La competencia parental y el nivel de aprendizaje en estudiantes de 5to a 6to grado de primaria.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente estudio, tuvo como propósito principal, conocer e identificar la
efectividad de la evaluación de la Competencia Parental y el nivel de aprendizaje
en estudiantes de 5to A 6to grado de primaria, de una institución educativa de
gestión estatal del distrito de Independencia.
Para la recolección de la información se utilizó la prueba “Evaluación de la
Competencia Parental” (versión hijos/as), para medir hasta qué punto los padres
de familia influyen en el nivel de aprendizaje de sus hijos/as.
En el proceso de análisis de los datos para determinar si existe relación
entre la competencia parental y rendimiento escolar, se utilizó la prueba
estadística coeficiente de correlación de Pearson. Los resultados obtenidos fueron:
No existe correlación entre la Competencia parental percibida y el nivel
aprendizaje en los estudiantes de 5to de primaria, mientras que, en referencia los
estudiantes de 6to. grado se acepta la hipótesis de investigación: Si existe
correlación entre la Competencia parental percibida y el aprendizaje.
The present study had as its main purpose, to know and identify the effectiveness of the assessment of Parenting Skills and the level of learning of 5th to 6th grade students, from an state educative institution in the Independencedistrict. To gather information on test was used "Parental Assessment of Competence" (children), to measure the extent to which parents influence the level of learning of their children. In the process of analyzing data to determine the correlation between parental competence and school performance, Pearson correlation coefficient statistical test was used. The results yielded were: No correlation between perceived parental competence and learning level students in 5th grade, while in reference 6th grade students is accepted research hypothesis: There is a correlation between perceived parental competence and learning.
The present study had as its main purpose, to know and identify the effectiveness of the assessment of Parenting Skills and the level of learning of 5th to 6th grade students, from an state educative institution in the Independencedistrict. To gather information on test was used "Parental Assessment of Competence" (children), to measure the extent to which parents influence the level of learning of their children. In the process of analyzing data to determine the correlation between parental competence and school performance, Pearson correlation coefficient statistical test was used. The results yielded were: No correlation between perceived parental competence and learning level students in 5th grade, while in reference 6th grade students is accepted research hypothesis: There is a correlation between perceived parental competence and learning.
Palabras clave
Padres e hijos--Relaciones, Aprendizaje., Educación primaria--Investigaciones.
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