Evaluación de la sostenibilidad ambiental empresarial en la Unidad Minera Nueva Acumulación Quenamari San Rafael, MINSUR: Un análisis clave ante los desafíos ambientales de la Cuenca Ramis
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Este trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo principal evaluar la incidencia del
Sistema de Gestión Ambiental (SGA) en la sostenibilidad empresarial ambiental, centrándose en
la Unidad Minera San Rafael de Minsur S.A. Se empleó un enfoque metodológico que abarcó la
identificación de indicadores normativos de Organismo de Evaluación y Fiscalización Ambiental
(OEFA) e International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM), el análisis de stakeholders, y la
evaluación de estrategias y prácticas de sostenibilidad en la UM, adoptando un enfoque
descriptivo y explicativo, asimismo, el estudio fusiona elementos cuantitativos y cualitativos
para comprender la complejidad de esta relación.
A través de un análisis exhaustivo, se identificaron los indicadores clave de la normativa
medioambiental, destacando la complejidad en la integración de regulaciones nacionales e
internacionales. El estudio reveló desafíos significativos en la incorporación de prácticas
sostenibles, resaltando la necesidad de comprender a fondo las expectativas de los stakeholders
y los obstáculos para el cumplimiento normativo.
Las principales conclusiones indican que, aunque la UM San Rafael presenta fortalezas
en su enfoque hacia la sostenibilidad, existen áreas de mejora, especialmente en la promoción de
una cultura ambiental empresarial sólida y la implementación efectiva de buenas prácticas de
minería sostenible. Se destaca la importancia de medidas específicas, como el fortalecimiento de
la cultura ambiental, la mejora en la medición de indicadores y la participación activa de las
partes interesadas, para avanzar hacia una sostenibilidad más robusta.
This research aims to assess the impact of the Environmental Management System (EMS) on environmental corporate sustainability, focusing on the San Rafael Mining Unit of Minsur S.A. We employed a methodological approach encompassing the identification of regulatory indicators by OEFA and ICMM, stakeholder analysis, and the evaluation of sustainability strategies and practices at the mining unit. Adopting a descriptive and explanatory framework, the study integrates both quantitative and qualitative elements to comprehend the complexity of this relationship. Through a comprehensive analysis, key indicators of environmental regulations were identified, emphasizing the intricacies of integrating national and international standards. The study unveiled significant challenges in adopting sustainable practices, underscoring the need for an in-depth understanding of stakeholder expectations and obstacles to regulatory compliance. Major conclusions indicate that while the San Rafael Mining Unit exhibits strengths in its sustainability approach, there are areas for improvement, particularly in fostering a robust environmental corporate culture and effectively implementing sustainable mining practices. The study underscores the importance of specific measures, such as enhancing environmental culture, improving indicator measurement, and actively involving stakeholders, to advance towards more robust sustainability.
This research aims to assess the impact of the Environmental Management System (EMS) on environmental corporate sustainability, focusing on the San Rafael Mining Unit of Minsur S.A. We employed a methodological approach encompassing the identification of regulatory indicators by OEFA and ICMM, stakeholder analysis, and the evaluation of sustainability strategies and practices at the mining unit. Adopting a descriptive and explanatory framework, the study integrates both quantitative and qualitative elements to comprehend the complexity of this relationship. Through a comprehensive analysis, key indicators of environmental regulations were identified, emphasizing the intricacies of integrating national and international standards. The study unveiled significant challenges in adopting sustainable practices, underscoring the need for an in-depth understanding of stakeholder expectations and obstacles to regulatory compliance. Major conclusions indicate that while the San Rafael Mining Unit exhibits strengths in its sustainability approach, there are areas for improvement, particularly in fostering a robust environmental corporate culture and effectively implementing sustainable mining practices. The study underscores the importance of specific measures, such as enhancing environmental culture, improving indicator measurement, and actively involving stakeholders, to advance towards more robust sustainability.