La asociatividad y el territorio como factores de éxito de los negocios rurales en el proyecto Haku Wiñay/Noa Jayatai, en Cajamarca, 2014 – 2016
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El Proyecto Haku Wiñay/Noa Jayatai se ha venido ejecutando en los distritos inmersos en
extrema pobreza de las localidades de Chalamarca, Namora y Condebamba de la región
Cajamarca, considerando el mapa de pobreza y extrema pobreza de FONCODES, además
de considerar atender a los usuarios beneficiarios del programa JUNTOS. La modalidad
de organización para la administración física y financiera de los recursos económicos
designados, es a través de los núcleos ejecutores, que cuenta con el asesoramiento de un
coordinador del Núcleo, además de los talentos locales denominados Yachachiq (el que
sabe y enseña), que brinda el soporte técnico, organizacional y de gestión, para mejorar
las condiciones de intervención en la zona. Por lo que la Gerencia Social, brindara las
mejoras estrategias en la gestión de los recursos del Estado a través de la ejecución del
Proyecto , buscando la eficiencia y eficacia de la intervención, considerando aplicar las
mejores estrategias que brinden a los usuarios desarrollar y fortalecer sus capacidades,
así como el aprovechamiento de sus recursos con un enfoque de desarrollo económico
local y territorial; por lo que la generación de oportunidades económicas a través de los
grupos de emprendimientos, buscando consolidarlos como grupos líderes, tendrá en
consideración brindar todo el soporte técnico necesario a los usuarios que les permita la
identificación y ejecución de sus ideas de negocios, resultando una estrategia rentable y
sostenible en la generación de ingresos económicos y de trabajo digno, con en el
aprovechamiento de los recursos naturales a través de la generación y adopción de
tecnologías prácticas y de fácil aplicación, que se relaciona con la buena asistencia técnica
especializada y el nivel de educación de los usuarios. Las autoridades locales, además,
juegan un importante rol en la articulación de los actores que intervienen en un territorio,
ayudando a evitar la duplicidad de actividades.
The Haku Wiñay / Noa Jayatai project has been carried out in the districts immersed in extreme poverty in the towns of Chalamarca, Namora and Condebamba in the Cajamarca region, considering the FONCODES map of poverty and extreme poverty, in addition to considering serving the users beneficiaries of the JUNTOS program. The organization modality for the physical and financial administration of the designated economic resources is through the executing nuclei, which has the advice of a nucleus coordinator, in addition to the local talents called Yachachiq (the one who knows and teaches), that provides technical, organizational and management support to improve the conditions of intervention in the area. Therefore, the Social Management will provide the best strategies in the management of State resources through the execution of the project, seeking the efficiency and effectiveness of the intervention, considering applying the best strategies that provide users to develop and strengthen their capacities, as well as the use of its resources with a focus on local and territorial economic development; Therefore, the generation of economic opportunities through the entrepreneurial groups, seeking to consolidate them as leading groups, will take into consideration providing all the necessary technical support to users that allows them to identify and execute their business ideas, resulting in a strategy profitable and sustainable in the generation of economic income and decent work, with the use of natural resources through the generation and adoption of practical and easy-to-apply technologies, which is related to good specialized technical assistance and the level of user education. Local authorities also play an important role in the articulation of the actors that intervene in a territory, helping to avoid duplication of activities.
The Haku Wiñay / Noa Jayatai project has been carried out in the districts immersed in extreme poverty in the towns of Chalamarca, Namora and Condebamba in the Cajamarca region, considering the FONCODES map of poverty and extreme poverty, in addition to considering serving the users beneficiaries of the JUNTOS program. The organization modality for the physical and financial administration of the designated economic resources is through the executing nuclei, which has the advice of a nucleus coordinator, in addition to the local talents called Yachachiq (the one who knows and teaches), that provides technical, organizational and management support to improve the conditions of intervention in the area. Therefore, the Social Management will provide the best strategies in the management of State resources through the execution of the project, seeking the efficiency and effectiveness of the intervention, considering applying the best strategies that provide users to develop and strengthen their capacities, as well as the use of its resources with a focus on local and territorial economic development; Therefore, the generation of economic opportunities through the entrepreneurial groups, seeking to consolidate them as leading groups, will take into consideration providing all the necessary technical support to users that allows them to identify and execute their business ideas, resulting in a strategy profitable and sustainable in the generation of economic income and decent work, with the use of natural resources through the generation and adoption of practical and easy-to-apply technologies, which is related to good specialized technical assistance and the level of user education. Local authorities also play an important role in the articulation of the actors that intervene in a territory, helping to avoid duplication of activities.
Palabras clave
Desarrollo rural--Perú--Cajamarca, Programas sociales--Perú--Cajamarca, Política social--Perú--Cajamarca
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