about the meaning of life and to emphasize the profound desire of the human being to discover it. The ability to answer such a question will enable the man to determine his position in front and towards each of the problems of his daily existence. Search for meaning of life is not just a matter of philosophy, but a daily elementary necessity.Ítem Acceso Abierto Coverage-Based Service Vehicle Routing when only some Tasks are Known in Advance(CENTRUM Publishing, 2012) Larco Martinelli, José Antonio; Dekker, Rommert; Kaymak, UzayIn this paper we deal with a common problem found in the operations of security and preventive/corrective maintenance services: that of routing a number of mobile resources (vehicles) to perform foreseen and unforeseen tasks during a shift. We define the (Stochastic Service Team Orienteering Problem) SSTOP as the problem of making a routing strategy to maximize the expected weighted number of tasks served within the specified time-windows. To obtain solutions to this problem, we propose to solve successively the Coverage Team Orienteering Problem with Time Windows (C-TOPTW). The C-TOPTW considers information related to known tasks and also information about the arrival process of new unforeseen tasks. We find that the information about the arrival process of new unforeseen tasks is of value in generating routes for vehicles to maximize the expected proportion of tasks accomplished within the specified time windows.Ítem Acceso Abierto Sensory Profile and Stability of a New Ready-to-Drink Passion Fruit Juice Beverage with Different Sweetener Systems(CENTRUM Publishing, 2012) De Marchi, Renata; Montes-Villanueva, Nilda Doris; McDaniel, Mina R.; Bolini, Helena Maria AndréThe aim of this work was to determine the sensory profile and stability of a new ready-to-drink passion fruit juice beverage sweetened with different sweetener systems: sucrose, aspartame, sucralose and an aspartame/acesulfame-K blend (4:1), during six months of storage. Samples of each beverage were stored at room temperature and under refrigeration, and were evaluated at 0, 60, 120 and 180 days of storage. Descriptive sensory profiles and the stability of the beverages were determined using a trained panel (n=8). The sweetener type played a very important role in the perception of color, sweet taste, sweet aftertaste and sour aftertaste. The beverages sweetened with sucrose and sucralose were the most stable with respect to those characteristics. In the beverages containing aspartame, on the other hand, the intensities of those descriptors were only preserved if stored under refrigeration. Storing the beverages under refrigeration was crucial to preserve the fresh fruit aroma and flavor characteristics in all the beverages, independently of the sweetener type, during at least 120 days of storage, period after which those characteristics started to decrease at the same time as the canned fruit aroma and flavor, overripe fruit aroma and fishy aroma and flavor increased. The results indicated that, based on the sensory profile, the best option of sweetener to be used in the ready-to-drink natural passion fruit juice beverage studied was the sucrose for the standard version and the sucralose for the light version.Ítem Acceso Abierto Promover al Promotor: El Estado ante la responsabilidad social empresarial(CENTRUM Publishing, 2012) Arroyo Laguna, JuanHace treinta o cuarenta años nadie se hubiera imaginado que los hombres y mujeres de empresa debieran preocuparse no sólo por sus clientes, accionistas y personal sino además por su entorno. Ahora lo tienen que hacer y hay paulatinamente menos espacio para hacer empresa sin hacer a la vez responsabilidad social. Vivimos un ascenso de la responsabilidad social empresarial en el mundo. Este es el hecho macizo de la realidad a partir del cual reflexionar, incluso para aquellos que no comparten la responsabilidad social empresarial como praxis o como paradigma empresarial. Porque las empresas se ven impelidas a entrar a la responsabilidad social, así sea por razones muy distintas a las que plantean sus portavoces teóricos. Muchas compañías han arribado a la responsabilidad social no por un reenfoque de su función social sino por un emplazamiento de la sociedad. Por eso mismo, explica Porter (2006), hay diversas justificaciones de la responsabilidad social: 1) para unos es una obligación moral, 2) para otros, parte del desarrollo sustentable, 3) para unos terceros, una forma de conseguir la licencia para operar, y 4) para otro grupo, una necesidad para la legitimidad o reputación de las empresas. Sin embargo, sea cual fuere la justificación, el mundo empresarial hoy ha debido virar y comenzar esta readecuación de sus labores tradicionales. ¿Qué tiene que ver el Estado con este viraje del mundo privado hacia la responsabilidad social empresarial? ¿No tiene el Estado campos de acción enteramente diferentes de los del empresariado? No obstante, ¿podría darse una reorientación general de la praxis y visión empresarial sin, a su vez, una modificación de los roles del Estado? ¿Qué implicancias tiene este ingreso del empresariado al campo social, para quien era hasta ahora el único encargado de las áreas sociales, el Estado? ¿Qué labores podrían competerle ahora al Estado frente a este nuevo escenario de difusión de la responsabilidad social empresarial? Éstas son las preguntas que se propone responder este artículo, para lo cual se revisará primero las razones por la cuales el Estado, las empresas y sociedad civil están acusando recibo de un cambio de mediano plazo en el enfoque de la empresa del siglo XXI, con el desplazamiento del viejo paradigma industrial por el de la nueva “empresa en red” (Castells, 2003) o “empresa relacional” (Lozano, 2007)Ítem Acceso Abierto Entrepreneurial skills, significant differences between Serbian and German entrepreneurs(CENTRUM Publishing, 2012) Morales Rosales, Carlos Emilio; Marquina Feldman, PercyAn extensive literature review reveals various authors acknowledge skills have an impact on entrepreneurial success. However, a lack of consensus regarding the main skills an entrepreneur needs is apparent. In this study, a contribution is made to the debate with empirical data and analysis. A sample of 394 potential entrepreneurs was administered the SAT-ECENT questionnaire, testing four skills: readiness to change, learning capacity, impact on people, and stress tolerance. The questionnaires were administered in Serbia (n = 190) and in Germany (n = 204). In this paper, evidence about two main issues is presented: entrepreneurial skills vary significantly across countries, and the skill tolerance to stress plays an important role in explaining the variance in the development of entrepreneurial skills in the two countries. Discussion is focused on the research implications and relevance of the findings as well as the practical implications for entrepreneurship-promotion programs.Ítem Acceso Abierto Culture and innovation in Peru from a management perspective(CENTRUM Publishing, 2012) Scott, Gregory Joseph; Chaston, IanPolitical stability, macro-economic caution and the aggressive pursuit of free trade have enabled Peru to emerge as one of the fastest growing economies in Latin America. This economic expansion has created heightened interest in the evolution of corporate culture and its influence on firm performance. This paper examines organizational performance in relation to the influence of cultural values on innovation by means of a survey of upper level managers. Involvement in innovation did not assist sales growth whereas involvement in open innovation did. There was a positive relation between open innovation and power distance and uncertainty. No relationship was identified for individualism and masculinity. Practical implications are open innovation may enhance business performance while declining power distance and lower aversion to uncertainty can have a positive impact as well.Ítem Acceso Abierto Enacting the IS Strategy: Transforming a Strategic Actor Vision into Praxis(CENTRUM Publishing, 2012) Bohórquez López, Victor Wilfredo; Esteves, JoséIn the education sector, online knowledge sharing and online social learning are fundamental in the new education landscape. But some years ago, in some prestigious education institutions, talking about online education and online communities was like a taboo. The focus of this research study is an academic and international institution, where a visionary ahead of his time saw the importance of online social networks before the boom they experienced. With this idea in mind, he proposed to create an online knowledge community platform (OKCP). We describe the OKCP different development stages paying special attention to the most important events that shaped and motivated the (re)creation of this environment. In this sense, the main contribution of this study is to make us reflect on how the strategy-as-practice approach is useful for a better understanding of the evolutionary process of an IT-based innovation product (OKCP), describing how the different streams of strategies and praxes (re)shape the intrinsic characteristics of the product, transforming it gradually into what actors want it to be.Ítem Acceso Abierto China’s Banking Industry(CENTRUM Publishing, 2012) Valer Dávila, José CarlosThe present report will show that in 10 years time, China’s banking industry would still be dominated by Chinese firms. Analyzing the future competitive environment in China’s banking industry, we can see from the different sources that the non-market environment (mainly governmental policy) will drive the trends of the future (see p.18). Thus, only if the government continues to open industries, like banking, to foreign investment (see p.20), will we see an increase from the current 2% market share of multinational banks. In that scenario, Chinese banks could suffer pricing pressure and lower profitability, as seen in China’s banking value chain (see p. 11). For a better understanding of the issue, this report presents an overview of China’s banking industry (brief history, current status of its value chain) and then it highlights trends in both the international and Chinese market environment using scenarios that, as we will see, depend mostly on economic development and stability. The uniqueness of China’s banking industry arises from the institutional voids (immature financial market, poor regulation, large ownerships by government entities, lack of trained professionals, limited financial markets and products, and an inefficient finance allocation due to virtual intermediation monopoly and the capital controls). In order to evaluate if Chinese firms are able to compete with foreign firms in the domestic market (see p.32), I find that the CAGE distances (comparing with the banks in the Asian regions and worldwide averages) are the main obstacles to be overcome by multinational firms. However, multinational banks have the advantage of a more developed financial knowledge that could allow them to ARBITRAGE the immaturity of China’s fee-based business, to ADAPT, not by buying but by investing in the listed shares, or to AVOID the rules by listing foreign banks (dual listing, depositary receipts or A-H share classes), as an HSBC example will show. Finally, I must state that preparing this report has been particularly difficult because of the institutional void of information. For instance, “the numbers say Chinese Banks are doing brilliantly” but the market doubts the veracity of the numbers given the institutional void of poor information and regulation (The economist, 2011).Ítem Acceso Abierto Transportation Costs and the Social Savings of Railroads in Latin America. The Case of Peru(CENTRUM Publishing, 2012) Zegarra Basurco, Luis FelipeThis article estimates the social savings of the railroads in Peru in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The construction of railroads made it possible for Peruvians to substitute the traditional system of mules and llamas, although only for a few routes. Using primary and secondary sources, I estimate the social savings for 1890, 1904, 1914 and 1918. Social savings ranged between 0.4% and 1.4% of GDP in 1890, but then increased to a range between 3.7% and 9.5% of GDP in 1918. The social savings of railroads in Peru were comparable to those for the United States and Great Britain, but were much lower than those for Mexico, Brazil and Argentina.Ítem Acceso Abierto Impacto de la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial en Comportamiento de Compra y Disposición a Pagar de Consumidores Bogotanos(CENTRUM Publishing, 2012) Marquina Feldman, Percy; Reficco, EzequielLa investigación pretende determinar la incidencia que tiene la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial en el comportamiento de compra y en la disposición a pagar de los consumidores por atributos de este tipo en los productos que consumen. Se implementó un diseño experimental mediante la metodología del Choice Based Conjoint (CBC). Dicha metodología permitió además cuantificar la disposición a pagar del consumidor por determinados atributos del producto. En este caso, nuestro interés es estudiar el trade-off entre los atributos de responsabilidad social y de competencias corporativas. El experimento fue aplicado a 120 consumidores. Se encontró evidencia empírica de una relación positiva significativa entre la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial y el comportamiento de compra de los individuos de la muestra. Así mismo, se encontró también el efecto producido por esos atributos de Responsabilidad Social en la decisión de compra y en la disposición a pagar de los consumidores de zapatillas en Bogotá, es más importante que el producido por las Competencias Corporativas. Esta investigación procura contribuir al debate actual sobre la importancia de la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa tanto como criterio único y como modelo conjunto (con las Habilidades Corporativas) en tanto pueda ser un factor determinante del Consumo Socialmente Responsable. El experimento sobre el modelo de Elección Discreta permite comprobar cómo la CSR es un factor concluyente, o no, de la compra final.Ítem Acceso Abierto Evaluating the Performance of Indian Banking Sector using Data Envelopment Analysis during Post-Reform and Global Financial Crisis(CENTRUM Publishing, 2012) Kumar, Mukesh; Vincent, CharlesEnticed by the reform of Indian banking sector in the early 1990s and further slowdown in the economy as a result of global financial crisis in late 2000s, the current study analyzes the performance of Indian banks using data envelopment analysis. The performance is measured in terms of technical efficiency, returns-to-scale, and Malmquist productivity index for a sample of 33 banks, consisting of 19 public sector and 14 private sector banks during the period spanning 1995-96 to 2009-10. The jackknifing analysis, followed by the dummy variable regression model is used to identify the outlier and its possible impact on overall efficiency trends. Findings reveal that efficiency scores are robust in the sense that the inclusion of outlier does not affect the overall efficiency trends. The public sector bank is faintly doing better than the private sector banks in terms of (i) technical efficiency since 2003-04 and (ii) scale efficiency from 2000-01 onwards. There is growing tendency of public banks operating under increasing returns to scale, implying that substantial gains could be obtained from altering scale via either internal growth or consolidation in the sector. The difference in the Total Factor Productivity (TFP) change between these two types of banks is found to be statistically significant in favour of public sector banks. The technological change has been the dominating source of productivity growth, whereas, the contribution of pure efficiency change and scale change are found to be negligible in Indian banking sector during the period of study. The reform in Indian banking sector has clearly re-energized the Indian banking sector as a whole, resulting in a positive change in TFP through technological change possibly as a result of adoption of latest technology and new business practices in post reform period. However, there is evidence of shrink in the market resulting in movement of the banks towards increasing returns-to-scale as well as negative growth in TFP in both the sectors during the period of global financial crisis.Ítem Acceso Abierto Adapting Fuzzy Linguistic SERVQUAL Model: A comparative analysis of bank services in Malaysia(CENTRUM Publishing, 2012) Vincent, Charles; Kumar, Mukesh; Suggu, SrinivasFuzzy logic provides a useful tool for dealing with decisions in which the phenomena are imprecise and vague. The application of non-parametric statistical analysis in the SERVQUAL model could be more meaningful in the presence of skewed distribution of customers’ scores. The current paper aims to construct a fuzzy SERVQUAL method for evaluating the service quality of banks in Malaysia for different market segments, namely conventional, Islamic and foreign banks. Further, a comparison of service quality gaps has been assessed with respect to demographic characteristics of the customers to answer a fundamental question “What do customers want from banking services and which elements of service quality is important for different customers?” The sample is made up of 766 bank customers, consisting of the customers from conventional, Islamic and foreign banks from different parts of Malaysia. The data have been collected by using the structured questionnaire, which consists of three sections. Section 1 deals with consumers’ usage of banking channels and their banking behavior. Section 2 contains 26 statements related to service quality dimensions based on past literature. Finally, Section 3 contains the questions related to the socio-demographic profiles of respondents. First, the effectiveness of the Fuzzy linguistic scale and the Likert scale was compared by using the test of internal consistencies on dimensions of service quality. Further, the assumptions of analysis of variance (ANOVA) were checked for appropriateness of statistical analysis to be performed for the comparative analysis. Finally, the SERVQUAL gaps are analyzed and compared across 3 market segments and different groups of customers based on demographic characteristics by using non-parametric approach.Ítem Acceso Abierto Acceptance and purchase intention of irradiated foods in Brazil: Effect of positive information(CENTRUM Publishing, 2012) Martins, Cecilia G.; Behrens, Jorge Herman; Montes-Villanueva, Nilda Doris; Bernadette Dora Gombossy de Melo, Franco; Landgraf, MarizaFood irradiation remains underutilized in Brazil, despite the approval and regulation of the official health authority since 1973. However, consumers risk perception, mostly due to lack of information about the technology, seem to be the main barrier to the adoption of food irradiation by the Brazilian industries, like in other countries. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of information on the acceptance and purchase intention of minimally processed and irradiated organic watercress (Nasturtium officinale). Consumers (N=236) participating in the sensory acceptance test were divided into four experimental groups according to an experimental design which combined presence or absence of information about the food irradiation process – main characteristics, benefits to food safety and preservation, cost-benefit and environmental issues - and identification or not of the irradiated product in a sensory acceptance test. Results did not show significant effect (p>0.05) of information either on acceptability or in purchase intention of the irradiated product compared to the non irradiated counterpart, although an exploratory statistical analysis revealed underlying patterns suggesting that consumers segmentation must exist as well as favorable and unfavorable attitude to food irradiation.Ítem Acceso Abierto Influence of the Emotional Climate on the Affective Organizational Commitment(CENTRUM Publishing, 2012) Espinoza Ballena, José AntonioThe impact of emotional events have been much studied in diverse settings: school, home, prisons, sports, etc but only few researches in working settings. The emotional climate is the aggregated of perceptions a person has regarding the affective relationships with his/her environment. These perceptions impact the worker’s attitudes and subsequent behaviors, according to the Affective Events Theory proposed by Weiss and Cropanzano. An instrument was built using a qualitative approach to define the categories and a quantitative analysis of data collected in Peruvian services organizations. The validation process included the correlation of the instrument outcomes with the affective component of the Meyer and Allen model of Commitment, and the moderation effect of the emotional intelligence quotient measured under the Bar-On model.Ítem Acceso Abierto The Impact of Deposit Dollarization on Financial Deepening(CENTRUM Publishing, 2012) Court Monteverde, Eduardo; Ozsoz, Emre; Rengifo Minaya, Erick WilliamsBanks in highly dollarized economies face risks that significantly affect their ability to perform their financial intermediation role. In these economies, dollarization plays a dual role: on one hand, it provides a hedging instrument protecting the value of savings and, on the other hand, it generates currency mismatch on banks’ balance sheets and increases default risk. Through these effects deposit dollarization can impact credit extension. This paper investigates the role of deposit dollarization on the financial depth of 44 emerging market economies. Findings suggest that deposit dollarization has a consistent and negative impact on financial deepening, except in high-inflation economies.Ítem Acceso Abierto La Innovación en la Organización de Servicios con el Sistema de Solidaridad en Perú(CENTRUM Publishing, 2012) Arroyo Laguna, Juan; Pastor Goyzueta, AdaTo analyze the performance of Solidarity System (SISOL) in Lima Metropolitan in the period 2004-2011, and its relation to its organizational model, in contrast to other performances and offer models existing in the health sector in Peru. The measurement of the performance indicators was based on data from SISOL, a survey to 4.570 users of SISOL applied in the last quarter of 2011, the National Household Surveys of the years 2003-2011 and statistical information from the Ministry of Health and Social Security. The study revealed positive results in terms of growth of SISOL´s demand in Lima, high productivity of consultations by human resource and high levels of user satisfaction. The study explains the relationship of these results with the characteristics of SISOL model: 1) the presence of specialists in primary care, 2) financial self-sustainability of the system, and 3) shared risk between public sector and micro-enterprise services. The strategy of development of this innovation was from outside of institutional contexts resistant to change. The results support the necessity of renewing primary health care, particularly for urban areas, correcting the unnecessary escalation. They also show the possibility of public-private synergy in a different model from outsourcing, in which both sectors share risks and act collaboratively in each facility. Finally, SISOL calls to imagine new articulation ways in segmented models.Ítem Acceso Abierto Free Banking and Bank Entry in Latin America(CENTRUM Publishing, 2012) Zegarra Basurco, Luis FelipeThis article analyzes the impact of free-banking on the banking sector in Latin America in the 19th and early 20th centuries. I use data for seven countries to compare the entry of banks and the growth of bank output prior and after the enactment of free-banking laws to determine whether free-banking (by establishing general requirements for granting note-issuance rights) lowered barriers to entry. The results show that in most Latin American countries the adoption of free-banking laws did not cause in the short run an increase in bank entry and in bank output growth.Ítem Acceso Abierto Personal Attributes Profiles based on Clustered Leadership Behaviors in Peruvian Managers(CENTRUM Publishing, 2012) D’Alessio Ipinza, FernandoThe purpose of this study was to investigate the differences in the personal attributes profiles of Peruvian part-time MBA students clustered into high- and low-level leadership behaviors. Various instruments were used to test leadership styles, five personality domains, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence. Differences in the profiles based on demographic variables, leadership outcomes, and personal attributes were evaluated, and a hierarchical logistic regression analysis tested whether participants’ leadership levels were related to the seven attributes proposed. Statistically significant differences between clusters with large effect sizes were found for three personality domains (emotional stability, extraversion, and conscientiousness) and for three leadership outcomes. Small to moderate effect sizes were found for critical thinking, age, and working experience. The study findings could be used for the design of MBA programs.Ítem Acceso Abierto Analizando la Evolución de los E-servicios en los Principales Municipios Peruanos(CENTRUM Publishing, 2012) Bohórquez López, Victor WilfredoThe aim of this study is to analyze the evolution of development of e-services provided by major Peruvian municipalities, for which information is collected in late 2006 and mid 2012 in 43 municipalities of Lima. The results show that they have evolved positively in terms of access to information, as well as consultations and online payments, but there are many e-services to improve. On the side of citizen participation, municipalities are using social networks to be closer to citizens, giving them the option to interact in an environment that is more familiar to them.Ítem Acceso Abierto Los Parques Científicos y Tecnológicos en América Latina: análisis de la situación actual(CENTRUM Publishing, 2014) Gil Serrate, RamiroEn la literatura reciente sobre parques científicos y tecnológicos (PCTs) existe un número relevante de trabajos empíricos que generan dudas relevantes sobre los beneficios que la teoría asigna a estos instrumentos en términos de desarrollo y transferencia tecnológica, promoción de la innovación y, en última instancia, impacto sobre el crecimiento económico del territorio en el que se implantan. De tal manera que, en los países desarrollados, ya se han identificado numerosos casos en los que los PCTs no han conseguido alcanzar el éxito esperado en lo que se refiere a una transformación y/o mejora del tejido productivo del territorio, así como en propiciar un crecimiento económico sostenible, producto de una continua generación de conocimiento y de la transferencia de ese conocimiento a dicho tejido productivo. Esta realidad del frecuente escaso impacto de los parques científicos y tecnológicos, especialmente en las áreas menos desarrolladas y/o periféricas, contrasta con el hecho de que en ciertos ámbitos, donde se toman decisiones de políticas públicas sobre cómo estimular el crecimiento en economías en desarrollo, se sigue aplicando y proponiendo el empleo de estos instrumentos. Uno de estos ámbitos son las instituciones responsables de las políticas de ciencia, tecnología e innovación en los países de América Latina. Muy pocos son los estudios sobre el verdadero papel que estos instrumentos, normalmente asociados a universidades relevantes en la región latinoamericana, están teniendo en la actividad económica de su entorno. Surge por lo tanto la necesidad de llevar a cabo un análisis, lo más sistemático posible a partir de la información disponible, de cuál es la realidad actual de los PCTs en América Latina, para intentar determinar en qué medida están cumpliendo los objetivos que se les asignaron inicialmente en relación con el desarrollo tecnológico, la innovación y el crecimiento económico en su área de influencia. Así como, identificar los factores de los que depende ese grado de cumplimiento. Responder a dicha necesidad es el objetivo del presente trabajo. Para ello, en la segunda sección, discutimos los principales fundamentos teóricos empleados en la literatura para justificar el uso del parque científico y tecnológico como generador de conocimiento y promotor de innovación.
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