Informe Jurídico sobre la Casación Nº 851-2018
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el presente informe jurídico se analiza la Casación N 851-2018-Puno, la
cual manifiesta que existen diversas interpretaciones sobre el elemento típico
“por su condición de tal” en el delito de feminicidio, por lo que se presenta un
problema de interpretación en la doctrina y jurisprudencia en este tipo de
casos; al respecto se ha concluido que el concepto adecuado de dicho
elemento es la imposición de un estereotipo de género hacia la mujer,
discriminándola y subordinándola, en el marco de la violencia de género; así, al
incumplir la mujer dicho estereotipo impuesto, el agente la mata. Asimismo,
también se analiza en el presente trabajo la valoración racional de la prueba, ya
que el acreditar que se ha configurado el feminicidio, delito basado en violencia
de género, resulta muchas veces muy dificultoso. En el caso bajo análisis es un
claro ejemplo de ello, siendo por ello necesario que durante todo el proceso el
juzgador emplee la perspectiva de género, más aún al momento de analizar los
medios probatorios, realizar inferencias lógicas y emplear las máximas de la
experiencia, puesto que de lo contrario solo se ceñirán al hecho concreto, como
en el caso que se ha analizado. Todo ello vulnera las garantías procesales e
incumplen los compromisos internacionales asumidos por el Perú como Estado
This legal report analyzes Casación N° 851-2018-Puno, which states that there are various interpretations regarding the specific element of "by reason of being a woman" in the crime of femicide, thus presenting an issue of interpretation in both doctrine and jurisprudence in these types of cases. It has been concluded that the appropriate concept of this element is the imposition of a gender stereotype onto women, which discriminates against and subordinates them within the framework of gender-based violence. Therefore, when a woman fails to comply with this imposed stereotype, the perpetrator kills her. Additionally, this work also examines the rational assessment of evidence since proving the occurrence of femicide, a crime based on gender violence, is often very challenging. The case under analysis serves as a clear example of this difficulty, highlighting the need for the judge to apply a gender perspective throughout the entire process, particularly when assessing the means of proof, making logical inferences, and employing the principles of experience. Failure to do so would confine the analysis solely to the specific fact, as in the case that has been analyzed. All of this violates procedural guarantees and fails to fulfill the international commitments assumed by Peru.
This legal report analyzes Casación N° 851-2018-Puno, which states that there are various interpretations regarding the specific element of "by reason of being a woman" in the crime of femicide, thus presenting an issue of interpretation in both doctrine and jurisprudence in these types of cases. It has been concluded that the appropriate concept of this element is the imposition of a gender stereotype onto women, which discriminates against and subordinates them within the framework of gender-based violence. Therefore, when a woman fails to comply with this imposed stereotype, the perpetrator kills her. Additionally, this work also examines the rational assessment of evidence since proving the occurrence of femicide, a crime based on gender violence, is often very challenging. The case under analysis serves as a clear example of this difficulty, highlighting the need for the judge to apply a gender perspective throughout the entire process, particularly when assessing the means of proof, making logical inferences, and employing the principles of experience. Failure to do so would confine the analysis solely to the specific fact, as in the case that has been analyzed. All of this violates procedural guarantees and fails to fulfill the international commitments assumed by Peru.
Palabras clave
Delitos contra la mujer--Perú, Violencia contra la mujer--Perú, Género, Homicidio