La maricultura de concha de abanico (Argopecten Purpuratus) en el Perú y su relación con el biocomercio
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La maricultura en el Perú se desarrolla desde los años 1970's, con las primeras
granjas de producción de langostinos en Tumbes, pero es a partir del año 2000
que esta actividad se incrementa principalmente con el cultivo de concha de
abanico, seguido de cultivos de macroalgas y cultivos de peces planos. Del 2000
al 2009 la maricultura creció con una tasa anual del 20.86%.
El cultivo de concha de abanico entre el 2001 y el 2019 registró producciones
totales entre 3 913.00 y 67 694.00™, siendo las principales zonas productivas
Sechura, Ancash y Pisco, sin embargo la producción no ha venido
incrementándose de forma sostenida, mostrando picos de 58 101 y 67 694™ en
el 2010 y 2013 respectivamente y bajas producciones en el rango de 11 927™
como la registrada el 2017, lo cual evidencia la necesidad de medidas en manejo
y gestión para dicha producción, además de la necesidad de incorporar enfoques
que permitan su diferenciación productiva y generar estrategias para su
desarrollo sostenible.
La presente investigación tuvo como fin abordar la producción acuícola de
concha de abanico como una actividad de Biocomercio, describiendo su cadena
de valor, la identificación y descripción de los riesgos sociales, económicos y
ambientales asociados a la acuicultura a partir de la información recopilada, la
identificación de los servicios ecosistémicos de los que hacen uso y los que
generan; y del análisis FODA a lo largo de la cadena con el fin de elaborar
recomendaciones para la gestión y mejora de la actividad.
De acuerdo a lo analizado en el trabajo se puede aseverar que la acuicultura de
concha de abanico es una actividad de transformación y comercialización de
bienes derivados de la biodiversidad nativa, por lo cual es una actividad
relacionada al Biocomercio, así también las características y la normativa actual
de la acuicultura de concha de abanico guardan relación con sus principios y
La cadena de valor de la acuicultura de concha de abanico presenta 5 eslabones
que son provisión de semillas, cultivo que es de tipo suspendido y de fondo,
procesamiento primario, procesamiento secundario y comercialización; la
caracterización de la cadena de valor muestra que las mayores utilidades se
generan en el procesamiento primario, procesamiento secundario y la
La acuicultura de concha de abanico hace uso de los Servicios Ecosistemicos
generados en las zonas de cultivo, entre ellos la provisión de semillas y alimento,
regulación de los ciclos biogeoquímicos y conformación de hábitats que permiten el cultico. Así también esta actividad genera SE, los identificados fueron
secuestro de carbono, configuración de comunidades y hábitats y provisión de
El análisis de riesgo muestra que la pérdida de zonas de pesca, seguridad
alimentaria y falta de mano de obra calificada fueron los principales riesgos
identificados a nivel social. En el aspecto económico la depreciación del precio
del producto, incremento de tasas y aranceles para la exportación y venta
interna, financiamiento adecuado para la actividad y fracaso en el proceso de
cultivo se identificaron como los principales riegos. Así también, a nivel ecológico
los riesgos identificados fueron contaminación derivada de la actividad acuícola,
alteración de las corrientes marinas y de los ciclos de nutrientes, introducción de
especies invasivas, pestes y patógenos, alteraciones genéticas en los stocks de
los bancos naturales, modificación de los ecosistemas en los que se desarrolla
la acuicultura, patrones climáticos severos, y contaminación proveniente de otras
actividades en la zona.
Para la planificación estratégica se considera que en el eslabón correspondiente
a la provisión de semillas es importante la mejora tecnológica a través de
hatcheries y la evaluación de bancos naturales para determinar cuotas
sostenibles de extracción. En el proceso de cultivo se propone trabajar sobre el
fortalecimiento y mejora en la capacitación técnica en manejo de cultivos,
evaluación de las capacidades productivas, determinación del valor de los trade
offs generados en el proceso de cultivo, incorporación de proyectos de economía
circular y certificación de los procesos y calidad de producto con ecoetiquetado.
Para la producción primaria (desvalve) se recomienda hacer uso de la economía
circular para la generación de productos a partir del material de desecho, mejorar
los procesos productivos a través de la tecnificación, incrementar el número de
plantas certificadas. Finalmente, en el análisis de la producción secundaria
(congelamiento) y comercialización, se ha estimado desarrollar proyectos para
la denominación de origen de la concha de abanico y certificación.
El fortalecimiento de esta actividad a través del Biocomercio se puede
implementar a mediante de la inclusión de estrategias de diferenciación
productiva como la denominación de origen, el pago o retirbucion por los
servicios ecosistémicos en las zonas donde se realiza la actividad acuícola, el
ecoetiquetado en los diferentes eslabones de la cadena de valor y la inclusión
de principios y criterios de Biocomercio Azul para esta actividad acuícola.
Mariculture in Peru has been developing since the 1970's, with the first shrimp production farms in Tumbes; in the 2000´s that activity increases with the production of scallops mainly, followed by macroalgae and flatfish aquaculture. From 2000 to 2009, mariculture grew at an annual rate of 20.86%. Between 2001 and 2019 the scallop aquaculture registered manufactures from 3 913.00 to 67 694.00 ™, Sechura, Ancash and Pisco were the main productive areas, however production has not been increasing steadily, showing peaks in 2010 and 2013, which shows the need for measures in the management and the need to have approaches that allow its productive differentiation for its sustainable development. This research was aimed to associate the scallop aquaculture production as a Biotrade activity, using the value chain approach for its analysis, and used the information collected to identify and describe the social, economic and environmental risks associated to aquaculture, the identification of the ecosystem services that the activity uses and generate; and the SWOT analysis along the value chain to develop recommendations for the management and improvement of the activity. Scallop aquaculture is an activity that transform and commercialize a product derived from native peruvian biodiversity, which is why is a Biotrade activity. The characteristics and current regulations of Scallop aquaculture in Perú are related to the principles and criteria of Biotrade. The value chain of Peruvian Scallop aquaculture has 5 links, this are provision of seeds, cultivation made at the suspended type and in the sea bottom, primary processing, secondary processing and commercialization; The characterization of the value chain shows that the highest profits are generated towards primary and secondary processing. The aquaculture of the Scallop is related to Ecosystem services in 2 ways: The first by making use of the ES generated in the area as the provision of seeds and food, regulation of biogeochemical cycles and formation of habitats. The second was those generated by crops such as carbon sequestration, configuration of communities and habitats, and food provision. The risk analysis of aquaculture at the social can be the loss of fishing areas of artisanal fishermen, food security problems, lack of qualified labor. At an economic level, the risks identified were: depreciation of the scallop price, increased rates and taxes for export and domestic sale, inadequate financing for the activity, failure in the cultivation process. In an ecological level, the risks were contamination derived from aquaculture activity, alteration of marine currents and nutrient cycles, introduction of invasive species, pests and pathogens, genetic alterations in the stocks of natural banks, modification of the ecosystems in which aquaculture takes place, severe weather patterns, and contamination from other activities in the area. The strengthening strategy through Biotrade can be implemented by the inclusion of productive differentiation strategies such as the denomination of origin, the identification of ecosystem services in the areas where the aquaculture activity is carried out, the eco-labeling in the different links of the value chain and the inclusion of Blue Bio-trade principles and criteria in aquaculture activity. For strategic planning the provision of seeds needs an important technological improvement and the evaluation of natural banks to consider sustainable quota. In the aquaculture process is important strengthening and improvement in technical training for methodologies and crop management, evaluation of productive capacities, determinate the value of tradeoffs generated in the process, porpoise circular economy projects, certify processes with eco-labeling. In primary production use circular economy approach to generate new products from waste material, develop new production processes through modernization, increase the number of certified factories. In the analysis of secondary production and commercialization, it has been estimated that projects will be developed along the chain for the denomination of origin of the Peruvian Scallop.
Mariculture in Peru has been developing since the 1970's, with the first shrimp production farms in Tumbes; in the 2000´s that activity increases with the production of scallops mainly, followed by macroalgae and flatfish aquaculture. From 2000 to 2009, mariculture grew at an annual rate of 20.86%. Between 2001 and 2019 the scallop aquaculture registered manufactures from 3 913.00 to 67 694.00 ™, Sechura, Ancash and Pisco were the main productive areas, however production has not been increasing steadily, showing peaks in 2010 and 2013, which shows the need for measures in the management and the need to have approaches that allow its productive differentiation for its sustainable development. This research was aimed to associate the scallop aquaculture production as a Biotrade activity, using the value chain approach for its analysis, and used the information collected to identify and describe the social, economic and environmental risks associated to aquaculture, the identification of the ecosystem services that the activity uses and generate; and the SWOT analysis along the value chain to develop recommendations for the management and improvement of the activity. Scallop aquaculture is an activity that transform and commercialize a product derived from native peruvian biodiversity, which is why is a Biotrade activity. The characteristics and current regulations of Scallop aquaculture in Perú are related to the principles and criteria of Biotrade. The value chain of Peruvian Scallop aquaculture has 5 links, this are provision of seeds, cultivation made at the suspended type and in the sea bottom, primary processing, secondary processing and commercialization; The characterization of the value chain shows that the highest profits are generated towards primary and secondary processing. The aquaculture of the Scallop is related to Ecosystem services in 2 ways: The first by making use of the ES generated in the area as the provision of seeds and food, regulation of biogeochemical cycles and formation of habitats. The second was those generated by crops such as carbon sequestration, configuration of communities and habitats, and food provision. The risk analysis of aquaculture at the social can be the loss of fishing areas of artisanal fishermen, food security problems, lack of qualified labor. At an economic level, the risks identified were: depreciation of the scallop price, increased rates and taxes for export and domestic sale, inadequate financing for the activity, failure in the cultivation process. In an ecological level, the risks were contamination derived from aquaculture activity, alteration of marine currents and nutrient cycles, introduction of invasive species, pests and pathogens, genetic alterations in the stocks of natural banks, modification of the ecosystems in which aquaculture takes place, severe weather patterns, and contamination from other activities in the area. The strengthening strategy through Biotrade can be implemented by the inclusion of productive differentiation strategies such as the denomination of origin, the identification of ecosystem services in the areas where the aquaculture activity is carried out, the eco-labeling in the different links of the value chain and the inclusion of Blue Bio-trade principles and criteria in aquaculture activity. For strategic planning the provision of seeds needs an important technological improvement and the evaluation of natural banks to consider sustainable quota. In the aquaculture process is important strengthening and improvement in technical training for methodologies and crop management, evaluation of productive capacities, determinate the value of tradeoffs generated in the process, porpoise circular economy projects, certify processes with eco-labeling. In primary production use circular economy approach to generate new products from waste material, develop new production processes through modernization, increase the number of certified factories. In the analysis of secondary production and commercialization, it has been estimated that projects will be developed along the chain for the denomination of origin of the Peruvian Scallop.
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