Tendencias de investigación sobre modelos didácticos en educación superior universitaria
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La investigación desarrolla las tendencias de investigación sobre modelos
didácticos en los programas de estudio en educación superior universitaria. El
objetivo general es caracterizar las tendencias de investigación sobre modelos
didácticos en los programas de estudios en educación superior universitaria. Como
objetivos específicos se encuentran: (i) Identificar los conceptos teóricos vinculados
al modelo didáctico que se presentan en las investigaciones, (ii) Identificar los
métodos de investigación utilizados al investigar sobre modelo didáctico e (iii)
Identificar las temáticas relacionadas al modelo didáctico que se investigan en los
programas de estudios en educación superior universitaria.
La investigación es cualitativa. El método de estudio utilizado es revisión de la
literatura. Se analizaron 12 (doce) artículos, que cumplieron con los criterios de
inclusión, los cuales fueron seleccionados de las bases de datos Dimensions y
Scielo. Mediante la técnica de análisis documental y el uso de matrices para
organizar la información, se identificaron varias categorías de investigación en línea
con los objetivos específicos: conceptos teóricos relacionados con el modelo
didáctico, métodos de investigación empleados, y temáticas investigadas en
programas de educación superior. Además, se determinaron subcategorías
emergentes del análisis.
Se evidencia como resultados de la investigación que, en los programas de estudio
del nivel de educación superior universitaria, existe una predilección por
conceptualizar los modelos didácticos como una abstracción del proceso educativo,
identificándose la presencia de un desarrollo conceptual en relación con las
características, clasificación y elementos del modelo didáctico, así como la relación
con la didáctica y la diversidad e inclusión. Asimismo, se encontró el uso de
métodos de investigación con enfoque cuantitativo y cualitativo. Finalmente, las
temáticas que se investigan están relacionadas a enfoques y modelos didácticos,
a experiencias prácticas; así como, al impacto en el aprendizaje de un determinado
modelo didáctico.
The research develops research trends on teaching models in study programs in university higher education. The general objective is to characterize research trends on teaching models in university higher education study programs. The specific objectives are: (i) Identify the theoretical concepts linked to the didactic model that are presented in the research, (ii) Identify the research methods used when researching the didactic model and (iii) Identify the themes related to the didactic model that They are investigated in study programs in university higher education. The research is qualitative. The study method used is a literature review. 12 (twelve) articles were analyzed, which met the inclusion criteria, which were selected from the Dimensions and Scielo databases. Through the documentary analysis technique and the use of matrices to organize the information, several research categories were identified in line with the specific objectives: theoretical concepts related to the didactic model, research methods used, and topics investigated in higher education programs; in addition, emerging subcategories of the analysis were determined. It is evident as results of the research that, in the study programs at the university higher education level, there is a predilection for conceptualizing didactic models as an abstraction of the educational process, identifying the presence of a conceptual development in relation to the characteristics, classification and elements of the didactic model, as well as the relationship with didactics and diversity and inclusion. Likewise, the use of research methods with a quantitative and qualitative approach was found. Finally, the topics investigated are related to teaching approaches and models, to practical experiences; as well as the impact on learning of a certain didactic model.
The research develops research trends on teaching models in study programs in university higher education. The general objective is to characterize research trends on teaching models in university higher education study programs. The specific objectives are: (i) Identify the theoretical concepts linked to the didactic model that are presented in the research, (ii) Identify the research methods used when researching the didactic model and (iii) Identify the themes related to the didactic model that They are investigated in study programs in university higher education. The research is qualitative. The study method used is a literature review. 12 (twelve) articles were analyzed, which met the inclusion criteria, which were selected from the Dimensions and Scielo databases. Through the documentary analysis technique and the use of matrices to organize the information, several research categories were identified in line with the specific objectives: theoretical concepts related to the didactic model, research methods used, and topics investigated in higher education programs; in addition, emerging subcategories of the analysis were determined. It is evident as results of the research that, in the study programs at the university higher education level, there is a predilection for conceptualizing didactic models as an abstraction of the educational process, identifying the presence of a conceptual development in relation to the characteristics, classification and elements of the didactic model, as well as the relationship with didactics and diversity and inclusion. Likewise, the use of research methods with a quantitative and qualitative approach was found. Finally, the topics investigated are related to teaching approaches and models, to practical experiences; as well as the impact on learning of a certain didactic model.