Desarrollo de la escritura en estudiantes del 3º de primaria de una Institución Educativa Estatal de Lima Metropolitana, utilizando recursos educativos virtuales y no virtuales en pandemia
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El proyecto de esta investigación tuvo como objetivo identificar el nivel de desarrollo de los
procesos involucrados en la escritura en los estudiantes de 3° de primaria de una Institución
Educativa Estatal de Lima Metropolitana, utilizando recursos educativos virtuales y no
virtuales en pandemia. Es un estudio de enfoque cuantitativo de tipo descriptivo. Las
variables de estudio fueron: Velocidad normal de ejecución, Velocidad rápida de ejecución,
Calidad de la copia, Dictado de sílabas, Dictado de palabras, Dictado de pseudopalabras,
Dictado de frases, Escritura de un cuento, Redacción de un texto, Whatsapp, Programa de
televisión: “Aprendo en casa”, Fichas y Videos. La población estuvo constituida por los
estudiantes de tercer grado, en el cual 56 fueron la muestra. Los instrumentos empleados
fueron el PEEC y el PROESC. Los resultados fueron procesados a través de la tabla de
frecuencia, el porcentaje y el chi cuadrado para realizar la comparación, en ella se evidencia
que el desarrollo de la escritura en los tres procesos: grafomotor, léxico y de composición;
donde se utilizaron recursos educativos virtuales y no virtuales en pandemia, se encuentran
en el nivel de dificultad. También, se concluye que el uso del Whatsapp, videos y fichas
ayudaron durante el estado de emergencia.
The objective of this research project was to identify the level of development of the processes involved in writing in 3rd grade students of a State Educational Institution in Metropolitan Lima, using virtual and non-virtual educational resources in a pandemic. It is a study with a quantitative approach of a descriptive type. The study variables were: normal execution speed, fast execution speed, copy quality, dictation of syllables, dictation of words, dictation of pseudowords, dictation of sentences, writing a story, writing a text, WhatsApp, Tv program: "I learn at home", worksheets and Videos. The population consisted of third grade students, of which 56 were taken as a sample. The instruments used were the PEEC and the PROESC. The results were processed through a frequency table, percentage and the chi square to make the comparison, where evidence regarding writing development in the three processes: graphomotor, lexical and composition; who used virtual and non-virtual educational resources during the pandemic, show a level of difficulty. Also, it is concluded that the use of WhatsApp, videos and worksheets helped during the state of emergency.
The objective of this research project was to identify the level of development of the processes involved in writing in 3rd grade students of a State Educational Institution in Metropolitan Lima, using virtual and non-virtual educational resources in a pandemic. It is a study with a quantitative approach of a descriptive type. The study variables were: normal execution speed, fast execution speed, copy quality, dictation of syllables, dictation of words, dictation of pseudowords, dictation of sentences, writing a story, writing a text, WhatsApp, Tv program: "I learn at home", worksheets and Videos. The population consisted of third grade students, of which 56 were taken as a sample. The instruments used were the PEEC and the PROESC. The results were processed through a frequency table, percentage and the chi square to make the comparison, where evidence regarding writing development in the three processes: graphomotor, lexical and composition; who used virtual and non-virtual educational resources during the pandemic, show a level of difficulty. Also, it is concluded that the use of WhatsApp, videos and worksheets helped during the state of emergency.
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