La esperada reglamentación de la generación distribuida: un análisis del proyecto de Decreto Supremo para sugerencias o comentarios aprobado por Resolución Ministerial N° 292-2018-MEN/DM.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el presente trabajo se aborda la importancia de regular adecuadamente la
Generación Distribuida en el Perú. De esta manera, se realizó una revisión del
modelo regulatorio propuesto por Chile en materia de Generación Distribuida con el
objetivo de poder reconocer problemáticas futuras por las que podría pasar un recién
modelo implementado en Perú. Respecto al caso peruano se tomó como referencia
de estudio el proyecto de Decreto Supremo publicado para sugerencias o
comentarios por Resolución Ministerial N° 292-2018-MEN/DM, el cual a la fecha no
ha sido promulgado quedando un vacío regulatorio que aborde la Generación
Distribuida en nuestro país. Finalmente, se concluye que la regulación propuesta por
el proyecto de Decreto Supremo (aprobado por Resolución Ministerial N°
292-2018-MEN/DM) no cumple con los indicadores propuestos por el Análisis de
Impacto Regulatorio por poseer diversas deficiencias.
This paper addresses the importance of adequately regulating Distributed Generation in Peru. In this way, a review of the regulatory model proposed by Chile in terms of Distributed Generation was carried out with the objective of being able to recognize future problems that a recently implemented model in Peru could experience. Regarding the Peruvian case, the draft Supreme Decree published for suggestions or comments by Ministerial Resolution No. 292-2018-MEN/DM was taken as a study reference, which to date has not been promulgated, leaving a regulatory vacuum that addresses the Generation Distributed in our country. Finally, it is concluded that the regulation proposed by the draft Supreme Decree (approved by Ministerial Resolution No. 292-2018-MEN/DM) does not comply with the indicators proposed by the Regulatory Impact Analysis due to having various deficiencies.
This paper addresses the importance of adequately regulating Distributed Generation in Peru. In this way, a review of the regulatory model proposed by Chile in terms of Distributed Generation was carried out with the objective of being able to recognize future problems that a recently implemented model in Peru could experience. Regarding the Peruvian case, the draft Supreme Decree published for suggestions or comments by Ministerial Resolution No. 292-2018-MEN/DM was taken as a study reference, which to date has not been promulgated, leaving a regulatory vacuum that addresses the Generation Distributed in our country. Finally, it is concluded that the regulation proposed by the draft Supreme Decree (approved by Ministerial Resolution No. 292-2018-MEN/DM) does not comply with the indicators proposed by the Regulatory Impact Analysis due to having various deficiencies.
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