La evaluación formativa en el desarrollo de la autonomía para el aprendizaje en estudiantes de quinto de secundaria en un colegio estatal de Huancayo
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Las experiencias que tienen los estudiantes sobre su formación en las escuelas
deben ser las mejores porque marcan su futuro. Así se inició elaborando el
problema de investigación: cuáles son las experiencias acerca de la evaluación
formativa en el desarrollo de la autonomía para el aprendizaje que tienen los
estudiantes del quinto de secundaria de un colegio estatal de Huancayo. Luego se
indagó conceptualmente sobre la evaluación formativa, y a continuación se abordó
el tema de la autonomía para el aprendizaje, donde se optó por Zimmermann, quien
plantea el modelo de las tres fases del aprendizaje autorregulado. Los objetivos
específicos son: a) Indagar las características de la evaluación formativa, según las
experiencias de los estudiantes del quinto de secundaria de un colegio estatal de
Huancayo y b) Describir cómo reconocen la evaluación formativa en el desarrollo
de la autonomía para el aprendizaje, los estudiantes del quinto de secundaria de
un colegio estatal de Huancayo. Para lograrlo se optó por el método
fenomenológico porque permite ingresar al interior del sujeto para evidenciar su
experiencia. La técnica que se utilizó fue la entrevista semiestructurada pues
permite recoger las percepciones, vivencias y significados de los entrevistados. Del
mismo modo, la entrevista hace posible que los informantes expresen ese mundo
interior que buscamos comprender con la investigación. Esto llevó a entrevistar a 6
estudiantes de quinto de secundaria para que narren sus vivencias sobre dichas
experiencias. Luego se hicieron las interpretaciones respectivas. Con los resultados
obtenidos se pudo comprender las percepciones, experiencias y significados de los
estudiantes sobre evaluación formativa en el desarrollo de la autonomía para el
aprendizaje. Así mismo, se pudo llegar a concluir que la experiencia de los
estudiantes acerca de la evaluación formativa es óptima para su aprendizaje
autónomo, pues este se practica y se vive.
The experiences that students have about their training in schools must be the best because they mark their future. Thus, the research problem began to be elaborated: what are the experiences regarding formative evaluation in the development of autonomy for learning that students in the fifth year of high school have at a public school in Huancayo. Then, formative evaluation was conceptually investigated, and then autonomy for learning, where Zimmermann was chosen, who proposes the model of the three phases of self-regulated learning. The specific objectives are: a) Investigate the characteristics of formative evaluation, according to the experiences of students in the fifth year of high school at a public school in Huancayo and b) Describe how they recognize formative evaluation in the development of autonomy for learning, fifth grade students from a public school in Huancayo. To achieve this, the phenomenological method was chosen because it allows us to enter the subject's interior to demonstrate their experience. The technique used was the semistructured interview because it allows the perceptions, experiences and meanings of the interviewees to be collected. In the same way, the interview makes it possible for the informants to express that inner world that we seek to understand with the research. Then the respective interpretations were made. With the results obtained, it was possible to understand the perceptions, experiences and meanings of the students about formative evaluation in the development of autonomy for learning. It was possible to conclude that the students' experience of formative evaluation is strong and clear for their autonomous learning, they practice it and live it.
The experiences that students have about their training in schools must be the best because they mark their future. Thus, the research problem began to be elaborated: what are the experiences regarding formative evaluation in the development of autonomy for learning that students in the fifth year of high school have at a public school in Huancayo. Then, formative evaluation was conceptually investigated, and then autonomy for learning, where Zimmermann was chosen, who proposes the model of the three phases of self-regulated learning. The specific objectives are: a) Investigate the characteristics of formative evaluation, according to the experiences of students in the fifth year of high school at a public school in Huancayo and b) Describe how they recognize formative evaluation in the development of autonomy for learning, fifth grade students from a public school in Huancayo. To achieve this, the phenomenological method was chosen because it allows us to enter the subject's interior to demonstrate their experience. The technique used was the semistructured interview because it allows the perceptions, experiences and meanings of the interviewees to be collected. In the same way, the interview makes it possible for the informants to express that inner world that we seek to understand with the research. Then the respective interpretations were made. With the results obtained, it was possible to understand the perceptions, experiences and meanings of the students about formative evaluation in the development of autonomy for learning. It was possible to conclude that the students' experience of formative evaluation is strong and clear for their autonomous learning, they practice it and live it.
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