La competencia electoral entre las organizaciones políticas durante las elecciones municipales en la provincia del Santa – Ancash en el 2014
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación describe y analiza las estrategias empleadas por los
candidatos a la alcaldía provincial de Santa, en la Región Ancash, durante las
Elecciones Regionales y Municipales 2014. En el trabajo se identifican prácticas que
vulneran el principio de legalidad o incumplen la normativa electoral alterando el
espíritu de la Ley. Si bien esta investigación presenta muchos antecedentes
académicos que han analizado los procesos de participación política en elecciones
subnacionales, la mayoría de estos lo hizo en el análisis de la jurisprudencia, por lo
que este trabajo destaca su importancia a nivel metodológico, pues, propone registrar
experiencias de los candidatos e integrantes de las organizaciones políticas que
participaron en dicho proceso y que desde su perspectiva narren los acontecimientos.
Así, se propone como hipótesis que el proceso electoral para elección de alcaldes
distritales y alcalde provincial en la provincia de Santa – Ancash en el 2014 se
desarrolló en medio de campañas que vulneraron la legislación electoral vigente
debido a prácticas negativas que desarrollaron los candidatos en su afán de alcanzar
el triunfo en el marco de una compleja fragmentación política local. Por ello, se
concluye que existen ciertas prácticas desarrolladas por los actores políticos durante el desarrollo de los procesos electorales, estas prácticas corresponden a factores
aprendidos asociados al desarrollo de prácticas informales que tienen como objetivo
generar aprovechamiento político en la competencia electoral. El análisis que aquí se
realiza toma en consideración los aportes teóricos sobre la informalidad en los
procesos políticos y las relaciones amigo-enemigo desde la perspectiva de Schmit
The present research describes and analyzes the strategies employed by the candidates for the provincial mayoralty of Santa, in the Ancash Region, during the 2014 Regional and Municipal Elections. The work identifies practices that violate the principle of legality or violate electoral regulations by altering the spirit of the Law. While this research has many academic backgrounds that have analyzed the processes of political participation in subnational elections, most of them did so in the analysis of jurisprudence, so this work highlights its importance at the methodological level, therefore, proposes to record the experiences of the candidates and members of the political organizations that participated in this process and who, from their perspective, narrate the events. Thus, it is proposed as a hypothesis that the electoral process for the election of district mayors and provincial mayor in the province of Santa - Ancash in 2014 took place amid campaigns that violated current electoral legislation due to negative practices developed by candidates in their eagerness to reach the triumph in the framework of a complex local political fragmentation. Therefore, it is concluded that there are certain practices developed by political actors during the development of electoral processes, these practices correspond to learned factors associated with the development of informal practices that aim to generate political advantage in the electoral competition. The analysis carried out here takes into account the theoretical contributions on informality in political processes and friend-enemy relations from Schmit's perspective
The present research describes and analyzes the strategies employed by the candidates for the provincial mayoralty of Santa, in the Ancash Region, during the 2014 Regional and Municipal Elections. The work identifies practices that violate the principle of legality or violate electoral regulations by altering the spirit of the Law. While this research has many academic backgrounds that have analyzed the processes of political participation in subnational elections, most of them did so in the analysis of jurisprudence, so this work highlights its importance at the methodological level, therefore, proposes to record the experiences of the candidates and members of the political organizations that participated in this process and who, from their perspective, narrate the events. Thus, it is proposed as a hypothesis that the electoral process for the election of district mayors and provincial mayor in the province of Santa - Ancash in 2014 took place amid campaigns that violated current electoral legislation due to negative practices developed by candidates in their eagerness to reach the triumph in the framework of a complex local political fragmentation. Therefore, it is concluded that there are certain practices developed by political actors during the development of electoral processes, these practices correspond to learned factors associated with the development of informal practices that aim to generate political advantage in the electoral competition. The analysis carried out here takes into account the theoretical contributions on informality in political processes and friend-enemy relations from Schmit's perspective
Palabras clave
Candidatos políticos--Perú--Santa (Ancash : Provincia), Campañas políticas--Perú--Santa (Ancash : Provincia), Elecciones locales--Perú--Santa (Ancash : Provincia), Tácticas políticas--Perú--Santa (Ancash : Provincia)
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