Las herramientas corporales y musicales de los ritmos afroperuanos para lograr afianzar la identidad de un grupo de bailarines de la compañía afrodescendientes en Lima
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Pachas Torres, Claudia
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación estudia la manera en cómo las herramientas corporales y musicales
de los ritmos afroperuanos son un recurso para afianzar la identidad de los bailarines que
conforman el elenco de Afrodescendientes en Lima. Para ello se analizará la metodología
empleada por el profesor en las clases, lo cual está vinculado al concepto de “memorización
de la identidad”, que consiste en la repetición continua de un recuerdo que a la larga puede
llegar a ser parte de la cotidianidad y de la identidad de un sujeto. En las clases de
Afrodescendientes la memorización de la identidad se da a través de la repetición continua de
pasos y coreografías, como de las narrativas detrás de la danza o las letras que contienen las
canciones. A partir del análisis de dicha metodología en relación a la práctica de los alumnos
que conforman el elenco, resulta interesante observar la manera en que los bailarines han
logrado conectar y bailar las memorias de un pasado afroperuano, así como, por medio de la
danza, llegar a un lugar de autodescubrimiento y de forjar valores dentro de un espacio
seguro y familiar. Esto, a su vez, afirma la relevancia de los ritmos afroperuanos en la
identidad de los bailarines de la agrupación; así como la importancia de valorar los
conocimientos que proporcionan las danzas folclóricas a la identidad de un individuo o una
The present investigation studies the way in which the bodily and musical tools of Afro- Peruvian rhythms are a resource to support the identity of the dancers that make up the cast of Afrodescendientes in Lima. For this, the methodology used by the teacher in the classes will be analyzed, which is linked to the concept of "memorization of identity", which consists of the continuous repetition of a memory that in the long run can become part of daily life and of a subject's identity. In Afrodescendientes classes, identity memorization occurs through the continuous repetition of steps and choreography, such as the narratives behind the dance or the lyrics contained in the songs. From the analysis of this methodology in relation to the practice of the students that make up the cast, it’s interesting to notice the way in which the dancers have managed to connect and dance the memories of an Afro-Peruvian past, as well as, through dance, reach a place of self-discovery and forge values within a safe and familiar space. This, in turn, affirms the relevance of Afro-Peruvian rhythms in the identity of the group's dancers; as well as the importance of valuing the knowledge that folk dances provide to the identity of an individual or a community.
The present investigation studies the way in which the bodily and musical tools of Afro- Peruvian rhythms are a resource to support the identity of the dancers that make up the cast of Afrodescendientes in Lima. For this, the methodology used by the teacher in the classes will be analyzed, which is linked to the concept of "memorization of identity", which consists of the continuous repetition of a memory that in the long run can become part of daily life and of a subject's identity. In Afrodescendientes classes, identity memorization occurs through the continuous repetition of steps and choreography, such as the narratives behind the dance or the lyrics contained in the songs. From the analysis of this methodology in relation to the practice of the students that make up the cast, it’s interesting to notice the way in which the dancers have managed to connect and dance the memories of an Afro-Peruvian past, as well as, through dance, reach a place of self-discovery and forge values within a safe and familiar space. This, in turn, affirms the relevance of Afro-Peruvian rhythms in the identity of the group's dancers; as well as the importance of valuing the knowledge that folk dances provide to the identity of an individual or a community.
Palabras clave
Negros en Perú--Música, Bailarines folklóricos--Perú, Negros en Perú--Identidad cultural
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