La debida diligencia como elemento del estándar de protección y seguridad plenas en la gestión de conflictos por causa de proyectos mineros: El caso Bear Creek ante el CIADI
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El estándar de Protección y Seguridad Plenas (PSP), cuyo contenido es de
fuente consuetudinaria, se encuentra establecido en los distintos Acuerdos
Internacionales de Inversión suscritos por el Perú; asimismo, en el caso Bear
Creek se establece que la obligación de debida diligencia del Estado constituye
un elemento de este estándar. En ese sentido, la presente tesis desarrolla cómo
se debe interpretar esta obligación de debida diligencia para su aplicación en la
gestión de conflictos sociales en los proyectos mineros. Para ello, se parte de
una aproximación teórica del estándar PSP así como de su elemento de debida
diligencia y su concepción en el Derecho Internacional de Inversiones y otras
ramas del Derecho Internacional. Luego, revisamos el panorama general sobre
la gestión de conflictos sociales en el Perú lo que nos permite analizar el conflicto
social en el caso Bear Creek tomando en consideración la tipología de conflictos
sociales definida. Finalmente, revisaremos la aplicación del estándar PSP para
la prevención de conflictos donde resaltamos los aportes del caso Bear Creek en
cuanto a la interpretación de la debida diligencia para prevenir y solucionar
conflictos sociales en proyectos mineros. Se concluye que la obligación de
debida diligencia debiera interpretarse como la obligación que tiene el Estado a
fin de brindar protección y seguridades plenas al inversionista. Si cumple ello, se
debe entender que el Estado cumple con el estándar de Nivel Mínimo de Trato
y, por lo tanto, con sus compromisos internacionales. Por ello, conforme a la
obligación de debida diligencia y tomando en consideración la interpretación del
Tribunal Arbitral en el fallo sobre Bear Creek, el Estado peruano se encontraría
obligado internacionalmente a implementar un efectivo marco regulatorio de
prevención de conflictos que propicie el apoyo y equilibrio entre las políticas de
protección de inversiones y el desarrollo de su población.
The Full Protection and Security Standard (FPS), whose content is of a consuetudinary source, is established in the various international investment agreements signed by Peru; Similarly, in the case Bear Creek establishes that the State’s due diligence obligation is an element of this standard. In this sense, this thesis develops how this obligation of due diligence should be interpreted for its application in the social conflict management in mining projects. This is based on a theoretical approximation of the PSP standard as well as its element of due diligence and its conception in International Investment Law and other areas of International Law. Then, we reviewed the general overview on the social conflict management in Peru which allows us to analyze the social conflict in the Bear Creek case taking into consideration the typology of social conflicts defined. Finally, we will review the application of the PSP standard for conflict prevention where we highlight the contributions of the Bear Creek case regarding the interpretation of due diligence to prevent and resolve social conflicts in mining projects. In conclusion the due diligence obligation should be interpreted as the obligation of the State in order to provide full protection and security to the investor. If this is done, it must be understood that the State complies with the International Minimum Standard of Treatment and therefore with its international commitments. Therefore, in accordance with the obligation of due diligence and taking into consideration the interpretation of the Arbitral Tribunal in the Bear Creek case, the Peruvian State would be under an international obligation to implement an effective regulatory framework for conflict prevention that fosters support and a balance between investment protection policies and the development of population.
The Full Protection and Security Standard (FPS), whose content is of a consuetudinary source, is established in the various international investment agreements signed by Peru; Similarly, in the case Bear Creek establishes that the State’s due diligence obligation is an element of this standard. In this sense, this thesis develops how this obligation of due diligence should be interpreted for its application in the social conflict management in mining projects. This is based on a theoretical approximation of the PSP standard as well as its element of due diligence and its conception in International Investment Law and other areas of International Law. Then, we reviewed the general overview on the social conflict management in Peru which allows us to analyze the social conflict in the Bear Creek case taking into consideration the typology of social conflicts defined. Finally, we will review the application of the PSP standard for conflict prevention where we highlight the contributions of the Bear Creek case regarding the interpretation of due diligence to prevent and resolve social conflicts in mining projects. In conclusion the due diligence obligation should be interpreted as the obligation of the State in order to provide full protection and security to the investor. If this is done, it must be understood that the State complies with the International Minimum Standard of Treatment and therefore with its international commitments. Therefore, in accordance with the obligation of due diligence and taking into consideration the interpretation of the Arbitral Tribunal in the Bear Creek case, the Peruvian State would be under an international obligation to implement an effective regulatory framework for conflict prevention that fosters support and a balance between investment protection policies and the development of population.
Palabras clave
Derecho internacional económico, Responsabilidad del Estado, Derechos humanos, Conflictos sociales, Tribunales constitucionales, Inversiones extranjeras--Legislación-Perú
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