Informe Jurídico sobre la Resolución del Tribunal Fiscal Nro.3701-9-2020: Jurisprudencia de observancia obligatoria sobre la exigibilidad de un Certificado de Residencia como requisito formal para la aplicación del Convenio para evitar la doble imposición suscrito entre Perú y Chile
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El Tribunal Fiscal peruano, mediante la Resolución Nro. 03701-9-2020 recaída
en el Expediente Nro. 9422-2019, ha declarado jurisprudencia de observancia
obligatoria a la presente Resolución en tanto establece el criterio de la no
exigibilidad del Certificado de Residencia para el segundo párrafo del artículo 76
de la Ley del Impuesto a la Renta respecto a la retención del Impuesto a la Renta
de No Domiciliados por el concepto de regalías.
En estricto, la Resolución resuelve la controversia señalando el tipo de tasa de
retención a aplicar en conformidad con el requisito del Certificado de Residencia
para el acceso del contribuyente a los beneficios del Convenio para evitar la
doble Imposición suscrito entre la República de Perú y de Chile. No obstante, el
Tribunal Fiscal no desarrolla un análisis respecto a la valoración de medios
probatorios alternativos al Certificado de Residencia.
El presente informe tratará de abarcar las razones por las cuales se constituye
el Certificado de Residencia como requisito exclusivo en nuestra normativa
utilizando los métodos de interpretación y se evaluará su pertinencia reforzada
con legislación comparada.
The Peruvian Tax Court, through Resolution No. 03701-9-2020, issued in Case No. 9422-2019, has established case law that this Resolution must be observed. With regard to the second paragraph of Article 76 of the Income Tax Law, the resolution establishes that a Certificate of Residence is not required for the withholding of income tax on royalties for non-domiciled persons. In essence, the Resolution resolves the controversy by indicating the type of withholding rate to be applied in accordance with the requirement of the Certificate of Residence for the taxpayer to benefit from the Agreement to Avoid Double Taxation between the Republic of Peru and Chile. However, the Tax Court does not develop an analysis regarding the assessment of alternative evidentiary means to the Certificate of Residence. The present report will endeavour to elucidate the rationale behind the Certificate of Residence being constituted as an exclusive requirement in our regulations, employing the methods of interpretation and evaluating its relevance, which is further reinforced by comparative legislation.
The Peruvian Tax Court, through Resolution No. 03701-9-2020, issued in Case No. 9422-2019, has established case law that this Resolution must be observed. With regard to the second paragraph of Article 76 of the Income Tax Law, the resolution establishes that a Certificate of Residence is not required for the withholding of income tax on royalties for non-domiciled persons. In essence, the Resolution resolves the controversy by indicating the type of withholding rate to be applied in accordance with the requirement of the Certificate of Residence for the taxpayer to benefit from the Agreement to Avoid Double Taxation between the Republic of Peru and Chile. However, the Tax Court does not develop an analysis regarding the assessment of alternative evidentiary means to the Certificate of Residence. The present report will endeavour to elucidate the rationale behind the Certificate of Residence being constituted as an exclusive requirement in our regulations, employing the methods of interpretation and evaluating its relevance, which is further reinforced by comparative legislation.
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