Informe Jurídico sobre la Resolución N° 0026- 2022/SDC-INDECOPI
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Los actos de engaño en la actividad publicitaria son una de las infracciones más
comunes en el derecho de la competencia desleal. Estos han evolucionado a
través del tiempo debido a las nuevas formas de difusión de publicidad. Las
redes sociales hoy en día forman parte fundamental de estas novedosas
estrategias publicitarias sobre todo en el ámbito de servicios que se realizan a
través de aplicativos. Ante esto, este informe tiene como objetivo analizar la
Resolución N° 0026-2022/SDC-INDECOPI para determinar si efectivamente la
empresa Beat S.A incurrió en la comisión de actos de engaño por las
afirmaciones consignadas en su publicidad: “¿el conductor demora mucho?” y
“con Beat estará ahí a tiempo”. Para realizar este análisis primero hay que
determinar cómo debe realizarse el análisis de los actos de engaño, cuáles son
las pautas de enjuiciamiento e interpretación de las manifestaciones publicitarias
y si bajo lo mencionado anteriormente la información contenida en los anuncios
publicitarios del caso infringe el principio de veracidad. Todo este análisis se
realizará teniendo como normativa central la Ley de Represión de la
Competencia Desleal. Así, resulta crucial el criterio expuesto por la Sala de la
represión de la Competencia Desleal, pues resalta la interpretación de la
publicidad comercial de los anuncios que debe ser objetiva, integral y superficial,
considerando el contexto de difusión y la percepción del consumidor razonable.
Using deceitful acts in advertising activities is one of the most common breaches of unfair competition law. These have evolved over time due to new forms of advertising. Nowadays, social networks are a fundamental part of these innovative advertising strategies, especially in the field of services that are done through applications. Due to this, this report aims to analyze Resolution No. 0026- 2022/SDC-INDECOPI to determine whether Beat S.A. actually committed acts of deception for the statements recorded in its advertising: "does the driver take long?" "With Beat, he'll be there in time." In order to carry out this analysis of a potential deceitful act, first, we must determine how the analysis of misleading acts should be carried out, what guidelines we will take into account for prosecuting and interpreting these publicitary manifestations and if the aforementioned information within the advertising ads of the case violate the principle of veracity. This whole analysis will be carried out having the Law on the Repression of Unfair Competition as the core for regulations. Thus, the criteria presented by the Unfair Competition Repression Chamber is crucial, as it highlights that the interpretation of commercial advertising ads must be objective, comprehensive and superficial, considering the context of divulgation and the perception of the reasonable consumer.
Using deceitful acts in advertising activities is one of the most common breaches of unfair competition law. These have evolved over time due to new forms of advertising. Nowadays, social networks are a fundamental part of these innovative advertising strategies, especially in the field of services that are done through applications. Due to this, this report aims to analyze Resolution No. 0026- 2022/SDC-INDECOPI to determine whether Beat S.A. actually committed acts of deception for the statements recorded in its advertising: "does the driver take long?" "With Beat, he'll be there in time." In order to carry out this analysis of a potential deceitful act, first, we must determine how the analysis of misleading acts should be carried out, what guidelines we will take into account for prosecuting and interpreting these publicitary manifestations and if the aforementioned information within the advertising ads of the case violate the principle of veracity. This whole analysis will be carried out having the Law on the Repression of Unfair Competition as the core for regulations. Thus, the criteria presented by the Unfair Competition Repression Chamber is crucial, as it highlights that the interpretation of commercial advertising ads must be objective, comprehensive and superficial, considering the context of divulgation and the perception of the reasonable consumer.
Palabras clave
Competencia desleal--Perú, Protección del consumidor--Perú, Publicidad comercial--Legislación--Perú
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