Marketing sensorial: Percepción de las consumidoras sobre la imagen de marca Exit a partir de su implementación en el punto de venta en Lima Metropolitana agosto 2019 a mayo 2022
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Exit, una marca peruana de retail de moda femenina, es un claro ejemplo de cómo incluir la
sensorialidad en la construcción de la identidad de marca ya que, como muy pocas en el país,
ha desarrollado una serie de acciones sensoriales que han logrado calar en la mente de las
consumidoras. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo general describir cómo dichas acciones
influyen en la percepción de las consumidoras sobre la imagen de marca. Para ello, se identifica
qué acciones sensoriales se ejecutan en los puntos de venta, de qué manera estas reflejan la
identidad de la marca y cómo influyen en su recordación; y se analiza si estas acciones
favorecen la percepción del público objetivo sobre la marca. La investigación utiliza un
enfoque mixto y tiene un alcance, principalmente, descriptivo y exploratorio. Además, se
analizan los resultados de manera integral a través de la triangulación de los sujetos de
información: la investigadora, miembros de la organización y público objetivo. Como resultado
se obtuvo que las acciones de marketing sensorial presentes en los puntos de venta estudiados
de Exit son perceptibles y congruentes con su identidad de marca, y poseen un efecto favorable
y estimulante para su imagen ya que realzan las asociaciones de marca positivas declaradas por
la personalidad de la organización respecto a su identidad. Cabe mencionar que esta
investigación inició en una etapa pre-Covid-19 y continuó durante la pandemia, por lo que se
considera como parte de los resultados la adaptación hacia la nueva normalidad.
Exit, a Peruvian women's fashion retail brand, is a great example of how to include sensoriality in the construction of brand identity since, like very few others in the country, it has developed a series of sensorial actions that have managed to penetrate consumers’ mind. The general objective of this research is to describe how these actions influence consumers' perception of the brand image. To this end, it identifies which sensory actions are carried out at points of sale; how they reflect the brand identity and how they influence brand recall; and it analyzes whether these actions favor the target public's perception of the brand. The research uses a mixed approach and is mainly descriptive but also exploratory in scope. In addition, the results are analyzed in a comprehensive manner through the triangulation of the subjects of information: the researcher, members of the organization and the target public. From the research it was concluded that the sensory marketing actions present in the studied Exit points of sale are perceptible and congruent with its brand identity, and have a positive and stimulating effect on its image since they enhance the positive brand associations declared by the organization's personality about its identity. It is worth mentioning that this research started in a pre-Covid-19 stage and continued during the pandemic, so it is considered as part of the results the adaptation to the new normality.
Exit, a Peruvian women's fashion retail brand, is a great example of how to include sensoriality in the construction of brand identity since, like very few others in the country, it has developed a series of sensorial actions that have managed to penetrate consumers’ mind. The general objective of this research is to describe how these actions influence consumers' perception of the brand image. To this end, it identifies which sensory actions are carried out at points of sale; how they reflect the brand identity and how they influence brand recall; and it analyzes whether these actions favor the target public's perception of the brand. The research uses a mixed approach and is mainly descriptive but also exploratory in scope. In addition, the results are analyzed in a comprehensive manner through the triangulation of the subjects of information: the researcher, members of the organization and the target public. From the research it was concluded that the sensory marketing actions present in the studied Exit points of sale are perceptible and congruent with its brand identity, and have a positive and stimulating effect on its image since they enhance the positive brand associations declared by the organization's personality about its identity. It is worth mentioning that this research started in a pre-Covid-19 stage and continued during the pandemic, so it is considered as part of the results the adaptation to the new normality.
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