Efectos de la presentación de una declaración jurada rectificatoria por una mayor obligación tributaria del Impuesto a la Renta en la aplicación de la Tasa Adicional del Impuesto a la Renta
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Acceso al texto completo solo para la Comunidad PUCP
En el presente artículo, se analizan los efectos de la presentación de una
declaración jurada rectificatoria por una mayor obligación tributaria del Impuesto
a la Renta a la luz de la aplicación de la Tasa Adicional del Impuesto a la Renta.
Para dicho análisis, se parte de que el Impuesto a la Renta y la Tasa Adicional
del Impuesto a la Renta son dos impuestos distintos e independientes. En ese
sentido, se concluye que es a partir de la valoración de la documentación que el
contribuyente pueda presentar durante el procedimiento de fiscalización que la
Administración Tributaria determinará si el destino del egreso observado se
encuentra acreditado. Por ende, la presentación de esa declaración jurada
rectificatoria no sirve ni para desvirtuar que se está ante un egreso no susceptible
de posterior control tributario ni tampoco es una aceptación del contribuyente de
la aplicación de la Tasa Adicional del Impuesto a la Renta. En adición, también
se concluye que las Resoluciones de Determinación emitidas por concepto de
este impuesto son nulas, si es que fueron emitidas sin considerar la modificación
de los hechos y datos comunicados mediante la declaración jurada rectificatoria
del Impuesto a la Renta.
In this article, the effects of the presentation of a rectification affidavit for a higher Income Tax tax obligation are analyzed in relation to the application of the Additional Income Tax Rate. For this analysis, it is established that the Income Tax and the Additional Rate of Income Tax are two different and independent taxes. In this sense, it is concluded that it is from the evaluation of the documentation that the taxpayer can present during the inspection procedure that the Tax Administration will determine if the destination of the observed expenditure is accredited. Therefore, the presentation of this rectification affidavit does not serve to refute that this is a disbursement not susceptible to subsequent tax control, nor is it an acceptance by the taxpayer of the application of the Additional Rate of Income Tax. In addition, it is also concluded that the Determination Resolutions issued for this tax are null, if they were issued without considering the modification of the facts and data communicated through the Income Tax rectification affidavit.
In this article, the effects of the presentation of a rectification affidavit for a higher Income Tax tax obligation are analyzed in relation to the application of the Additional Income Tax Rate. For this analysis, it is established that the Income Tax and the Additional Rate of Income Tax are two different and independent taxes. In this sense, it is concluded that it is from the evaluation of the documentation that the taxpayer can present during the inspection procedure that the Tax Administration will determine if the destination of the observed expenditure is accredited. Therefore, the presentation of this rectification affidavit does not serve to refute that this is a disbursement not susceptible to subsequent tax control, nor is it an acceptance by the taxpayer of the application of the Additional Rate of Income Tax. In addition, it is also concluded that the Determination Resolutions issued for this tax are null, if they were issued without considering the modification of the facts and data communicated through the Income Tax rectification affidavit.
Palabras clave
Impuesto a la renta, Derecho tributario--Perú
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