Diagnóstico de la comunicación interna de una Facultad de una Universidad Privada y propuesta de lineamientos para su mejora
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el presente trabajo se analiza la gestión de la comunicación interna, como
un componente que acompaña al proceso de instalación de un sistema de gestión de
calidad, en este caso de la Norma ISO 9001:2015, que modifica el modelo funcional
de trabajo del personal administrativo, en una Facultad de una universidad privada
peruana, por un modelo de trabajo por proceso. A partir de la aplicación de una
encuesta a los jefes de las unidades académicas y administrativas de la Facultad,
sobre su percepción como líderes que alientan la aplicación de las normas y
principios del sistema de gestión de calidad de la organización, así como a través de
entrevistas a profundidad, tanto a las autoridades como al personal administrativo,
se ha detectado aspectos en el área comunicacional respecto a una serie de
creencias y percepciones que se han construido entre el personal sobre la
organización y la aplicación de la Norma que no contribuyen a que se gestione
eficientemente el estilo de trabajo por procesos. Asimismo, se observa que el
componente comunicacional no acompaña permanentemente a la gestión de la
organización, aspecto que es remarcado y reconocido en la Norma como
fundamental para promover la interrelación entre los componentes de una
organización para alcanzar la calidad de los servicios ofrecidos. Ello está afectando
a la Unidad para hacerla más eficiente y orientada a la mejora continua de sus
This work analyzes the internal communication management as an element that accompanies the installation process of a quality management system, in this case the ISO 9001:2015 standard, amending the functional work model of the administrative personnel, in a School of a Peruvian private University, by a process work model. It was noted that, from a survey for heads of academic and administrative units of the School, on their perception as leaders who encourage the application of rules and principles of the quality management system for the organization, as well as in-depth interviews to both authorities and the administrative personnel; aspects in the communications area regarding a set of beliefs and perceptions that have been built among the personnel on the organization and application of the Standard does not contribute to efficiently manage the process work model. Likewise, it is observed that the communication element does not always accompany the management of the organization, which is highlighted and recognized as a fundamental Standard to promote the connection among the elements of an organization to achieve the quality of the offered services. This is affecting the Unit to make it more efficient and aimed at continuous improvement of its processes.
This work analyzes the internal communication management as an element that accompanies the installation process of a quality management system, in this case the ISO 9001:2015 standard, amending the functional work model of the administrative personnel, in a School of a Peruvian private University, by a process work model. It was noted that, from a survey for heads of academic and administrative units of the School, on their perception as leaders who encourage the application of rules and principles of the quality management system for the organization, as well as in-depth interviews to both authorities and the administrative personnel; aspects in the communications area regarding a set of beliefs and perceptions that have been built among the personnel on the organization and application of the Standard does not contribute to efficiently manage the process work model. Likewise, it is observed that the communication element does not always accompany the management of the organization, which is highlighted and recognized as a fundamental Standard to promote the connection among the elements of an organization to achieve the quality of the offered services. This is affecting the Unit to make it more efficient and aimed at continuous improvement of its processes.