Definición de Marco de trabajo para la implementación de una Oficina de Gestión de Proyectos (PMO) de Tecnologías de Información
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La gestión de proyectos tecnológicos representa un reto para las organizaciones aun
cuando existen sinnúmero de metodologías y herramientas que facilitan la gestión de
proyectos. El problema se agrava, cuando las organizaciones tienen que ejecutarlos en
Ante estas dificultades, las organizaciones giran su interés en las oficinas de gestión de
proyectos o PMO (Project Management Office). Sin embargo, las organizaciones tienen
muchas dificultades cuando tratan de definir el tipo de PMO a implementar y las
funciones que deben tener.
Por esta razón se propone el presente proyecto de investigación cuyo objetivo es definir
un marco de trabajo que permita implementar una PMO y que logre la ejecución eficaz
y eficiente de proyectos. Para ello se ha realizado una revisión exhaustiva de trabajos
publicados que presentan la implementación y uso de PMO. Tomando en consideración
dichas propuestas se propone un nuevo marco de trabajo que integre los criterios
básicos que se deben tener en cuenta para definir una PMO como son: la estructura,
nivel de madurez e influencia, funciones, roles y responsabilidades del equipo, nivel y
estrategia de gobierno, métricas de medición.
Adicionalmente, se valida cuantitativamente la primera parte de la propuesta, evaluando
el impacto de una PMO implementada bajo este marco de trabajo, logrando medir el
cumplimiento de tiempo y costos de los proyectos. También, se realiza una segunda
propuesta que se evalúa cualitativamente mediante entrevistas a expertos, quienes la
validan y proponen algunas sugerencias con las que se elabora una propuesta final.
Con los resultados obtenidos, se muestra que la implementación de una PMO favorece
la ejecución de los proyectos logrando aportar al cumplimiento de los objetivos de la
The management of technological projects represents a challenge for organizations even though there are countless methodologies and tools that facilitate project management. The problem is compounded when organizations have to execute them in parallel. Faced with these difficulties, organizations turn their interest in the Project Management Offices or PMO since these are the calls to solve the problems raised above. However, organizations have many difficulties when trying to define the type of PMO to implement and the functions they should have. For this reason, this research project is proposed to define a framework that allows the implementation of a PMO and that achieves the effective and efficient execution of projects. To this end, an exhaustive review of published works that present the implementation and use of PMO has been carried out. Taking these proposals into consideration, a new framework is proposed that integrates the basic criteria to define a PMO, such as: structure, level of maturity and influence, functions, roles and responsibilities of the team, level and strategy. governance, measurement metrics. Additionally, the first part of the proposal is quantitatively validated, evaluating the impact of a PMO implemented under this framework, measuring compliance with project time and costs. Also, a second proposal is made that is qualitatively evaluated through interviews with experts, who validate it and propose some suggestions with which a final proposal is prepared. With the results obtained, it is shown that the implementation of a PMO favours the execution of projects, contributing to the fulfilment of the organization's objectives.
The management of technological projects represents a challenge for organizations even though there are countless methodologies and tools that facilitate project management. The problem is compounded when organizations have to execute them in parallel. Faced with these difficulties, organizations turn their interest in the Project Management Offices or PMO since these are the calls to solve the problems raised above. However, organizations have many difficulties when trying to define the type of PMO to implement and the functions they should have. For this reason, this research project is proposed to define a framework that allows the implementation of a PMO and that achieves the effective and efficient execution of projects. To this end, an exhaustive review of published works that present the implementation and use of PMO has been carried out. Taking these proposals into consideration, a new framework is proposed that integrates the basic criteria to define a PMO, such as: structure, level of maturity and influence, functions, roles and responsibilities of the team, level and strategy. governance, measurement metrics. Additionally, the first part of the proposal is quantitatively validated, evaluating the impact of a PMO implemented under this framework, measuring compliance with project time and costs. Also, a second proposal is made that is qualitatively evaluated through interviews with experts, who validate it and propose some suggestions with which a final proposal is prepared. With the results obtained, it is shown that the implementation of a PMO favours the execution of projects, contributing to the fulfilment of the organization's objectives.
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