"Fortalecimiento del derecho al nombre y a la identidad de las comunidades nativas del Bajo Urubamba distrito de Echarate - Cusco. 2014 - 2016"
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente tesis dará a conocer los factores limitantes más notorios para que
las comunidades nativas del Bajo Urubamba, distrito de Echarate accedan a la
documentación e identidad. La investigación se realizó teniendo como referencia
la implementación del Plan Nacional de Restitución de la Identidad,
“Documentando a las Personas Indocumentadas 2005 - 2009”. La investigación
es predominantemente cualitativa, pues nos interesa conocer qué piensan y
cuáles son las actitudes, de los funcionarios del Reniec, autoridades locales y
población. Así mismo, se trabajó bajo los enfoques de derechos, de género e
interculturalidad; los que permitirán mejorar la dinámica social de las
comunidades, el empoderamiento de las mujeres, la mejora de la crianza de los
hijos, y el desarrollo de las comunidades nativas; teniendo como medio el
reconocimiento de su derecho a su propia identidad.
Los problemas más importantes del derecho a la documentación y a la identidad
responden en última instancia a la no pertinencia cultural de la propuesta de
documentación en relación a la realidad sociocultural y económica de las
comunidades nativas. Algunas limitaciones más significativas han sido: la escasa
permanencia del personal del Reniec cuando realizan campañas, a ello se suma
la lejanía de las comunidades respecto a la capital del distrito al que pertenecen.
Por ello, para efectos de documentación se podrían relacionar con los
establecimientos provinciales y regionales más cercanos superando así los
límites territoriales como lo viene haciendo el sector educación y salud.
Algunas de las alternativas más importantes de esta investigación son la
imprescindible voluntad política que deben tener las autoridades locales y
regionales, el soporte financiero, el trabajo intersectorial, la adecuación cultural
que implica la información y participación de los propios pobladores; así como, la
presencia de equipos itinerantes de manera trimestral. En lugares como las
comunidades nativas de Echarate se podría iniciar el traslado de la oficina de
registro civil de la municipalidad, a la comunidad mediante la creación local de
una oficina del Reniec (lo que se estipuló para todo el país hace más de cinco
años) transferencia que se normó y aún este: no se ha implementado.
The present thesis will show the most notable limiting factors for the native communities of the Lower Urubamba, Echarate district to access documentation and identity. The research was done with reference to the implementation of the National Plan for Identity Restitution 2005-2009. The research is predominantly qualitative, because we are interested in knowing what you think and what the attitudes are, of Reniec officials, local authorities and population. Likewise, we worked under the approaches of rights, gender and interculturality; Which will improve the social dynamics of communities, the empowerment of women, the improvement of child rearing, and the development of native communities; Having as a means the recognition of their right to their own identity. The most important problems of the right to documentation and identity ultimately respond to the cultural non-relevance of the documentation proposal in relation to the socio-cultural and economic reality of the native communities. Some of the most significant limitations have been the lack of permanence of the Reniec personnel when they carry out campaigns, to which is added the remoteness of the communities with respect to the capital of the district to which they belong. For this reason, for documentation purposes, they could be related to the nearest provincial and regional establishments, thus overcoming the territorial limits as the education and health sector has been doing. Some of the most important alternatives of this research are the indispensable political will that must have the local and regional authorities, the financial support, the intersectoral work, the cultural adequacy that implies the information and participation of the own settlers; As well as the presence of traveling teams on a quarterly basis. In places such as the native communities of Echarate could begin the transfer of the civil registry office of the municipality, to the community through the local creation of a Reniec office (which was stipulated for the whole country more than five years ago) Transfer that was normed and still this: has not been implemented.
The present thesis will show the most notable limiting factors for the native communities of the Lower Urubamba, Echarate district to access documentation and identity. The research was done with reference to the implementation of the National Plan for Identity Restitution 2005-2009. The research is predominantly qualitative, because we are interested in knowing what you think and what the attitudes are, of Reniec officials, local authorities and population. Likewise, we worked under the approaches of rights, gender and interculturality; Which will improve the social dynamics of communities, the empowerment of women, the improvement of child rearing, and the development of native communities; Having as a means the recognition of their right to their own identity. The most important problems of the right to documentation and identity ultimately respond to the cultural non-relevance of the documentation proposal in relation to the socio-cultural and economic reality of the native communities. Some of the most significant limitations have been the lack of permanence of the Reniec personnel when they carry out campaigns, to which is added the remoteness of the communities with respect to the capital of the district to which they belong. For this reason, for documentation purposes, they could be related to the nearest provincial and regional establishments, thus overcoming the territorial limits as the education and health sector has been doing. Some of the most important alternatives of this research are the indispensable political will that must have the local and regional authorities, the financial support, the intersectoral work, the cultural adequacy that implies the information and participation of the own settlers; As well as the presence of traveling teams on a quarterly basis. In places such as the native communities of Echarate could begin the transfer of the civil registry office of the municipality, to the community through the local creation of a Reniec office (which was stipulated for the whole country more than five years ago) Transfer that was normed and still this: has not been implemented.
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