Sobre la dificultad probatoria en los casos de discriminación en el consumo y la actuación de los operadores jurídicos a la luz de los principios de eficacia y transparencia del Buen Gobierno
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente artículo académico analiza de manera reflexiva la actuación de las
autoridades administrativas respecto de la dificultad probatoria en los casos de
discriminación en el consumo y cómo esta última impacta de manera negativa
en la investigación y sanción de este tipo de casos. En ese sentido, tiene como
objeto determinar si los operadores jurídicos de la administración ejecutan sus
funciones en base a los principios de transparencia y eficacia del Buen Gobierno
a fin de hacer frente a la dificultad probatoria que perjudica, en mayor medida, a
la parte denunciante. Si bien en el artículo 39° del Código de Protección al
Consumidor se desarrolla la actuación probatoria en este tipo de casos y existen
otras herramientas normativas que dan cuenta de los medios probatorios que se
pueden hacer uso, estos no resultan suficientes para contrarrestar dicha
problemática que necesita de una actuación sólida, constante y eficaz de parte
de las autoridades administrativas. Por ello, además de tomar en cuenta estos
elementos normativos, desarrollo la doctrina y jurisprudencia nacional e
internacionales para tener un panorama más amplio y determinar las limitaciones
que bordean esta problemática, cuáles han sido las acciones que han realizado
las autoridades administrativas para afrontarla y si estas últimas guardan
relación con el contenido de los principios de eficacia y transparencia del Buen
Gobierno. Finalmente, concluyo de manera central que la actuación de las
autoridades no se condice con lo que establecen los principios previamente
mencionados, siendo necesaria una urgente atención e implementación de
This academic article reflectively analyzes the actions of the administrative authorities regarding the evidentiary difficulty in cases of discrimination in consumption and how this problem has a negative impact on the investigation and sanction of this type of cases. Therefore, its purpose is to determine if the legal operators of the administration carry out their functions based on the principles of transparency and effectiveness of Good Governance in order to face the probative difficulty that harms, to a greater extent, plaintiffs. Although article 39 of the Consumer Protection Code develops evidence in this type of case and there are other regulatory tools that account for the evidence that can be used, these are not enough to counteract this problem that requires solid, constant and effective action from the administrative authorities. For this reason, in addition to taking into consideration these normative elements, I develop the national and international doctrine and jurisprudence to have a broader panorama and determine the limitations related to this problem, what have been the actions that the administrative authorities have carried out to face it and if these are related to the content of the principles of efficiency and transparency of Good Governance. Finally, I conclude in a central way that the actions of the authorities are not consistent with the content of those Good Governance’s principles, requiring urgent attention and implementation of improvements.
This academic article reflectively analyzes the actions of the administrative authorities regarding the evidentiary difficulty in cases of discrimination in consumption and how this problem has a negative impact on the investigation and sanction of this type of cases. Therefore, its purpose is to determine if the legal operators of the administration carry out their functions based on the principles of transparency and effectiveness of Good Governance in order to face the probative difficulty that harms, to a greater extent, plaintiffs. Although article 39 of the Consumer Protection Code develops evidence in this type of case and there are other regulatory tools that account for the evidence that can be used, these are not enough to counteract this problem that requires solid, constant and effective action from the administrative authorities. For this reason, in addition to taking into consideration these normative elements, I develop the national and international doctrine and jurisprudence to have a broader panorama and determine the limitations related to this problem, what have been the actions that the administrative authorities have carried out to face it and if these are related to the content of the principles of efficiency and transparency of Good Governance. Finally, I conclude in a central way that the actions of the authorities are not consistent with the content of those Good Governance’s principles, requiring urgent attention and implementation of improvements.
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