Sentencia de la Corte Interamericana : Caso Petro Urrego vs. Colombia. Sentencia del 8 de julio de 2020
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El objeto de análisis del presente informe se centra en la interpretación empleada
por la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos del artículo 23.2 de la
Convención Americana realizada en la sentencia Petro Urrego vs. Colombia. El
artículo dispone que la única vía para restringir derechos políticos es el proceso
penal, y en la argumentación empleada por los magistrados en el caso Petro
Urrego, se reafirma que el artículo es taxativo. Así, toda restricción de derechos
políticos que no se encuentre contemplada en el artículo 23 de la Convención,
atentará contra la misma. Ello es problemático, ya que genera incompatibilidad
con otra vía que restringe los derechos políticos pero no es de naturaleza penal,
como el caso del juicio político.
Por ello, se realizará un análisis de la línea jurisprudencial de la Corte respecto
a la naturaleza del artículo 23.2, abordando la restricción de derechos políticos.
Así, se identificarán cuáles son las excepciones que la Corte ha considerado
para regular o restringir estos derechos.
En segundo lugar, se abordará cómo debería interpretarse el artículo 23.2 a fin
de mantener la convencionalidad del juicio político. Para ello, se hará referencia
al voto concurrente del magistrado García Sayán, quien propone superar la
interpretación taxativa del artículo 23 de la Convención aplicando los criterios de
interpretación sistemática, evolutiva y teleológica.
Finalmente, se evaluará si el juicio político cumple con los requisitos fijados por
la Corte para considerarse, excepcionalmente, como una vía de restricción de
los derechos políticos que no atente contra la Convención.
The object of analysis of this report focuses on the interpretation used by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights of article 23.2 of the American Convention in the Petro Urrego v. Colombia judgment. The article provides that the only way to restrict political rights is through a penal instance, and in the argumentation used by the judges in the Petro Urrego case, it is reaffirmed that the article is restrictive. Moreover, any restriction of political rights that is not contemplated in article 23 of the Convention will violate it. This is problematic, since it generates incompatibility with another instance that restricts political rights but is not of a criminal nature, such as impeachment. Therefore, an analysis will be made of the jurisprudential line of the Court regarding the nature of article 23.2, addressing the restriction of political rights. Thus, the exceptions that the Court has considered to regulate or restrict these rights will be identified. Secondly, it will be addressed how article 23.2 should be interpreted in order to maintain the conventionality of the impeachment trial. For this purpose, reference will be made to the concurring vote of Justice Garcia Sayan, who proposes going beyond the restrictive interpretation of article 23 of the Convention by applying the criteria of systematic, evolutionary and teleological interpretation. Finally, it will de evaluated whether the impeachment trial meets the requirements established by the Court to be considered, exceptionally, as a way of restricting political rights that does not violate the Convention.
The object of analysis of this report focuses on the interpretation used by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights of article 23.2 of the American Convention in the Petro Urrego v. Colombia judgment. The article provides that the only way to restrict political rights is through a penal instance, and in the argumentation used by the judges in the Petro Urrego case, it is reaffirmed that the article is restrictive. Moreover, any restriction of political rights that is not contemplated in article 23 of the Convention will violate it. This is problematic, since it generates incompatibility with another instance that restricts political rights but is not of a criminal nature, such as impeachment. Therefore, an analysis will be made of the jurisprudential line of the Court regarding the nature of article 23.2, addressing the restriction of political rights. Thus, the exceptions that the Court has considered to regulate or restrict these rights will be identified. Secondly, it will be addressed how article 23.2 should be interpreted in order to maintain the conventionality of the impeachment trial. For this purpose, reference will be made to the concurring vote of Justice Garcia Sayan, who proposes going beyond the restrictive interpretation of article 23 of the Convention by applying the criteria of systematic, evolutionary and teleological interpretation. Finally, it will de evaluated whether the impeachment trial meets the requirements established by the Court to be considered, exceptionally, as a way of restricting political rights that does not violate the Convention.
Palabras clave
Derechos políticos--Colombia, Derecho procesal penal, Responsabilidad política--Colombia, Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos--Jurisprudencia
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