Intransitividad escindida en el asháninka del Tambo
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente tesis ofrece un estudio descriptivo del fenómeno de la intransitividad escindida en el
asháninka del Tambo (familia arawak) desde un acercamiento tipológico y funcional, en tanto nos
interesa hallar la correspondencia entre una estructura formal y su propósito comunicativo en el
mundo real (Hopper & Thompson 1980). Este último aspecto guarda un correlato significativo
con esquemas cognitivos que le permiten al ser humano categorizar la experiencia por medio del
lenguaje (DeLancey 1987). La intransitividad escindida consiste en la posibilidad de que el
argumento de una construcción intransitiva (S) se codifique en ciertos contextos como el
argumento más agentivo de una cláusula transitiva (A) y en otros, como el argumento más
pacientivo de esta misma (P). La intransitividad escindida que exhibe el asháninka del Tambo
presenta un condicionamiento discursivo a partir de la jerarquía de estatus de información en la
que se sitúan las cláusulas, especialmente, es relevante el estatus de pico narrativo (Jones & Jones
1979). Los datos de esta investigación provienen de habla natural y, en menor medida, de
elicitación, ya que la intransitividad escindida por motivación discursiva implica identificar
elementos novedosos de aquellos ya establecidos dentro de una narración o con distintos grados
de saliencia cognitiva.
The present thesis offers a descriptive study of the phenomenon of split intransitivity in Tambo Asháninka (Arawak family) from a typological and functional approach, as we are interested in finding the correspondence between a formal structure and its communicative purpose in the real world (Hopper & Thompson 1980). The latter aspect has a significant correlate with cognitive schemas that allow humans to categorize experience through language (DeLancey 1987). Split intransitivity consists in the possibility that the argument of an intransitive construction (S) is encoded in certain contexts as the most agentive argument of a transitive clause (A) and in others, as the most pacientive argument of the same (P). The split intransitivity exhibited by Tambo Asháninka presents a discourse conditioning from the hierarchy of information status in which the clauses are placed, especially, the status of narrative peak is relevant (Jones & Jones 1979). The data in this research come from natural speech and, to a lesser extent, from elicitation, since intransitivity split by discursive motivation implies identifying novel elements from those already established within a narrative or with different degrees of cognitive salience.
The present thesis offers a descriptive study of the phenomenon of split intransitivity in Tambo Asháninka (Arawak family) from a typological and functional approach, as we are interested in finding the correspondence between a formal structure and its communicative purpose in the real world (Hopper & Thompson 1980). The latter aspect has a significant correlate with cognitive schemas that allow humans to categorize experience through language (DeLancey 1987). Split intransitivity consists in the possibility that the argument of an intransitive construction (S) is encoded in certain contexts as the most agentive argument of a transitive clause (A) and in others, as the most pacientive argument of the same (P). The split intransitivity exhibited by Tambo Asháninka presents a discourse conditioning from the hierarchy of information status in which the clauses are placed, especially, the status of narrative peak is relevant (Jones & Jones 1979). The data in this research come from natural speech and, to a lesser extent, from elicitation, since intransitivity split by discursive motivation implies identifying novel elements from those already established within a narrative or with different degrees of cognitive salience.
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