Informe jurídico sobre Casación Civil N°2976-2016 Arequipa – Desalojo por ocupación precaria de suegra a nuera con hijos menores de edad
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el presente informe jurídico analizaremos la Casación N°2976-2016 Arequipa,
que versa sobre un proceso de desalojo por ocupación precaria de suegra a
nuera con hijos menores de edad. En primera instancia, se resolvió como un
simple caso de desalojo sin tomar en cuenta los derechos de los menores y su
protección constitucional especial. En segunda instancia, se resolvió no
desalojar a la demandada por la protección de sus hijos menores y de la familia.
Sin embargo, la Corte Suprema señaló que solo debía discutirse el derecho de
posesión de las partes, por lo cual casó la apelada.
En este sentido, el problema principal a resolver será si era correcta la casación
dada por la Corte Suprema. Para ello, identificaremos problemas de infracción
procesal y material en la sentencia de vista. Y a partir de una interpretación
sistemática, extensiva y analógica de nuestra legislación, jurisprudencia y
doctrina pertinente demostraremos que sí es posible la discusión de temas de
derecho de familia y, por consiguiente, el de vivienda en la parte considerativa.
Así, consideramos que se podrá emitir una sentencia conforme a un Estado
constitucional de derecho donde se garantice el Interés Superior del Niño a partir
del análisis de la situación de necesidad de los menores en el caso por caso.
Finalmente, el análisis realizado en el presente informe podrá servir de reflexión
para los vocales y que la Corte Suprema considere dejar establecida doctrina
jurisprudencial y se evite la vulneración de derechos de los menores en futuros
casos similares.
In the present legal report, we will analyze the Civil Cassation N°2976-2016 Arequipa, which concerns an eviction process due to precarious occupation by a mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law with minor children involved in this case. In the first instance, this case was evaluated as a simple eviction case without considering the rights of the minors and their special constitutional protection. In the second instance, this case was resolved not to evict the defendant for the protection of the minor children and her family. However, the Supreme Court indicated that only the right to possession of the parties should be discussed, for which reason the appellee was dismissed. In this regard, the main problem to be resolved is whether the appeal given by the Supreme Court was correct. To do this, we will identify problems of procedural and substantive infringement in the hearing sentence. Through a systematic, extensive, and analogical interpretation of our legislation, jurisprudence and relevant doctrine, we will demonstrate that it is possible to discuss family law issues and, consequently, housing in the ratio decidendi of a judgment. As a result, we consider that a sentence can be issued in accordance with a constitutional state of law, where the best interest of the child is guaranteed based on the analysis of the situation of necessity of the minors on a case-by-case basis. Finally, the analysis conducted in this legal report can serve as a reflection for the vocals and that the Supreme Court consider establishing jurisprudential doctrine and prevent the violation of the minors’ rights in future similar cases.
In the present legal report, we will analyze the Civil Cassation N°2976-2016 Arequipa, which concerns an eviction process due to precarious occupation by a mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law with minor children involved in this case. In the first instance, this case was evaluated as a simple eviction case without considering the rights of the minors and their special constitutional protection. In the second instance, this case was resolved not to evict the defendant for the protection of the minor children and her family. However, the Supreme Court indicated that only the right to possession of the parties should be discussed, for which reason the appellee was dismissed. In this regard, the main problem to be resolved is whether the appeal given by the Supreme Court was correct. To do this, we will identify problems of procedural and substantive infringement in the hearing sentence. Through a systematic, extensive, and analogical interpretation of our legislation, jurisprudence and relevant doctrine, we will demonstrate that it is possible to discuss family law issues and, consequently, housing in the ratio decidendi of a judgment. As a result, we consider that a sentence can be issued in accordance with a constitutional state of law, where the best interest of the child is guaranteed based on the analysis of the situation of necessity of the minors on a case-by-case basis. Finally, the analysis conducted in this legal report can serve as a reflection for the vocals and that the Supreme Court consider establishing jurisprudential doctrine and prevent the violation of the minors’ rights in future similar cases.
Palabras clave
Recurso de casación--Perú--Arequipa, Desahucio, Derecho de menores, Derecho de familia--Perú
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