Informe Jurídico sobre la Sentencia del “Caso Pavez Pavez vs. Chile” de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (Serie C No. 449)
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el presente informe jurídico se analiza la sentencia del Caso Pavez Pavez Vs.
Chile resuelto por la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos el 04 de
febrero de 2022, a la luz del principio de igualdad y no discriminación frente a los
límites del derecho a la libertad religiosa de las autoridades eclesiasticas. En
específico, se examina la existencia de responsabilidad internacional del Estado
chileno por la violación de los derechos a la igualdad ante la ley, el acceso a la
función pública, a la libertad personal, a la vida privada, al trabajo, a las garantías
judiciales y a la protección judicial (amparados en la Convención Americana de
Derechos Humanos) debido a la revocatoria del certificado de idoneidad para el
ejercicio de la docencia de la señora Sandra Pavez Pavez. En efecto, se observa
que dicha revocatoria se dio ya que se hizo pública su orientación sexual, por lo
que se analiza el desarrollo jurisprudencial de esta categoría protegida frente a
actos discriminatorios en relación a los derechos a la vida privada, libertad
personal, acceso a la función y trabajo. Finalmente, se da cuenta de que, al no
existir un recurso eficaz en la jurisdicción chilena, nunca se pudo impugnar los
efectos de la decisión de revocarla. En atención a ello, en el presente informe se
emplea una metodología dogmática y exegética, donde se utilizan normas y
estándares internacionales que ofrece el Derecho Internacional de los Derechos
This legal report analyzes the sentence of the Case Pavez Pavez Vs. Chile resolved by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights on February 4, 2022, in light of the principle of equality and non-discrimination regarding the limits of the right to freedom of religion of the ecclesiastical authorities. Specifically, the report analyzes the existence of international responsibility of the Chilean State for the violation of the rights to equality before the law, access to public service, personal freedom, private life, work, judicial guarantees and judicial protection (protected by the American Convention on Human Rights) due to the revocation of the certificate of suitability for the exercise of teaching of Mrs. Sandra Pavez Pavez. Indeed, it is observed that said revocation occurred since his sexual orientation was made public, for which reason the jurisprudential development of this protected category is analyzed against discriminatory acts in relation to the rights to private life, personal freedom, access to function and work. Finally, it is realized that, since there is no effective remedy in the Chilean jurisdiction, it was never possible to challenge the effects of the decision to revoke it. To reach this objective, this report integrates a dogmatic and exegetical methodology, and international norms and standards offered by International Human Rights Law are used.
This legal report analyzes the sentence of the Case Pavez Pavez Vs. Chile resolved by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights on February 4, 2022, in light of the principle of equality and non-discrimination regarding the limits of the right to freedom of religion of the ecclesiastical authorities. Specifically, the report analyzes the existence of international responsibility of the Chilean State for the violation of the rights to equality before the law, access to public service, personal freedom, private life, work, judicial guarantees and judicial protection (protected by the American Convention on Human Rights) due to the revocation of the certificate of suitability for the exercise of teaching of Mrs. Sandra Pavez Pavez. Indeed, it is observed that said revocation occurred since his sexual orientation was made public, for which reason the jurisprudential development of this protected category is analyzed against discriminatory acts in relation to the rights to private life, personal freedom, access to function and work. Finally, it is realized that, since there is no effective remedy in the Chilean jurisdiction, it was never possible to challenge the effects of the decision to revoke it. To reach this objective, this report integrates a dogmatic and exegetical methodology, and international norms and standards offered by International Human Rights Law are used.
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